The Family Crest
Word of the Day
Fuzzies - The feeling of being in a dream during the day, as though one's eyes are clouded. Often occurs the day after a party night, or from lack of sleep. May also occur on a bright sun-shiny day in the form of warm fuzzies.
It's St. Patrick's Day! Do I have Irish blood flowing through my veins? Well....I guess....via Scotland. My Father, the family historian, can give you the details but it looks like I can make a claim. Dad will tell you that upon the death of Lady Jane D. in 1620, the family lands passed in to the hands of the Maxwell clan and many of my Scottish ancestors sailed across the Irish Sea to settle in Ulster (Northern Ireland), seeking new lands and opportunity. Does this make me Irish? Works for me. A bit of the green flows through my IBM (Italian By Marriage)and mostly German veins. I'm a true product of America's melting pot way of life as I'm a product of parents whose own blood was blended in that famous melting pot. However, today, I'm Irish! I'm wearing the green.
Always remember to forget
The things that made you sad.
But never forget to remember
The things that made you glad.
Always remember to forget
The friends that proved untrue.
But never forget to remember
Those that have stuck by you.
Always remember to forget
The troubles that passed away.
But never forget to remember
The blessings that come each day.
I enjoyed a dinner of corned beef and cabbage last night. HTP and I will enjoy the leftovers today and tonight and until the leftovers are gone. Reuben sandwiches for lunch. Corned beef and cabbage again tonight. For some reason leftover corned beef and cabbage always ends up tasting even better the following day. I'm looking forward to having corned beef hash tomorrow morning with eggs. Yummy!
I'll be enjoying some Irish beers with my dinner again tonight. Though...I noted that the Harp beer actually was brewed in Canada? If I'd known.... I've decided that I'm not too fond of Harp beer. Maybe if the Harp beer was imported from Ireland like the Smithwick beer? Sis might describe it as "skunky". Unfortunately, I've found that most really expensive beers have that taste. Remember that old commercial with the "Bitter Beer Face" guy? Smithwick tasted wonderful. I don't drink much beer here in Arizona. Beer is a beverage for The Lake. I can't tell you why this may be. Maybe it's the humidity at The Lake. Summer heat and humidity is to a frosty cold beer as a cold frosty beer is to grilled bratwurst on a bun with sauerkraut and onions. Wait...those are both Lake things. Anyway, beer also goes with corned beef and cabbage. Somehow, a glass of red wine with such a meal just seems wrong.
Murphyism of the Day
McMahon's Rule
No matter what you search for, at least one porn site will match your criteria.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
In Ireland the inevitable never happens and the unexpected constantly occurs.
- Sir John Pentland Mahaffy
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