Word of the Day
Abso-toodle-utely - Absolutely, with emphasis. Expressed when "absolutely" is not definitive enough.
News Flash! News Alert! Breaking News! Alert...Alert....Alert! Unfortunately, the news these days seems to be always delivered with these blaring alarms. Does the fact that Brittany Spears decided to have herself photographed by paparazzi sans panties really warrant a News Alert!? Has no-one ever learned the lessons of that old childhood fable where the child screamed WOLF!? Oh well...I told you all that because I figured it was about time to list a bit of the news of the day...or the week or the month. When I started this blog, I promised that I would stay away from politics and news. However, on occasion, I think that it doesn't hurt to hear a bit of the Breaking News! that hits the airwaves at this time in history. Who knows? This blog might be the only true source of what really happened in January 2007. Will the history books really tell my grandchildren the truth? I have my doubts.
A huge block of ice fell from a clear blue sky in Florida, totalling a car. No-one knows where the block of ice came from but they don't think it came from any planes, not this time. A similar incident of a huge block of ice falling from the sky occurred in California and elsewhere...but, shhh...none of the media seems to care. I'm sure it's all a governmental cover-up. I imagine that if a huge block of ice fell in an unpopulated area, such and incident wouldn't make the news. "Will there be any noise if a tree falls in the forest and no-one is around to hear?"
China shot a missile into space and destroyed one of their older satellites. No explanation forthcoming.
There's an upsurge of UFO sightings around Iran's nuclear sights, in China, and in the USA. And around the world. But, the news people usually smirk when they report this.
Nine Muslim men of Pakistani origin were arrested in England because of an "alleged" plot to be-head a English/Muslim soldier who had served in Iraq with the intention of posting the be-heading on the Internet. Lovely. The religion of peace. Let us never forget that Islam is a religion of peace.
A town in Canada has posted a letter explaining to all immigrants that women have the same rights as men. Women have a say in things. They can vote. Burning women alive and public stonings of women are not allowed. Women do not have to wear veils. Women have the right to an education and the right to work. Immigrants to this town are expected to leave their old ways back in the old country and adapt to the customs and laws of their town. Wow! Imagine what life and news is like if this town actually felt that it had to post this for incoming immigrants!
The news tells us that Iran has hooked up centrifuges (lots of them)at the nuclear plants that Russia and France have helped them build and we're all told that they are rapidly progressing toward developing a nuclear bomb. Iran denies everything. The nuclear plants are only for peaceful uses. Electricity. Iran has repeated stated that they plan to destroy Israel and "The Great Satan"....The United States of America. Democrats are warning President Bush that he can't attack Iran without their permission. I'm told that we're currently fighting WW III...only the majority of people are waiting for the first nuclear bomb attack before they acknowledge it.
A barrage of global warming alerts pepper the news. Owners of SUV's draw nasty comments from Prius and hybrid car owners. A lawmaker in California wants to outlaw regular incandescent light bulbs. The cold weather in Arizona is blamed on global warming. The mild weather in New York is blamed on global warming. One of the weather women on The Weather Channel has stated that any meteorologists that don't believe in and tow the global warming theory line should lose their certification.
A lawmaker in California wants to make spanking illegal. Any parents caught spanking a child three years old and younger will be fined and/or jailed...if this law passes.
Hanoi Jane (Jane Fonda) has come out of retirement to take on the title of Jihadi Jane. She wants all troops out of Iraq right now.
Here in Arizona, a bunch of supporters of "Immigrants without Borders" are fasting for a week. No food. Well....I guess they're allowing themselves honey, but I guess that doesn't count. Anyway, they're fighting against having the United States enforce the border between Mexico and the United States....not that it's enforced right now but... And they want in state tuition for illegal aliens. Oops! We're not supposed to call them illegal aliens. We're supposed to call them "undocumented immigrants".
There's lots more news but that's just a sampling. My intention in this blog is to stay light and fluffy.
Murphyism of the Day
Mayne's Law
Nobody notices the big errors.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Now, doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, in most cases he just passes quietly away and doesn't know anything about it until the next morning?" - Official Court Records