Sunday, June 09, 2013

Another "Fire in the Fireplace" Day

Word of the Day

Slavor - To slurp ones soup, coffee, eggs, or dessert in an attempt to enhance the flavor or increase the brief time period in which the food can be savored.

I enjoyed a wonderful lunch with my folks and Sis and her hubby yesterday. Sis and I will be in Ireland next Sunday (Father's Day), so we celebrated a bit early. T-Square is a wonderful Dad and I'm sorry that we won't be here on Father's Day. However, we will be in Ireland and Scotland, touring the land of his...and our...ancestors.

Yesterday was a perfect day. I got a lot of outdoor chores completed so I rewarded myself. I went the dock, catching two really nice bluegill. I'm hoping to go back out fishing again before the end of the week so I'll have enough fish to treat myself with a nice fish dinner. However, I won't be fishing today. Rain, rain, go away...

We've had a lot of really cold and wet weather this year. I may have to order a cord of wood to replenish my woodpile. I'm having severe doubts that summer will actually ever arrive this year. Or...maybe this weather is just getting me acclimated to the weather we'll find in Ireland and Scotland. Today is another day for a fireplace fire, chasing away the cold and damp and dreariness. The current temperature is 57 degrees. Perfect weather to work on the Dr. Who scarf, a project that I've been too busy to work on until today.

Meanwhile, I promised myself that I'd leave my suitcase alone now that it was all packed and weighed but...I keep adding and subtracting, adjusting and readjusting, changing my mind about this and that, so then I have to weigh again and again. I took out three pair of skinny jeans but added two pair of more conservative Dockers and a pair of dark blue jeans because of comments made by Sis...even though she's never seen me in my skinny jeans. Anyway, because of that change, I really will need that plain pair of black shoes I'd decided that I didn't need previously. I added a sewing kit and a small umbrella too. And then, my suitcase weighed 45.6 pounds. So, I took out the umbrella and tucked that into the pocket of my jacket that I'm allowed to carry onto the plane, and I took out my dressy suit jacket and I'll wear that onto the plane...and now I'm down to 43.7 pounds. Good enough. Now...I just need to keep my mitts off the suitcase and stop changing my mind.

And then...I decided that I really didn't need those dressy sandals that I'd tucked into my carry-on but I should have a change of clothes (at least a clean shirt, clean undies, and clean socks) in my carry-on least I didn't add to the check-on suitcase so I'm not going to bother weighing

Random Quote of the Day

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Robert Frost (1874 - 1963), The Road Not Taken

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