Snapping Turtles Don't Scare Me...when they're little and tiny.
Word of the Day
Furp - The first sip of a very hot cup of coffee or other beverage.
I'm totally weirded out. HTP captured a live scorpion that was crawling around on the carpet by our couch in the living room. Not content with capturing the thing, he placed the live scorpion in a Ziploc sandwich bag, labeled it and set it out where I could find it this morning. Ewwwww!!!!!! I shudder to think how many more scorpions I have wondering around our house. I can guarantee that I'll won't be wondering around barefoot after dark for a good long time. I can also guarantee that I'll be shaking out any shoes that I plan to put on before I put them on. I am totally creeped out. If I'd have seen it, it would have ended up as so much mashed pulp. Ewwwww!!!!! Good thing it's garbage day. I took the baggie, complete with live scorpion, out to the big green barrel already standing by our curb. No....I didn't kill it. Ewwwww!!!!! I will be talking to our Orkin guy when he comes this month. HTP and I think the scorpions are waking up and moving about because of all the Spring landscaping that the neighbors are doing. I shudder to think about all the scorpions that HTP and I may have disturbed or just barely missed getting stung by while we were trimming the palm trees yesterday. All I can say is that I'm glad HTP didn't discover the scorpion before we pruned the palm trees. I'm thinking that we're done with yard work for this Spring. I'm not a girly-girl that flees the scene at the least little spider or snake but I'm not overly fond of creatures that can kill you with a single bite or sting. One has to draw the line somewhere.
Murphyism of the Day
The Download Factor
If a file takes an hour to download, someone in your house will pick up the phone in the fifty-ninth minute.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
But seduction isn’t making someone do what they don’t want to do. Seduction is enticing someone into doing what they secretly want to do already.
- Waiter Rant
I never thought I would have occasion to say this but, I'd rather have mice!!!
Speaking of which....I wonder how many mice will have take up residence before HTP and I get back to The Lake. I shudder to think.
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