My Garden at The Lake - 2007
Word of the Day
Furbling - To walk in a snakelike manner around barricades while waiting in a long line.
My citrus trees aren't blossoming as yet. HTP informs me that the scent of citrus blossoms should be thick in the air right now. I'm not sure if he's right or not but I do know that my citrus trees are only just thinking about blossoming. I can see the beginnings. Tiny green buds on the tangelo tree. Larger wine colored buds on the lemon tree. I haven't seen much indication that the grapefruit or lime trees have started to think about budding out but I imagine they might be. I just haven't looked too closely. If all the buds on the tangelo tree burst out into bloom, my yard will perfume the whole neighborhood. If even an eighth of the blossoms produce fruit, I'll be making gallons of Tangelocello and I'll be enjoying gallons of tangelo juice. One can only hope.
My pomegranate tree which looked dead and gone last week is covered with newly forming leaves. One of my neighbors planted a couple of pomegranate trees last spring and was quizzing me about his "dead" trees. I'm pretty sure that his little trees have new leaves right now. The reason I planted my pomegranate tree in the corner of my yard where I don't have to see it is that it loses all its leaves during the winter when I'm here. I haven't noticed any blossoms forming as yet but I'm sure that will come.
I suppose, if I look back at my past blogs, I could see if our "blossoming" is behind schedule for the year as HTP suggests. I'm not sure what difference it makes at this point other than prove HTP wrong. It's not that big a deal. The citrus will blossom when the citrus is ready to blossom. The pomegranate will blossom when it's ready to blossom. I'll be here to enjoy.
Murphyism of the Day
Perlis's Postulate
The computing field is always in need of new cliches.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted.
- Albert Einstein
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