Will You Remember the Exact Date. Will You Remember the Event?
Word of the Day
Fuzzword - A word, usually a buzzword, which has no precise meaning even in context.
First tooth! I hear that Ms. En has cut her first tooth! My first grand-daughter has her first tooth. I don't remember anymore when exactly DD Daughter cut her first tooth. I do know that I recorded the event in her baby book. It's important to record such events immediately because even though you think you won't forget such a momentous event...you do. You'll forget. Although you remember the event, and you can probably figure out the year, the exact time and date won't be remembered. I wonder if someday DD Daughter will find herself writing something similar to what I've just written. Will Ms. En ask her when to expect a first tooth for her own baby someday? Will DD Daughter try to remember and come up with an answer? Will she remember? Probably not. What she'll remember is a drooling, fussy baby. She'll remember the low-grade fever and especially messy diapers. She'll remember the frustration with the doctors, unless she's got a doctor who happens to also be a Mom, because they never will admit the relationship between teething and fever. Moms know these things. Moms remember these things. I can tell you that DD Daughter didn't walk until DD Daughter was sure that she wouldn't fall. DD Daughter was never a toddler. I can't tell you the exact day when DD Daughter walked by herself. I do remember that I had to trick her into her first solo steps. When? The year? Maybe. The time? I have no idea. Not the exact day or time. Baby books are a wonderful thing. I wish I'd been better at recording all the rites of passage for ALL my children. I was so sure I'd remember the dates. I didn't remember. However, though I may not have remembered the date, I'll never forget the events. And don't forget to date and label your photos. HTP and I are still trying to figure that puzzle out.
Murphyism of the Day
Reasner's Law of the Internet
The probability of your browser locking up is directly proportional to how close you are to the information that you've been searching for.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The best armor is to keep out of range.
- Italian Proverb
1 comment:
Poor Nat, she got so pissed at that cup. She could see the juice inside, but couldn't figure out for the life of her how to get it out and into her tummy.
When I put the spout into her mouth she happily chewed on it. Then she sucked on it and got a mouthful. What a shock. She looked at me in a manner that I can only assume translated to, "Are you serious?!"
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