The Family Easter Picture - 1960's (Dad and Mom, Willie, Sis, and Me)

DD Daughter and MC Daughter - Easter 1982
Word of the Day
Garfu - Stuff accidentally walked through that sticks to one's shoe.
It's a beautiful day here in Arizona. My citrus trees still haven't burst out into bloom but I expect with the warmer weather I should be smelling that sweet perfume of citrus blossoms any day. Next week? The temperature outside right now is 72°F. It's supposed to get into the upper 80's by this afternoon. Shorts and sandal weather....furshur.
As if I needed a reminder that Easter is this Sunday, HTP's brother called yesterday to ask for #1 Son's phone number and MC Daughter's phone number. He wanted to call to invite them for an Easter buffet at their Grandparents' retirement home. I also got confirmation that I'll be playing my clarinet at our church's sunrise service. I may gripe a bit, mainly about the early hour I'll have to get up that day, I really do enjoy the sunrise service.
Easter is the earliest as it can be this year. I hear that they're getting snow in Chicago today. Snow on the ground for Easter? Actually, I do remember times that there was snow on the ground on Easter. Every Easter my parents would make sure that we were all dressed in our Easter best and we'd all troop out to the front yard of our home for our annual family Easter picture. I'm not sure what my Dad did about those pictures when there was snow on the ground. Did he take those pictures inside? I don't recall. I do recall standing outside, shivering in the cold, for those pictures. Sometimes there would be a small patch of lingering winter snow sitting in a shady spot of the front yard. That patch of snow wasn't in the picture but it sure was hard to keep a smile on my face when you're standing in a short-sleeved dress in REALLY cold weather. Brrrrr! "Say Cheese!" My Dad would press that cable timer button on the camera which was firmly attached to a tripod and then race to fill his spot in The Family Picture. I can't recall a single flattering photograph of me in any of those family pictures. I don't look my best in the pastel Easter colors of pretty Easter dresses. Come to think of it....in those days, I never looked good in ANY dresses. I was at my happiest in a pair of jeans. I'll be wearing a green pantsuit on Sunday but not pastel green. I'm still a bit phobic about pastel colored clothing.
Murphyism of the Day
Knowles's Laws
1. The number of bogus selections returned on a search increases exponentially with the urgency of your search.
2. Proper use of language declines as technology advances.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If you are a terror to many, then beware of many.
- Ausonius
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