More Snow at The Lake - Perfect Snowball Margarita Weather
Word of the Day
Generiatric - The behaviors and shopping habits of an elderly person who, due to living on a fixed income, can no longer afford to buy name-brand merchandise.
The citrus blossoms have started to burst open giving out just a hint of the perfume to come. After looking at the amount of blossoms on my tangelo tree, I'm thinking that the smell of citrus blossoms will be so strong that it'll become over-powering. I fear a repeat of what happened to me as a child when either I or my sister broke a bottle of toilet water. Or...I remember a few times when I'd drive DD Daughter and her friend to school in the morning. DD Daughter's friend didn't understand the subtle use of perfume. Some people use so much perfume, they walk around with an aura-like haze surrounding them. I don't think I ever actually told my daughter's friend that the stuff was perfume, not marinade...but I was thinking it. Anyway, I'm thinking that there's going to be a similar haze in my backyard....soon. The temperatures have risen to the 80's.
HTP and I taking Gypsy to the vet today. Time for another follow-up visit. Hopefully, everything (her knees) will look good enough so we'll be able to start physical therapy sessions and let up on the enforced inactivity. Gypsy wants to RUN, PLAY, FETCH, and CAVORT! She wants to dance and prance. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Gypsy will receive a clean bill of health today and we can go from there. I'm a bit concerned about Gypsy's right hind leg. Hopefully, the joint is where it's supposed to be. I sure wouldn't mind getting out there and walking. My own health would benefit from this activity. I'll add an update after we get home from the vet's office.
Gypsy Update
Whoohoo! Gypsy starts PT tomorrow! I'll be given a schedule of activities after the physical therapist has a chance to do the initial evaluation. The surgeon told me that she's VERY pleased with Gypsy's progress. Her knees are in line. I'm told that walking around the block would be a bit much at this point but it's all up to what the physical therapist decides when I see him tomorrow.
Murphyism of the Day
McCristy's Computer Axiom
1. Backup files are never complete.
2. Software bugs are correctable only after the software is judged obsolete by the industry.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant: if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.
- Anne Bradstreet (1612 - 1672)
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