DD Daughter's First Chocolate Easter Bunny - 1979
Word of the Day
Garbpaction - The process of pushing garbage deeper down into a garbage can with one's foot. The force exhumed on the garbage is not enough to permanently compact it.
It's really difficult when I go to the grocery stores this time of year to walk up to the checkout stands without at least one bag of Easter candy. Jelly beans. Chocolate. Malted Easter eggs. So far, I've resisted buying any of those marshmallow eggs...a favorite of mine. I KNOW that these things are laden with calories but somehow I convince myself that one or two jelly beans a day won't impact my diet too much. I suppose if I ended up just eating two jelly beans a day there wouldn't be that much of an impact. However, these things are addictive. One or two jelly beans are never enough. Right now I'm nibbling on some Hot Tamale jelly beans. I think this particular cinnamon confection is new this year. I love Hot Tamale candy. The jelly beans are even better. I'm also addicted to those Bumpy Nerds jelly beans. Thank goodness they didn't have any at the store last time I had to go pick up some milk. They are SOOOOO good. I've gone through two bags of those things...so far. The Jolly Rancher jelly beans are pretty good too but the Bumpy Nerds jelly beans are yummy. I have a couple of bags of Jolly Rancher jelly beans stashed in my nightstand. Untouched. Yet. However, as soon as my Hot Tamale jelly beans are gone, which won't be long now, I'll have to break into my stash. I know the Jolly Rancher jelly beans are good because I already polished off one bag of them. Needless to say, my diet is not doing too well. I'm betting I've been running on a sugar high since the Easter candy displays have appeared on the grocery store scene. Caffeine and sugar. The staples that keep my body together.
Any bets as to whether or not I'll be checking out the sale racks at the after Easter 1/2 off candy sales?
Murphyism of the Day
Schaaf's Law of On-Line Research
Any quote found twice on the Internet will have two different wordings, attributions, or both.
If the wording and source are consistent in two places, they are both wrong.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The great enemy of clear language is insincerity. When there is a gap between one's real and one's declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink.
- George Orwell (1903 - 1950)
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