The Lake
Word of the Day
Fundage - Money; Funds.
I'm feeling a bit grumpy today. It's cold outside. I know this is rather whiney and I should go look for a hunk of cheese right now because there's nothing like a piece of cheese with whine. Lunchtime. I know I live in Arizona and 65°F isn't exactly cold compared to temperatures where DD Daughter, GI Joe and Ms. En live, or where MC Daughter and D Buddy live, or where #1 Son is going to school, or...well, you get my drift. However, I am so ready for it to warm up! Stupid global warming whiners. I'm beginning to think that some global whining psycho has fiddled with the global thermostat. 65°F feels COLD here in Arizona for this time of year. My citrus trees should be blossoming and they're not. It's been too cold. I realize that once the temperatures get up to the 80's and even triple digit, I'll be whining about how hot it is but....maybe not. I won't be here. I'll be complaining about how COLD it is in Wisconsin about than. It's one of those can't win can't win situations. I'm just eager to start wearing shorts and sandals again. I did get to wear them for a couple of days but it got cold again. It's back to jeans and sweaters.
Gypsy is feeling put out right now. I had to put her in her kennel while I washed my hair and I think she knows that I'm done with washing my hair and have moved onto my computer. She complaining bitterly. However, my hair isn't done. I still have to dry and style it. I can't do that while making sure she doesn't hop out of the box and run around the house. No running allowed. No hopping either if hopping is related to jumping. Plus, I need to make lunch...soon. While I can make lunch, I can't eat lunch with Gypsy running around lose.
Murphyism of the Day
Eighth Law of Programming
It is easier to change the specification to fit the program than vice versa.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The reason lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place is that the same place isn't there the second time.
- Willie Tyler
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