Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Word of the Day
Abso-toodle-utely - Absolutely, with emphasis. Expressed when "absolutely" is not definitive enough.
News Flash! News Alert! Breaking News! Alert...Alert....Alert! Unfortunately, the news these days seems to be always delivered with these blaring alarms. Does the fact that Brittany Spears decided to have herself photographed by paparazzi sans panties really warrant a News Alert!? Has no-one ever learned the lessons of that old childhood fable where the child screamed WOLF!? Oh well...I told you all that because I figured it was about time to list a bit of the news of the day...or the week or the month. When I started this blog, I promised that I would stay away from politics and news. However, on occasion, I think that it doesn't hurt to hear a bit of the Breaking News! that hits the airwaves at this time in history. Who knows? This blog might be the only true source of what really happened in January 2007. Will the history books really tell my grandchildren the truth? I have my doubts.
A huge block of ice fell from a clear blue sky in Florida, totalling a car. No-one knows where the block of ice came from but they don't think it came from any planes, not this time. A similar incident of a huge block of ice falling from the sky occurred in California and elsewhere...but, shhh...none of the media seems to care. I'm sure it's all a governmental cover-up. I imagine that if a huge block of ice fell in an unpopulated area, such and incident wouldn't make the news. "Will there be any noise if a tree falls in the forest and no-one is around to hear?"
China shot a missile into space and destroyed one of their older satellites. No explanation forthcoming.
There's an upsurge of UFO sightings around Iran's nuclear sights, in China, and in the USA. And around the world. But, the news people usually smirk when they report this.
Nine Muslim men of Pakistani origin were arrested in England because of an "alleged" plot to be-head a English/Muslim soldier who had served in Iraq with the intention of posting the be-heading on the Internet. Lovely. The religion of peace. Let us never forget that Islam is a religion of peace.
A town in Canada has posted a letter explaining to all immigrants that women have the same rights as men. Women have a say in things. They can vote. Burning women alive and public stonings of women are not allowed. Women do not have to wear veils. Women have the right to an education and the right to work. Immigrants to this town are expected to leave their old ways back in the old country and adapt to the customs and laws of their town. Wow! Imagine what life and news is like if this town actually felt that it had to post this for incoming immigrants!
The news tells us that Iran has hooked up centrifuges (lots of them)at the nuclear plants that Russia and France have helped them build and we're all told that they are rapidly progressing toward developing a nuclear bomb. Iran denies everything. The nuclear plants are only for peaceful uses. Electricity. Iran has repeated stated that they plan to destroy Israel and "The Great Satan"....The United States of America. Democrats are warning President Bush that he can't attack Iran without their permission. I'm told that we're currently fighting WW III...only the majority of people are waiting for the first nuclear bomb attack before they acknowledge it.
A barrage of global warming alerts pepper the news. Owners of SUV's draw nasty comments from Prius and hybrid car owners. A lawmaker in California wants to outlaw regular incandescent light bulbs. The cold weather in Arizona is blamed on global warming. The mild weather in New York is blamed on global warming. One of the weather women on The Weather Channel has stated that any meteorologists that don't believe in and tow the global warming theory line should lose their certification.
A lawmaker in California wants to make spanking illegal. Any parents caught spanking a child three years old and younger will be fined and/or jailed...if this law passes.
Hanoi Jane (Jane Fonda) has come out of retirement to take on the title of Jihadi Jane. She wants all troops out of Iraq right now.
Here in Arizona, a bunch of supporters of "Immigrants without Borders" are fasting for a week. No food. Well....I guess they're allowing themselves honey, but I guess that doesn't count. Anyway, they're fighting against having the United States enforce the border between Mexico and the United States....not that it's enforced right now but... And they want in state tuition for illegal aliens. Oops! We're not supposed to call them illegal aliens. We're supposed to call them "undocumented immigrants".
There's lots more news but that's just a sampling. My intention in this blog is to stay light and fluffy.
Murphyism of the Day
Mayne's Law
Nobody notices the big errors.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Now, doctor, isn't it true that when a person dies in his sleep, in most cases he just passes quietly away and doesn't know anything about it until the next morning?" - Official Court Records
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Word of the Day
Accidon't - To avoid accident.
I missed it! I actually forgot to watch that movie based on Nora Robert's book Angels Fall last night. Oh well, at least I read the book. The problem is that I don't watch TV very often anymore. I hope that they show it again sometime.
It's a drizzly day today. There's just enough rain out there to leave muddy waterspots on the car.
Murphyism of the Day
Poulsen's Prophecy
If anything is used to its full potential, it will break.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I would rather have a German division in front of me than a French onebehind me."
--General George S. Patton
Monday, January 29, 2007
Word of the Day
Abominaball - Any ball that has made its way into the interior of a greenhouse or home by exploiting the presence of an unopened window.
It's my Dad's birthday today!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday
To You!
Happy Birthday
To You!
Happy Birthday
Dear Dad!
Happy Birthday
To you!
Actually, I called my Dad last night to wish him Happy Birthday and found out that I was premature. There is something about the 28th that keeps popping up and making me think it's terribly important. I do the same thing with my anniversary. 28th? 29th? HTP commented last night, "Forget the 28th...It's the 29th, it's the 29th!" I'll never understand how the 28th keeps screwing up my mind. I think it must be some kind of weird dyslexia thing. Oh least I didn't forget.
Happy Birthday!
Oh...and my rescheduled eye appointment is February 5th. Next Monday. HTP will be coming with me. It sounds like they would want to correct one of my eyes for close up and one for distance. Mono-vision. That's OK. I never had problems with the mono-vision contacts that I used to wear....other than the normal problems contact lenses used to give my eyes. I'll learn more on Monday. The appointment is just for an evaluation to see if surgery would be an option for me.
Murphyism of the Day
Reisner's Rule of Conceptual Inertia
If you think big enough, you'll never have to do it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting." -- Ronald Reagan
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Word of the Day
Abzot - The device in a currency changer that determines whether a bill is too wrinkled or not.
Time to come up for air. I've been reading so much, I'm starting to feel foggy and dazed. Well...maybe...just one more chapter.
Murphyism of the Day
Eng's Principle
The easier it is to do, the harder it is to change.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"France has neither winter nor summer nor morals. Apart from these drawbacks it is a fine country. France has usually been governed by prostitutes." -- Mark Twain
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Word of the Day
Abolical - Something loathsome or unusually cruel perhaps associated with dire misfortune.
I'm going to spent the rest of the afternoon until supper reading. Re-reading. The Lifetime channel is showing a movie on Monday based on a book that was written by one of my favorite authors. Nora Roberts. Actually, they made four movies based on four of her books. They're going to start showing them on Monday and then every Monday in February. So, I'm re-reading the book that the first movie is based upon. Angels Fall. It would have been nice if I actually had this book here in Arizona. Although I do own the book, I'm betting that it's up at The Lake right now...along with one of the other books that one of the other movies was based upon. Thankfully, I was able to find both of the books at the bookstore while I was out shopping yesterday. Despite all outward appearances, my extensive libraries here and at The Lake, I do not keep duplicate copies of every single book I own in both libraries. However, I'm working on it.
Murphyism of the Day
Principle of Design Inertia
Any change looks terrible at first.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." --Dan Quayle
Friday, January 26, 2007
Word of the Day
Abdicake - To give up the last piece of cake to someone else.
I went to see the eye doctor today to see if I would be a good candidate for lasik surgery or the like. Unfortunately, the gal that made my appointment a month ago made a mistake. She made my appointment with the wrong doctor. *Sigh* Wasted trip...however, they didn't charge me anything. I should hope not. It was their fault. I should have charged them for my wasted time and gas. Anyhoo, on Monday, I'll have to call them to schedule another appointment. I guess the evaluation appointment is quite long and involved. Fine with me. Actually, this might be better. If they're going to dilate my eyes and all, it will be better to have HTP with me. Only...that's what I thought they'd be doing today so I'd psyched myself up for it and all. Patience. I've been living with glasses most of my life. Another month or so won't make much difference in that that grand timeline of life. And...I need to prep myself for the possibility that I'm not someone that can have this done.
So, at least I got to go shopping with Arizona Daughter. Books. And, a new purse. And, Thai lettuce wraps at The Cheesecake Factory.
Murphyism of the Day
The Fauvre Principle
Money earned in your own business will be lost in someone else's business.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix." --Dan Quayle
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Word of the Day
Abbreveil - To shorten words in a sentence or text to a point where no meaning can be construed from it.
I slurped down two books yesterday. Despite all promises, my house remains as dusty as it was before I decided to sit down to read...just one chapter. However, not to worry, I also worked on a baby afghan. I'm making two. When I went to the store the other day to buy yarn, I indulged myself. There were so many colors. I was dazzled. I couldn't decide. So...I'm making two afghans. I still don't know if I'm going to have a Grandson or a Grand-daughter. I'm making one afghan...just in case I have a Grandson (I can store it away if it isn't needed right away) and I'm making one afghan...just in case I have a Grand-daughter (I can store it away if it isn't needed right away). I could have picked colors that would have done for both but...I like making afghans. I also plan on making a matching "dikey".
Dikey? That's what we always called it. The word came from HTP's side of the family. A "dikey" is a really soft baby blanket that a child will form a bond with and end up carrying around until it has been totally worn out and ends up looking a lot more like an old rag. Loved into almost total erosion. I promise to make two. When it comes to a "dikey", smart parents always make sure that they have at least two. HTP's "dikey" ended up as a small piece satin trim. I'm sure I used to have a "dikey" but I bonded Goaty. My Grandmother ended up having to re-upholster him. Goaty is fine and currently living in our guestroom.
I don't like quilting. With my sewing machine phobia, making a baby quilt might just push me over into a minor mental breakdown. I'll leave baby quilt making to GI Joe's Mom. She's the master quilter. HTP's Mom quilts too but she hasn't done any quilting for a while. However, the last time I talked to her, she was busy knitting something for her first Great-Grandchild. She said something about a sweater and booties.
Murphyism of the Day
Wincorn's Law
There are three kinds of people. Those who can count and those who can't.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It's time for the human race to enter the solar system! -- Dan Quayle, on the concept of a manned mission to Mars.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Word of the Day
Abbone - The agony or severe pain caused by attempting to stand or walk when a person's knees have seized up, primarily after a prolonged period of inactivity.
I haven't read a single book since I've been back here in Arizona. Sudoku is responsible for some of this. I've become addicted to Sudoku. Part of this is because I really haven't had the time because I was getting ready for the holidays. And now? I've started working on a baby afghan for my first grandchild. However, I fully intend to curl up with a good book tonight...or even later today. I've got several piled up by my bed, waiting patiently. Books are like chocolate. Addictive. I'm afraid that when I start reading again, nothing else will get done until I've read them all. So, I'm going to run around today and get some cleaning done.
Murphyism of the Day
Firth's Theorem
Five is a sufficiently close approximation to infinity.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"It is wonderful to be here today in the great state of Chicago" -- Dan Quayle
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Word of the Day
Abandonmitt - The act of abruptly letting go of someone's hand before they anticipated it.
My whole morning has been topsy-turvey. No biggy but I hate it when my normal routine jumps the tracks. It makes me cranky when that happens. I purposely get up early in the morning so I have plenty of time to get on the computer, sort my e-mail, toss the spam into the delete file, feed the dogs, go outside to get the newspaper, sip on the one and only cup of coffee that I've been allowing myself, work on the Sudoku puzzle from the previous day's newspaper, and listen to talk radio or the news. I do all this before HTP starts to wake up. My routine jumped the track this morning when HTP got up early. I rushed to make coffee and breakfast long before I was "awake" I had to wait until after breakfast to work on my Sudoku puzzle. My one and only cup of coffee was gulped down while I was making breakfast (I can't even remember drinking it) so I had to drink tea with breakfast...and with my Sudoku. My favorite radio talk show host was already done so I had to watch the news on TV. And, I started the laundry before I normally do because I was feeling rushed from all the other stuff that went off schedule because HTP got up early. I'm only now starting to be able to settle back down but not really because I'm going to have to fold those clothes as soon as they get out of the dryer. I'm still feeling rushed. I'm still feeling cranky. Have you ever seen a train that has jumped the tracks and all the train cars are all jumbled up? I feel like the person who has to clean up that mess. On the plus side, I've almost got the routine wreck cleaned up and back under control. Oh...and HTP is just fine. He wasn't killed in the wreck. Oh...and it froze again last night. 27°F
Murphyism of the Day
The Callaway's Lament
Nothing in the known universe travels faster than a bad check.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Hawaii is a unique state. It is a small state. It is a state that is by itself. It is a --it is different from the other 49 states. Well, all states are different, but it's got a particularly unique situation." --Dan Quayle
Monday, January 22, 2007
Word of the Day
Zzzzenophobia - Fear of falling asleep during an event.
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow. To be honest, it didn't snow where we live in Arizona. It did get cold. The temperature on my remote gauge was 32°F when I got up this morning. However, in other parts of our Valley of the Sun, we got 1 1/2 inches of the white stuff...which promptly melted but apparently it stuck around long enough to be measured.
Spam. Every morning I turn on my computer and despite all spam filters, I get spam. I shudder to think about how much spam I'd receive if I didn't have the spam filter. I immediately toss it into the delete file and at the end of the day, delete everything in the delete file. However, I'm always amazed at the subject lines these guys come up with. , meadow on peel be coachwork the bruise and crackpot , valedictory may deed see rarefy the infrastructure may theta , may carla may OK the hereafter in scrap but nary , ! chug may believe but logging ! rot , longue? Some of these guys get incredibly creative. I note that some of them are starting their subject line this morning with a comma. The spam isn't as bad as it was around Christmas. I imagine the spam mail will increase again around Valentine's Day. One day I got a spam letter that claimed to be a custom's inspection letter. That one made me mad. Real tricky. I send a lot of packages to our troops and when I saw that "custom's inspection" in the subject line I zeroed in on it and opened it. They were selling Cialis. Delete file. Does anyone actually bite and buy things from these people? One morning am I going to wake up and actually decide to buy some stock offer that they're selling? From them? I imagine that they end up getting paid for each e-mail that actually gets through the spam filter somehow. Don't they? Are these people driving around in BMW's and living in mansions from the profits they make sending out spam mail? I don't want to know.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Checks and Balances
In matters of dispute, the bank's balance is always smaller than yours.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"It isn't pollution that is hurting the environment, it's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it." --Dan Quayle
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Word of the Day
Zzzocks - Bed socks
HTP tells me that I may have to run out and cover my plants again tonight so they won't freeze. At this point I'm not sure if it's worth the bother because the things that I would want to cover already look pretty much frozen to death. However, I suppose they just might be playing possum so I'll cover them anyway...just in case they may decide to try and resurrect themselves, by some miracle, in the spring. As for the temperature today? The high reached all the way to 47°F. How low will it go?
I spent another half and hour on the phone this morning with tech support for my new phone. HTP told me that I should call someone for a minute so I don't get charged the $4 service fee our provider charges if you don't use the phone. Since I didn't want to spend more than 15-cents for a minute long call, I called myself. I called the land line number and answered it. Much to my consternation, the caller-ID claimed I was someone other than myself. So...I called tech support. Maybe it wouldn't have taken so long if they hadn't hung up on me while I was on hold. I had to start all other words...I got put at the back of the hold line. *Sigh* Eventually, I did end up talking to someone who put me on hold again where I had to wait for another person to talk to me. That person filled out some e-mail form and told me that the problem should be fixed in 48-72 hours. So...if you happen to get a call from me and I happen to be using my cell phone when I call you, your caller-ID will tell you that a complete stranger is calling least...for the next 48-72 hours. Then...he tells me...if I'm still having the problem, I need to call tech support. Again. How come HTP isn't having all these problems with his phone?
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Bank Mergers
1. What's good for your bank is not good for you.
2. Your local branch will be the first one closed.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
(extending his hand during a campaign stop): I'm Dan Quayle. Who are you?
Woman: I'm your Secret Service agent.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Word of the Day
Zzzlippers - Slippers you forget to slip off before you fall azzleep.
I was planning on going out shopping with Arizona Daughter. I did go over to help a good friend put fresh sheets on her bed. She broke her wrist a couple of weeks ago. Her husband is out of town. While I was over there, I also helped her address some letters. She's right handed and...of course...she broke her right wrist. Figures. After taking care of these pressing issues, we went out to look for an ottoman for her. We found a few. She's going to wait to discuss the options with her husband when he gets a week. We picked up a bite to eat at the mall and then I went back home because I was only able to eat 1/3 of this huge cobb salad that I'd ordered for lunch. I've never seen such a huge salad before. Who can eat that much salad!? There's enough left for me to serve with supper tonight...for both HTP and me. Anyway, I was ready to head back out the door to go meet Arizona Daughter when she called me. We're going to postpone getting together for another week. She's sick. However, I did decide to go out shopping on my own. I had to buy some yarn. get started on making that baby afghan. Maybe while I watch the new season of Monk and Psych tonight.
Murphyism of the Day
The Luncheon Law
The person who suggests splitting the bill evenly is always the person who ordered
the most expensive meal.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I cannot tell you how grateful I am -- I am filled with humidity.
-- Gib Lewis, speaker of the Texas House
Friday, January 19, 2007
Word of the Day
Zoopermarket - A store that sells all sorts of animal food.
It's my Mom's birthday today!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday
To You!
Happy Birthday
To You!
Happy Birthday
Dear Mom!
Happy Birthday
To you!
Murphyism of the Day
Ruane's Law of Monetary Windfalls
Pennies from heaven are soon followed by a tax collector from hell.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The spontaneous rally will begin at 1:45. -- Mike Murphy, adviser to Lamar Alexander
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Word of the Day
Zoodiac sign - Star-signs for animals.
I don't know why I always seem to be so amazed when the simplest of tasks end up becoming the most impossible of tasks. HTP and I spent two hours last night trying to set up the voice mail on my new cell phone. Since HTP had already managed this simple task with his cell phone, I figured that he could walk me through this "simple" task. We both thought that this should be a simple task. Ten minutes, tops, after supper. It wasn't a simple task. When I went to bed last night, my voice mail remained as it was...un-set. So, this morning, after breakfast, HTP and I once again attempted the set up procedure. After talking to two technicians, three if you want to count the technician that didn't fix my problem last night, we finally managed to set up my voice mail...after working at it for another hour. Then, because I get charged for every single voice message that someone decides to leave along with the length of my own greeting, I disabled it. Oh...and I got charged for the length of time it took to set the dang thing up too, once I got into the system. Probably five minutes. Oh well. Should I ever need to use it, I can enable it again. It's there. I just refuse to take phone messages from every Tom, Dick, and Harry telemarketer and pollster and wrong number caller who decides they need to call me. The plan is to use this phone for emergencies and "just in case" situations where someone needs to call me for something vital and important and I'm not anywhere near either of my landlines. If I want to actually sit back and chat with someone for hours on end, I plan to use one of the landlines.
Murphyism of the Day
Juhani's Law
The compromise will always be more expensive than either of the suggestions it is compromising.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You can't just let nature run wild. -- Wally Hickel, former governor of Alaska
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Word of the Day
Zonkers - WOW!
My new experiment with orange-infused/Limoncello-style liqueur is going just fine but my Spanish language background sneakily snuck in when I wasn't really paying too much attention. I can't call the new liqueur Narancello. That's too Spanish. I'm making a liqueur that is related to an Italian liqueur. I need an Italian name. So...I looked up the proper Italian word for orange, oranges, and orange grove this morning while I was sipping on my one and only cup of morning coffee. After much thought, I've decided to call the new liqueur, Arancello. And guess what? I could have saved myself a whole lot of bother if I'd just checked on the internet. Arancello exists...therefore, my experiment isn't as experimental as my sister and I had thought. However, you'd have to know the Italian word for orange before you could even morph it into a liqueur-style name before you could check on the internet to see if it already exists. So, yet again, my linguistic knowledge has been proven logical and correct...even if it does occasionally get side-tracked and muddled with Spanish.
Word of the Day
Gerard's Law
When there are sufficient funds in the checking account, checks take two weeks to clear. When there are insufficient funds, checks clear overnight.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
First, it was not a strip bar, it was an erotic club. And second, what can I say? I'm a night owl. -- Marion Barry
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Word of the Day
Zompumatic - A cross between a zombie and a computer fanatic.
Random Thoughts
You know, on occasion random thoughts lead to whole blog ideas for me. Sometimes, they remain as random thoughts which dwell in the back of my mind, only to come back and occasionally goose me...but not hard enough for me to actually remember them and expound them into a full blog or they just fade into total oblivion when I forget about them. Sometimes I keep some random thoughts untold or unspoken because...well...they aren't exactly appropriate. So....?
I remember one time, when HTP and I were traveling to Las Vegas with his parents. I still wonder if she didn't purposely go out of her way to tweak my "OMG...What do I say?!" button on this particular trip. HTP and I have mapped the appropriate rest stops from our home to Las Vegas. How long can you actually travel before you need to take care of pressing business? HTP and I have noted that there are exactly three such stops that one can/should make between our home and Las Vegas. Otherwise you're going to have to try and take care of business behind a saguaro cactus or jojoba bush or Joshua Tree. So...on this particular trip on which we were traveling with HTP's folks, we'd stopped at one of our designated rest stops. I went into the "rest stop" with HTP's Mom. I'd never paid too much in depth attention to the coin operated machines that decorate and advertise their wares on the walls of the "rest stops" that we frequent on our trips to Las Vegas. They were always there, screaming their advertising wares but...I'd never paid too much attention. Such was not the case on this particular least...not with HTP's Mom. Pssst!...came an almost politically correct whisper....followed by a subtle giggle. "What are those?" Ummmmm....cough...cough....I mean...this was my husband's Mom...ummm...sigh... "They're condoms." Actually, HTP and I used to refer to them as latex toys but I figured that I'd end up having to translate "latex toys" so I went ahead with and saved myself from having to translate. "Condoms?!.....Really?!....They sell them in machines in the restrooms?! Wow! Colors?! Ribbed?! Wow! " Geez! I'm supposed to discuss this sort of stuff with HTP's Mom? Maybe some day I can totally embarrass my daughter-in-law. Gotta love it.
And then....I was in a "rest stop" on our way back from our latest trip from Las Vegas. These sort of random thoughts often seem occur in the Women's Room. And I was thinking...when did they decide to make "cigars" in dayglow, neon green? See what I mean? Random thoughts. In my day, "cigars" were either served in white cardboard, or plastic pink. I haven't had to deal with " cigars" or "mattresses" in ages. There are advantages to old age. Do I need to translate? Actually, my friends and I decided to use the term "cigar" for certain feminine hygiene products. My daughters introduced me to the term "mattress" to refer to other feminine hygiene products. I wonder if my daughters adopted "Carlos" as that demonic individual who brandished a machete as he smoked his nasty cigar when he came to visit each month? Actually, now that I think about it, I seem to remember them talking about visits from Aunt Flo. They didn't get Aunt Flo from me. Must have been one of their friends. Anyway, as a random thought, neon green? When did that happen?
Now...I bet you're wondering about those random thoughts that I've had that were too inappropriate to air in my blog.
Murphyism of the Day
Linton's Law
Growth is directly proportional to promises made; profit is inversely proportional to promises kept.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You read what Disraeli had to say. I don't remember what he said. He said something. He's no longer with us. -- Bob Dole
Monday, January 15, 2007
Word of the Day
Zoiks - An expression of surprise, fear, or both.
Global Warming Hits Arizona
I'm sure someone will be able to kindly tell me how global warming is causing Arizona's coldest winter in 16 years. Maybe it's El Nino. At this point, I really don't care anymore. At least at The Lake I could light a legal fire in the fireplace and know that the landscape plants go dormant during the winter. She Who Dances With Sprinklers could be resting in front of a warm fireplace, knitting baby afghans instead of shivering in front of a computer because Arizona environmentalists have made it impossible to have a real fireplace in new built homes...oh..and it's illegal on most winter days to use the real fireplaces in the "grandfathered" homes. Pollution...don'tch know. Actually, if I was into conspiracy theories, I'd think that the oil companies are secretly backing the environmentalists because you can still have gas fireplaces. Lovely. Nothing warms the cockles of my heart more that a real live gas fire burning fake ceramic logs. Oh wait...maybe I should buy one of those electric fireplaces...fueled by the Palo Verde Nuclear Plant.
I thought the temperature was cold yesterday morning when I got up. Hah! It's even colder this morning. 22°F I'm not even going to bother looking at the plants outside. Even the most cold hardy of my plants will have suffered last night's temperature freeze. Oh...but it's supposed to warm up today. It's supposed to actually get up to 54°F today. And tonight? It's only supposed to get down to 25°F tonight. My poor citrus trees. No amount of dancing with sheets can protect against temperatures that dip that low.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Institutions
The opulence of the front-office decor varies inversely with the fundamental solvency of the firm.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You know, if I were a single man, I might ask that mummy out. That's a good-looking mummy! -- President Bill Clinton, looking at the recently-discovered Inca mummy "Juanita"
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Word of the Day
Zizzasterous - All hell has broken loose; beyond disasterous.
It froze last night. I mean it REALLY froze. The ice in my fountain was so thick that it didn't melt until well past noon. Although I did cover my plants last night, they really don't look all that good. I can only hope that they'll be able to recover. It was 24°F when I got up this morning. It's supposed to freeze again tonight. I didn't even bother removing the sheets. The temperature outside right now is 46°F. Cold. We're supposed to have two more nights of least.
HTP and I took #1 Son to the airport this morning. Afterwards, HTP and I decided to treat ourselves to breakfast at Denny's. Don't knock Denny's. They make a decent breakfast. We were going to try for a brunch somewhere but decided that we really didn't need brunch. So, we went to Denny's and called it brunch.
Murphyism of the Day
Brien's Law
At some time in the life cycle of virtually every organization, its ability to succeed in spite of itself runs out.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Those who survived the San Francisco earthquake said, "Thank God, I'm still alive." But, of course, those who died, their lives will never be the same again.
-- Sen. Barbara Boxer, (D, Calif.)
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Word of the Day
Zeesnoristan - Land of sleep.
Where did the time go? #1 Son will be heading back to college tomorrow morning. He doesn't appear to be too eager about returning to the frozen tundra but...only a year and a half left before he graduates. Knock on wood. Minnesotans and former Minnesotans spend a lot of time knocking on wood. We're just weird that way. We actually believe that you can't say anything positive without jinxing things...unless we knock on wood. Then it's OK. Knock on wood.
Last night Arizona Daughter came over for supper. I think she and #1 Son plan on going out tonight for one last get-together before he leaves. Though, from what I'm hearing, Arizona Daughter and her husband plan on moving at the end of March. Arizona Daughter seems intent upon forcing me to change her name. She'll become Minnesota Daughter. They'll be seeing #1 Son again before HTP and me. It's rather strange how #1 Son is so eager to get out of the cold of Minnesota while Arizona Daughter and her husband are so eager to get there.
It's supposed to freeze tonight...tomorrow night...and the next night. Here in the desert southwest. She Who Dances With Sheets (Old Grey Frog) will be heading outside this afternoon with sheets. There still are frost/freeze sensitive plants that remain in my landscaping. I just can't abandon them. I plan to cover them...with sheets...and leave them covered until Tuesday? All depends upon the forecast. Right now it's slightly overcast but I can see blue skies peeking through. When the blanket of clouds clear out, the cold will settle in with a vengence. I suppose I'd better go out and harvest that grapefruit too.
Murphyism of the Day
John's Collateral Corollary
In order to get a loan you must first prove you don't need it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If you take out the killings, Washington actually has a very low crime rate.
-- Marion Barry, mayor of Washington, D.C.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Word of the Day
Zeebi - A word used to show a feeling of joy.
I went to the citrus grove yesterday. I bought a box of lemons and a box of oranges. There were 72 lemons in that box of lemons. I know because I counted them. I know because I peeled them. I know because I juiced them. I used the peel of 72 lemons to make Limoncello. I should be more specific, I suppose. I used the zest of 72 lemons to make my Limoncello. You don't use the entire peel. The white pith of the peel would make the Limoncello bitter. Oh...and you have to add Vodka and Everclear...of course. Limoncello is an Italian liqueur and you just can't have liqueur without liquor. So, last night I started two double batches of Limoncello. I have to stir every week for 40 days....or maybe more. It all depends. The last batch I made took longer. Anyway, so I finished "peeling" my lemons and still had 72 nude lemons sitting in my sink. I suppose I could have tossed the lemons into the garbage and went to bed since it was getting a bit late Grandmother and my Mom were standing at my shoulder with such disapproving looks on their faces. I dug out my juicer. I juiced 72 lemons with a resultant 16 cups of juice. I know because I had to measure out the juice into tupperware so I could freeze it. 12 - 1 cup containers and 2 - 2 cup containers. I have no idea what I'm going to do with all that lemon juice. Maybe I'll bring some to my Mom.
This morning as I sipped on the one and only cup of coffee that I allow myself each morning, I "peeled" 30 oranges and juiced them. My sister and I thought it would be interesting to make a Limoncello-style liqueur with oranges. I haven't counted all the oranges. I decided to stop at 30 oranges this morning because 1.) I've got a huge blister on the palm of my hand from all that peeling and 2.) when I juiced the oranges I ended up with four quarts of orange juice. HTP and I finished up 16 oz. of the pulpy juice this morning. At this point, I decided that maybe I should have strained out a bit more of the stuff. So, after breakfast I got out my sieve and strained out the pulp only to add back a bit because I do like orange juice with some pulp. However, HTP and #1 Son do now still have lots of orange juice. Sweet orange juice. Maybe I should add a bit of lemon juice to it.
Oh...and all my lemons and oranges were culls...seconds...if you want to call them that. The oranges didn't have a single seed and they were really huge. And these were the not so pretty, not so uniform, not so perfect oranges and lemons? Could have fooled me. Whatever. They don't taste any different and no-one is going to be looking at them now that I've peeled them and juiced them. Best of all? It didn't cost me all that much to buy them. They told me that there was 40 pounds of fruit per box. HTP quibbled a bit about the cost but when I told him that the grocery store charges $1 for four waxed Sunkist lemons...on sale...I figured that I got a deal when I paid $6.50 for 72 organic un-waxed lemons. Who needs all that wax in their Limoncello? I paid a bit more for the oranges but I really don't think that $8.50 for 40 pounds of oranges is all that unreasonable. And...I'll have used every edible portion of each of my lemons and oranges. Waste not, want not.
Murphyism of the Day
O'Brien's Principle (The $357.73 Theory)
Auditors always reject any expense account witha bottom line divisible by five or ten.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Eight more days and I can start telling the truth again. -- Sen. Chris Dodd (D, Conn.), discussing campaigning on the Don Imus show.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Word of the Day
Zeasy - It's easy
Christmas has been stored away until the end of November. I was going to write that it was stored away for another year but then I'd be implying that I don't plan to decorate for Christmas until January of 2008. I must say, however, that it's becoming harder and harder for me to drag all this Christmas stuff out each year and then put it all away again before people start to make comments. HTP and I looked at each other as we sat down for a supper that I had very little energy left to fix and asked ourselves why the heck we do all this every year. Tradition? Mostly but it's more than that. I can't tell you exactly what that more is but it's there. I just know that I'd feel empty somehow if and when I find myself unable to do it all or have someone do it for me. Someone needs to do it. Maybe someday I can pass the torch and let one of my children do it. I think I'd like that. Someday.
Murphyism of the Day
Pareto's Law (20/80 Law)
Twenty percent of the customers account for 80 percent of the turnover.
Twenty percent of the components account for 80 percent of the cost, etc.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The world is more like it is now then it ever has before. - Dwight Eisenhower
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Word of the Day
Yupstacle - Cross between a yuppie and an obstacle.
Eventually one does have to put Christmas away. It's expected. I try to put this chore off for as long as possible but guilt is starting to set in whenever I look at the Christmas tree. Epiphany has come and gone. It's January 10th. No more excuses can be made. I started. I put away my snowglobes. As soon as I rest a bit, I'll put away the Christmas frogs and the wreaths etc. I may even tackle putting the creche away today. We'll see. Oh...and the Christmas pictures....maybe. However, I really don't think that I should be expected to put EVERYTHING away on one day. It always seems to take longer to put everything away properly than take it out. And things never seem to fit back where once they fit just fine. I've never understood this. Oh well...I've started. I expect that I'll have it all packed away again before the end of the month. OK. Before the end of the week? I make no guarantees.
Update! Christmas has been put away. Three broken fingernails and a bleeding elbow later, Christmas has been stored away for another year. Well...almost. I still have to store away the Christmas cookie tins. Maybe tomorrow...or...whenever. It'll get done. I did more than I planned today as it is. I still need to dust and vacuum and put some stuff back where is was before Christmas displaced it but the tree and all the ornaments are all packed away along with everything else that I planned to put away. Now....if only haven't forgotten anything. Never fail, I always end up forgetting something that'll show up in October or November. *Sigh*
Murphyism of the Day
Extended Epstein-Heisenberg Principle
In an R&D orbit, only two of the existing three parameters can be defined simultaneously. The parameters are task, time and resources ($).
1. If one knows what the task is, and there is a time limit allowed for the completion of the task, then one cannot guess how much it will cost.
2. If the time and resources are clearly defined, then it is impossible to know what part of the R&D task will be preformed.
3. If you are given a clearly defined R&D goal and a definite amount of money that has been calculated to be necessary for the completion of the task, you cannot predict if and when the goal will be reached.
If one is lucky enough and can accurately define all three parameters, then what one deals with is not in the realm of R&D.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I've read about foreign policy and studied, I now know the number of continents."
-George Wallace, 1968 presidential campaign
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Word of the Day
Yumulicious - Extremely delicious.
Have you ever been given a total runaround followed almost immediately by finding yourself at the dead end of a dead end road? Bewildered frustration! That's what #1 Son has been facing as he attempted for the last year and more to get a doctor's prescription of some medication that he started taking in one form or another since he was in grade school. When #1 Son headed off to college, he figured that there wouldn't be any problems getting his medication at the college pharmacy. Right? You'd think. He really tried EVERYTHING to get his medication at college. The doctors on campus didn't know him. The doctors were demanding tons of expensive tests that #1 Son had already taken here in Arizona. The doctors kept sending him off to see this one or that one. Runaround. Dead end...because we refused to cough up the money for the very same tests that we already paid for in Arizona. Finally, #1 Son told us that he wasn't getting anywhere with anyone at college when it came to getting his prescription. Last summer, I got into the act because I just couldn't believe that #1 Son could possibly be having this amount of trouble over such a thing. After I got the same runaround and hit the same dead end, we decided to have #1 Son make an appointment to see the doctor he'd been seeing here in Arizona for most of his life while he was here on vacation. #1 Son had already had to do without his medicine for two years! Enough was enough already! Eureka! We've worked it out. No problem. #1 Son's doctor here in Arizona can write a prescription and the medicine can be sent to him. No tribble at all. I love it when things finally work out in a reasonable fashion.
Murphyism of the Day
Cheops's Law
Nothing ever gets built on schedule or within budget.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Fiction writing is great, you can make up almost anything." -Ivana Trump, on finishing her first novel.
Monday, January 08, 2007
Word of the Day
Youthless - A young person who won't work.
Moments of genius. HTP has an engineer's mind, which makes a whole lot of sense because HTP is an engineer. It's wonderful to have HTP's engineering mind around when things aren't working as you want them to work.
Last year it dawned on me that I could do a bit of yard clean-up using my little shop vac. The shop vac is little and portable and easy for me to carry and use as I work. It should have worked great. It didn't. Another of my brilliant ideas shot to heck and back. HTP, puzzled, decided to inspect the little shop vac that couldn't. What he found was a little shop vac with a couple of glaring design flaws. Design flaws always drive HTP a bit crazy because he just can't figure out why someone would bother designing things that way. He often blames this on Marketing which will rush things to market before the engineers are done with the design. On the otherhand, if it weren't for marketing, few designs would ever make it to market because engineers are NEVER happier than when they are designing, redesigning, perfecting, and "but what iffing". But...that's another tale.
Last spring, HTP solved one of the design flaws which made using the little shop vac a bit easier but there was another flaw that which kept clogging up the shop vac's tubing. My shop vac, as of last spring, was still the shop vac that couldn't. This morning, at breakfast, HTP asked me why I hadn't been using the little shop vac out in the backyard. I pointed out the problem. "Oh...I fixed that." Thinking that he was talking about the fix that he'd done last spring, I reminded him that the little shop vac that couldn't...still couldn't. He told me that he'd fixed the problem a couple of weeks ago. Two weeks ago he fixed my little shop vac? What?! Nevermind that I haven't a clue when or where he actually found actual time during the holidays to spend out in the garage fixing a shop vac. He fixed it?! I've been outside working my butt off with a broom and a rake and I could have been using a nifty little shop vac?! I ran right out to the garage to get the shop vac so he could show me how he'd managed to fix the clogging problem that drove me insane last spring. Then, I gave the little shop vac that couldn't a good work out in the yard...just in case more design flaws should decide to crop up. It works! Woohoo! It works. I now have a little shop vac that can. You've got to love the engineering mind.
Murphyism of the Day
The Ordering Principle
Those supplies necessary for yesterday's project must be ordered no later than noon tomorrow.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"The word 'genius' isn't applicable in football. A genius is a guy like Norman Einstein." -Joe Theisman, quarterback and sports analyst.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yibbling - To eat noisily.
#1 Son came to watch me play at the church this morning. I got a kick out of watching him in the front pew...trying his darnedest to keep two little boys from disrupting the third service. Two of my friend's grandchildren were attending church this morning, sans their Mom and Dad. Grandma was playing the flute to my clarinet. So? #1 Son did his diplomatic best to keep these two boys from acting out too much. It reminded me a bit of when I myself was a choir orphan. One of the women of the church (I seem to remember that her husband sang in the choir) would take care of all of the children of the choir members whenever the choir was singing. We were referred to as "choir orphans". I'm sure that we were perfectly well behaved....but I'm not going to bet the book on it. Actually, these two little boys that #1 Son kept a weather eye on, were pretty well behaved for two little boys. It's just that #1 Son isn't very experienced as yet in keeping "choir orphans" in line...or in this case, "contemporary group orphans".
Murphyism of the Day
Weinberg's Law
Progress is made on alternate Fridays.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"We are not without accomplishment. We have managed to distribute poverty equally."
-Nguyen Co Thatch, Vietnamese foreign minister
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yesternight - Yesterday's evening.
Yesterday afternoon I decided to copy all my past blogs onto word files and store them on my computer....just in case. While we were in Vegas over the New Year, my Mom strongly recommended that I print out hard copies of all my blogs but I'm afraid that would take more paper than I'd hate to kill a few trees to least right now. However, I did begin to think about what would happen, how I would feel, if I should wake up tomorrow and find that..."POOF!" blog had disappeared from the internet. It's already been taken over by Google and things have changed a bit. Some things better, some things different, some things not so good. When I first started to blog, I did copy my blogs to a file on my computer but after a year and a half...I just didn't take the time anymore. I used to print out all my e-mails too. I don't do that anymore either. Maybe someone will want to read all my past blogs and e-mails...maybe they won't. But, as of yesterday, at least I have everything safely stored in my computer where (knock on wood), I can access it should Google decide to shred my blog and toss it to the oblivion winds of all things lost forever in cyberspace. I'll copy my files onto a CD or DVD as backup in a few days. HTP and I back up our computer files periodically...just in case. Hard drives crash. Motherboards burn out. Chit happens.
Anyway, as I was just finishing up transferring all the blogs from cyberspace onto my hard drive, I happened to glance out the window by my computer and....Gasp! Wow! The color of the sky was incredible. If a painter were to attempt to paint that sky, he'd be criticized as over-imaginative, overly dramatic, using too much poetic license, and too romantic in his use of the color palate. The sky looked like it was on fire, boiling with rich oranges, reds, and pinks. We don't get many overcast skies here in Arizona. I'm told that we're on year twelve of our drought and the piddly amount of rain that we've received will evaporate before it fills our reservoirs. However, when we do get overcast skies, and when those clouds hit just right and just so at sunset, we get to enjoy the most spectacular of skies. They don't last too long so that's why I was kicking myself that I had only just managed to glance up from my computer. Oh well, I took the time to run outside, braving the few drops of rain that decided to fall. People in Arizona tend to do that a lot. Play in the rain, that is. It's just so seldom that we see such a rare and beautiful sight. Here. You won't see me playing in the wet stuff at The Lake. least not much anyway. Some people just don't understand or maybe they've just forgotten the treat of those first few drops of rain as they start to fall.
Murphyism of the Day
The 90/90 Rule of Project Schedules
The first 90 percent of the task takes 10 percent of the time, and the last 10 percent takes the other 90.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"We are sorry to announce that Mr. Albert Brown has been quite unwell, owing to his recent death, and is taking a short holiday to recover." -Parish Magazine
Friday, January 05, 2007
Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yawnison - Yawning in unison.
I finally got off my over-sized rear and checked to see if there are still any citrus groves here in The Valley of the Sun. HTP had his doubts. New highways. New housing developements. New malls and shopping centers. However, yes indeed Virginia, there still are citrus groves, growing citrus somewhere here in The Valley. They aren't exactly next door to where we live but they aren't impossible to find. When I called one of the two that I was able to find in the phone book this morning, I was told that regretfully, they don't always have many orange culls (seconds). I asked about lemon culls and was problemo. Lots of lemon culls. Woohoo! I can make my Limoncello. I've got almost four months left here to make it. That should be enough time....if I get off my duff. I'll be making lots of lemon meringue pie now too. I hate to waste all that lemon juice. You only need the lemon zest for Limoncello. I wonder if I can devise a recipe for sugarfree lemon curd to use in lemon bars. Oh well...that's why I have a freezer. Juice the lemons and freeze the juice in portions until I find time to deal with it later.
Murphyism of the Day
Gray's Law of Programming
"N+1" trivial tasks are expected to be accomplished in the same time as "n" tasks.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I was provided with addtional input that was radically different from the truth. I assisted in furthering that version." -Colonel Oliver North, from his Iran-Contra testimony
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yawnese - The language of someone yawning and talking at the same time.
I was waiting for something fabulously interesting to happen for me to write about but I guess I just can't put off writing my blog any longer. We'd probably all have to wait until...who knows how long. The sum total of my day? I canned nine pints of relish. HTP loves Vlasic Pickle Relish on his hamburgers and hotdogs. The other day I bought a huge gallon jar of the stuff at Costco. Bulk. Today, I re-canned the stuff into smaller, more manageable portions. I've done this before. As I said, HTP loves the stuff. I refuse to pay what the grocery stores charge for it in those teeny tiny little bottles that only contain enough for two to four servings. HTP servings.
Oh....and we had bean soup for lunch. I made homemade bean soup yesterday.
Murphyism of the Day
Gresham's Law
Trivial matters are handled promptly; important matters are never solved.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"I have opinions of my own --strong opinions-- but I don't always agree with them."
-George Bush
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yargle - Sound made when yodelling and gargling at the same time.
I unpacked last night before heading to bed. Today, I'm doing laundry. I started my new Sudoku calendar and finished the puzzles that I'd missed out on for January 1 and January 2nd. I'll save January 3rd's puzzle until tomorrow morning. No point in overdoing the puzzle thing. I might hurt myself.
Do I have any New Year's resolutions this year? Nope. I'm a firm believer of not making any promises that I can't or won't make the effort to keep. I'd like to lose some weight but I also happen to like to cook and eat what I cook...and what other people cook. I'd like to go out and exercise but I'm just too lazy and I although I love to walk, there's no way that my knees and feet will take the punishment of running. I might start walking but I make no promises. My dog Mancha might go out walking with me. The last time I started a regime of walking my dog Muggsy got rather nasty about the whole prospect of joining me in my morning walk. She's lost most of her teeth but she can still make her feelings known when it comes to doing things that she'd rather avoid. Not that I put up with that sort of thing but it tends to put a pall on things when you have to drag an ticked off chihuahua around the block at the end of a leash. Plus, neighbors tend to look at you like they're ready to call the Humane Society any second. Oh well, at least Mancha still likes to walk with me. I ate a half of a grapefruit for breakfast. Maybe this will counteract the cookies that I consumed with my morning coffee before breakfast. Do you think?
Murphyism of the Day
Edwards's Time/Effort Law
Effort X Time = Constant
1. Given a large initial time to do something, the initial effort will be small.
2. As time goes to zero, effort goes to infinity.
If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"The private enterprise system indicates that some people have higher incomes than others." -Gerry Brown
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Myspace Layouts
Word of the Day
Yarden - A backyard with floral and vegetable gardens.
I didn't blog. There was just no way that I could compete with #1 Son for computer time. Last night as I drifted off to sleep, I glanced over to the next bed and there I could see the faint outline of #1 Son busily typing/chatting, from the light of his was 3 AM.
#1 Son and I watched the fireworks set off at midnight on the Las Vegas Strip...the dawn of the New Year...from the 9th floor of Sam's Town where we took our champagne glasses filled with chilled champagne. We were not alone. Happy New Year! 2007! May 2007 be eventfull. Only good events allowed.
Vegas was Vegas. I didn't win but...I was able to escape with at least a fraction of the money that I came with. Does that mean that I won? I choose to look at it that way...or at least I managed to escape without my tail ignominiously tucked between my legs. Vegas didn't send me home penniless. I will return to fight again. #1 Son and I did go together to see the movie Night at the Museum. Not bad. Hokey in part...but not bad enough to make one regret seeing such a movie. I have seen many movies where I've regretted the cost vs. value ratio. However, I will say, maybe, just maybe, you might want to wait to see this one on DVD...rental. We ended up paying $14 for the tickets and another $16 for the popcorn, soda and candy. I'm willing to bet that we could have purchased the DVD and used it as a frisbee after we'd watched it for a heck of a lot less than $30. However...I'm willing to bet that I saved a ton more money watching that movie for two hours than I would have spent gambling in the casino. Economics 101. If I'd taken the time and money to get a massage and facial at Jon Ric's (Spa at the Casino), I might have been even more money ahead. *Sigh* I really should have taken the time and spent the money on that massage and facial. Maybe next time.
The wait at The Dam on our return home was long. LONG! Almost an hour. It's debatable whether or not our drive time would have been shortened if we'd detoured through Laughlin as we chose to do when we plotted our trip to Vegas. It took us 6 hours to drive to Vegas...through Laughlin. I heard rumors that the wait at The Dam was even longer yesterday, New Year's Day. HTP and I both agreed that maybe we should avoid New Year's Eve in Las Vegas next year, despite the forfeiture of our nifty New Year's gift from Sam's Town. It was really nice. A Mikasa crystal vase. However, there were crowds of people and our favorite machines were backlogged. When I floated this idea off skipping our traditional trip to Vegas for New Year's by #1 Son, I received more than a token protest. Next New Year's Eve, #1 Son will be 21 years old. Legal. I shudder to think.
We're Home. Home Again, Home Again, Jiggedy Jog. The car is unpacked. The suitcases still need attention. HTP and #1 Son are watching the Suns ply basketball on TV while they munch on the Little Caesar Pepperoni Pizza we picked up on our way home. The Suns are playing the Bulls. So far, the Suns are losing...but not by double digits. Go Suns! I finished the two pieces of pizza that I allotted myself...which I doctored with some Italian Green Tomato/Eggplant pickles that I made last summer. Fantastic! HTP and #1 Son preferred their pizza au embellishments. How unadventurous of them! Their loss.
Murphyism of the Day
Westheimer's Rule
To estimate the time it takes to do a task, estimate the time you think it should take, multiply by two, and change the unit of measure to the next highest unit. Thus we allocate two days for a one-hour task.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
"Caution: Cape does not enable user to fly."
-Batman costume warning label