Thursday, May 13, 2004

29 Days Before We Head to Wisconsin

I have found that as a general rule, every time I am having a lot of luck and thus having a lot of fun in Vegas my spouse is not having any luck and therefore is not having any fun in Vegas. On the day we arrived in Vegas, I was having a lot of fun in Vegas. The machines were kind to me. My husband was not having any luck at all and therefore was not having fun. Yesterday, I wasn't having any luck at all. HTP was winning. I still had fun. I spent the three hours up in the hotel spa being pampered. I love being pampered.

Yesterday I had what is called a detoxifying mineral wrap. I'd always been curious as to what that was. They slather this green colored goop all over your body and then wrap you up in copious amounts of plastic wrap. Then they wrap you up in a milar sheet. Because you have to lie there, trapped, for about an hour, they also include a wonderful aroma therapy facial during this time. With all my toxins removed I walked out of that room feeling lighter. It was weird. Really. I felt lighter. I may have to do that again sometime.

After my wrap, I had a paraffin manicure (I could have had a pedicure too but I hate having people mess with my feet) and I had my hair done. As I said, I love going to the spa. I love being pampered.

The hours I spent up in the spa saved me a lot of money. The machines were not kind to me yesterday. Let's all hope that they are kind to me today. However, if they are kind to HTP instead, we may end up staying here an additional night. I don't know. I've done what I came here to do. I'm ready to go home.

Murphyism of the Day

Sodd's First Law

When a person attempts a task, he or she will be thwarted in that task by the unconscious intervention of some other presence (animate or inanimate). Nevertheless, some tasks are completed, since the intervening presence is itself attempting a task and is, of course, subject to interference.

Sodd's Second Law

Sooner or later, the worse possible set of circumstances is bound to occur.


Any system must be designed to withstand the worst possible set of circumstances.

Today's Little Bit of Trivia

Helpful Tips For Using Superglue

1. Make sure the parts being glued don't move at all during the formation of the chains. If so, the chain will break and the glue won't hold.

2. A little dab'll do ya. Superglue bonds best when it's used at the rate of one drop per square inch. More than that requires a much longer bonding period, which may result in a weaker bond.

3. If you're gluing two flat surfaces together, rough them up with sandpaper first. That'll give the glue more surface area to bond to. But make sure you blow off any dusty residue first.

4. Glued your fingers together? Use nail polish remover. Don't have any? Try warm soapy water and a little patience. Your sweat and natural skin oils will soon loosen the bond.

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