MC Daughter at The Lake During Spring Break - 200? Lots of snow on the ground in March 200?
Word of the Day
Futility belt - A belt, like that of a policeman, that has so many things attached to it that he or she can barely sit down.
MC Daughter, D Buddy and #1 Son decided that they weren't going to drive up to The Lake this weekend. Maybe it's the foot of snow that remains on the ground up there. Sis and her hubby warned me about all the snow and I passed along the warning. HTP and I didn't have our 1/2 mile driveway plowed this winter. Chances are that there may be even more than a foot of snow remaining on parts of that driveway. Snow tends to drift. And then...looking at the forecast...I saw that more snow is predicted for tonight and tomorrow. The Lake got LOTS of snow this winter. Actually...The Lake probably got the normal amount of snow that they're supposed to get each winter. The last few winters (summers too) have been pretty dry up there. The Lake region REALLY needed the snow.
Although HTP and I have picked out a departure date for hitting the road and heading back toward the frozen forests of The Lake, I don't plan on starting up a countdown clock as yet. I don't want to jinx things. Besides, I'm notorious about messing up countdown clocks. I'll wait until April to start the clock. I contacted my folks to give them their departure warning so there won't be too much panic when I show up at their doorstep for our cross-country caravan. I warned DD Daughter so she and GI Joe will be prepared to receive weary travelers en route and show off Ms. En. The weary travelers will be staying at a nearby hotel but I'm not sure if said hotel will allow dogs and I don't think a disguise will work. Gypsy may get to spend the night with DD Daughter, GI Joe, and Ms. En. By the beginning of April, HTP will have finalized travel arrangements and ironed out a travel itinerary.
It's cold here this morning. I'm back wearing jeans and sweaters today. The weather guy is forecasting a possibility of rain.
Murphyism of the Day
Pezen's Internet Law
The most promising result form a search engine query will lead to a dead end.
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