The Family - Easter 196? (Willie, Dad, Sis, Mom, and Me)

The Family - Summer 2007 (Me, Dad, Mom, Willie, and Sis)
Word of the Day
Geekening - The process of becoming or likening to a geek.
I'm going to take it easy today. Since I have to get up so early tomorrow morning in order to arrive at church before the sun comes up, I'll need all the rest I can get so I'll actually hear my clock radio go off at 4 AM. I really shouldn't complain. The music director at the church just brought me the music that I'll be playing. The way I figure it, she's going to have to get up LOTS earlier than me. Afterall, her husband is the Pastor. I only have to show up, play for one service and leave. She'll have to be there REALLY early to help set up for the sunrise service, she'll be playing with me for the sunrise service, and then she'll be playing and staying for three more services. I think there's even a pancake breakfast at the church tomorrow morning. Will they have an Easter egg hunt? Probably. Who knows when she'll actually be able to finally kick back and relax for the rest of the day. Me? I'll be going home after the sunrise service. I can make my own pancakes if I want them. So...I'm not complaining.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of E-mail
Typos are not noticed until after the "send" button has been hit.
Old Grey's Corollary
Spell checker can only make sure any given word in a paragraph or sentence is spelled correctly. It cannot devine the writer's intent.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Just because you love someone doesn't mean you have to be involved with them. Love is not a bandage to cover wounds.
- Hugh Elliott
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