Sunday, March 02, 2008

Word of the Day

Fryfugee - A French fry found loose in the bottom of a fast food bag.

You may have noted that I haven't posted any recent Poor Puppy photos of Gypsy. I haven't gotten around to taking any. Besides, she looks pretty much the same but the cast on her right leg is bigger and there isn't one on her left leg. Life goes on. Gypsy continues to improve. However, there is no way that I can actually see how well her leg is doing under her cast until the cast is removed and the doctor takes another photo. The best I can do is keep an eye on her during the interim. I'm having to watch her like a hen with one chick...maybe closer. I'm not sure how close hens watch their chicks. I'm amazed at how oblivious Gypsy seems to be about endangering her legs. The only surefire way I can make sure that she stays put (not jumping into or out of her boxes or racing across the room to try and follow me about)is to place her firmly inside her kennel where she HAS to stay put. At least she doesn't seem to show any interest in chewing on her cast.

I should be at church right now. Our jazz group is playing for one of the services. I decided that it would be better for me to stay home and take care of Gypsy. "What?! Am I chopped liver?" OK. I'll make breakfast for HTP too.

I've been continuing with my landscape pruning chores. I filled on garbage can with the trimmings from three oleander bushes. I still have three more to go but while I'm pruning Gypsy has to stay in her kennel where she won't hurt herself. Aside from that, I also have to limit myself to pruning only as much as will fit into the garbage can each week. I've almost reached my clippings quota for this week. You'd think there would be a better way of disposing of composting type materials than filling our landfills with them but, I suppose it's better than filling our landfills with plastic bags.

Murphyism of the Day

Murphy's Fourth Computer Law

All components become obsolete.

Noteworthy Quote of the Day

We can only learn to love by loving.

- Iris Murdoch

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