Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Baby Shower Memories - June 16th 2007
Word of the Day
Coeggulate - To cause transformation of a raw egg into cooked or solid form. A coeggulant causes an egg to coeggulate.
I'm sipping on my first cup of coffee. I've started the first load of laundry (Laundry Day). I checked my traps. I decided NOT to pick any more squash blossoms because I'm tired of eating squash blossoms. I suspect that I'll regret this decision when there aren't any squash blossoms available the next time I get the craving for them. I checked my e-mail. Got rid of my spam. And I almost got rid of an e-mail from a company that provides replacements for Oneida stainless. Apparently my name was given to them by another company that no longer provides replacement services. Actually...I don't need any replacement stainless in the pattern that I had purchased replacements for in the past but HTP and I noted that some of our Onieda stainless here at The Lake has gone missing. I don't know exactly how this happens but I suspect that there may be three main reasons for our loss which I won't go into because I love all my children. However, the rub for replacing our flatware was that I couldn't remember the pattern. Hah! I'm glad I didn't delete that e-mail. I went through ALL the patterns of Oneidaware that they had and found our pattern. I bookmarked it. I also bookmarked the pattern for our silverplate dinnerware (Arizona). I'm not actually sure at this point if I'll avail myself of the replacement company's services but at least HTP and I have a starting point. It might be nice to have some iced tea spoons, maybe some cocktail forks, a slotted spoon, a meat fork, a ladle, and three casserole spoons...along with some replacement spoons (they disappear first), forks, and knives (also disappear on a regular basis...I think someone may find them useful for removing screws when they can't find the screwdriver which they forgot to put away the last time they used it.) When I bought this set here at The Lake, Hostess Sets were not available so I've been making do with whatever I could find when it came to serving pieces.
Four Chipmunks and One Cute Little Teeny Tiny Brown Mouse Have Been Deported to Doolittle Park and One Bunny Has Been Deported to the Next County
Murphyism of the Day
Horowitz's Law
Whenever you turn on the radio, you hear the last few notes of your favorite song.
Old Grey's Corollary
Whenever you turn on the radio, you hear the last half of a most controversial news item which won't be repeated for at least another hour at which point you will have dozed off.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
When a man is wrapped up in himself, he makes a pretty small package.
-- John Ruskin
Monday, July 30, 2007
I Have Even More Hummingbirds Now - Summer 2002
Word of the Day
Clumfert - The invisible extra step at the top and bottom of a staircase. Usually materializes when one is carrying a large bag of groceries or some other large item that prevents one from seeing what is directly in front of them.
#1 Son has a bed. HTP got back from The Big City in time for us to have supper together.
I just checked my traps and the count remains the same as yesterday. No new chipmunks or bunnies in my traps. I did pick some nice ripe tomatoes.
I gathered about 1/2 cup of Sweet William seeds yesterday and then today I gathered more seed heads to throw farther up on the hill where I have bare spots. If I do end end up with Sweet Williams starting to grow up there, I won't see any color until Summer 2009. But...one must plan ahead, don'tcha know. Anyway, I still have enough seed to share with Sis and Mom.
I'm going to make oven-fried chicken which is something I normally wouldn't make on a hot day like today but...we have air-conditioning so I'll risk it. I'd planned to have the green beans last night but since HTP returned early enough for me to make the left-over brats, I'll serve the green beans and a salad with supper tonight.
Coffee isn't sitting well in my stomach these days. I decided to switch to hot (caffeinated) tea made along with some of the mint leaves from my garden. Tastes great. I'll have to transplant some of the mint into my flower garden. Sis tells me that it's a perennial. The thing is that it's doing really well where it is so I hate to mess with a good thing.
I need to start the sprinkler dance. Maybe tomorrow.
Murphyism of the Day
Boren's Law of Cats
When in doubt, wash.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Weather forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning. -- George Carlin
Sunday, July 29, 2007
My Sweet William Garden - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Clonedead - A written document which has been copied until it is practically illegible and is therefore useless.
HTP has gone to The Big City to help #1 Son buy a bed for his new really old house converted into a duplex apartment where he'll be living for the next year with three other college students. Unlike his current apartment which he shares with two other students, this new apartment will allow him to have his own room (no sharing). Unfortunately, it doesn't come with a bed...or any other furnishings. Thank goodness for Craig's List. My children keep telling me about all the neat stuff that they get there, free or at rock bottom prices.
I decided to stay home. My figuring was that HTP and #1 Son didn't really need me for this trip. Besides, I didn't feel like spending six hours driving to and fro. I checked my traps. Nothing yet today. Watered the garden. Made fresh salsa with some of the tomatoes from my garden. I need to gather the seed heads from my Sweet William garden. And, I plan to pick some green beans to cook up for my supper.
Update! I caught another chipmunk to transport to Doolittle Park so....
Four Chipmunks Have Been Deported to Doolittle Park and One Bunny Has Been Deported to the Next County
I discovered this latest chipmunk when I went out to pick my beans. Knock on wood, I think my traps are working because I managed to pick more beans than I'll be able to eat for supper. Despite this, I put fresh bait in my traps and will check them again in a bit.
Murphyism of the Day
Rule of Feline Frustration
When your cat has fallen asleep on your lap and looks utterly content and adorable, you will suddenly have to go to the bathroom.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Sometimes a scream is better than a thesis. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Saturday, July 28, 2007
This Deer Hasn't Figured Out How to Get Into My Vegetable Garden
Word of the Day
Clickulate - Repetitive and nervous clicking of the mouse in a fervent attempt at making a webpage load faster. Act of clicking off numerous pop-up ads. See also: clickulated, clickulation.
My brother and his family and my folks are coming for supper tonight. I'm making brats on the grill. Of course, you can't just have brats with toppings for supper, so I'm making potato salad and I'm doctoring up some baked beans to serve as well. I already baked the brownies that I plan to serve for dessert.
I haven't caught any more chipmunks or bunnies in my garden. I'm hoping that this means that I've caught all the culprits who have been eating my green beans. However, to be on the safe side, I'm keeping my traps set and baited. The count remains at two chipmunks and one bunny.
Oops! I blogged too soon. Just checked my traps and I got another chipmunk so...
Three Chipmunks Have Been Deported to Doolittle Park and One Bunny Has Been Deported to the Next County
We did get a bit of rain this week but not enough to make too much of a difference. I guess it's back to doing that sprinkler dance for me...but not today.
Murphyism of the Day
Seymour's Investment Principle
Never invest in anything that eats.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
No one else can speak the words on your lips
Drench yourself in words unspoken
Live your life with arms wide open
Today is where your book begins The rest is still unwritten
--Natasha Bedingfield
Friday, July 27, 2007
Mancha - 1990-2007
My dog Mancha died this morning at around 8 AM. We've enjoyed her company for 17 years. She'd lived a long and full life. It's never easy when you lose a dog. HTP and I took her to the vet this morning. She died in my arms before we even got there. Maybe, somehow, that makes me feel a bit better. I knew that she was going to die before HTP and I left Arizona this Spring. Our vet in Arizona warned us that we wouldn't have her with us much longer. No amount of knowing makes it any better. I'll miss her.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
I Haven't Been Able to Catch This Squirrel - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Clicklinger - Anyone who holds the mouse button down, instead of just clicking it regularly, in hopes that it will give the computer time to realize something has been selected.
Two Chipmunk Has Been Deported to Doolittle Park and One Bunny Has Been Deported to the Next County
I checked my traps this morning. All three had been tripped but they were empty. The rain that we got this morning may be the culprit. I re-set them and will check again later in the day. HTP and I went into the city yesterday to go shopping and we released the bunny in an undeveloped rural area in the next county. My Mom tells me that I should mark my captives with some brilliant neon paint so I can tell if my captives are making it back to my garden just to be captured and transported yet again. Interesting idea but....I wonder what a person seeing a neon chipmunk running around in the wild would think?
We got a drizzle of rain last night...or early this morning. HTP and I stored away my sprinklers so that the hoses wouldn't burn the grass. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll get enough rain this time so I won't have to do the sprinkler dance again right away. We only got .08 inches of rain so far. Only enough to make it feel even more humid outside than it felt yesterday. No berry picking for me today. I think I'll find indoor (air-conditioned) activities to do today.
I boiled up another gallon of hummingbird nectar yesterday. I used three quarts of it this morning to refill a couple of my feeders that had been sucked dry. I figure that I'll be using that remaining quart tomorrow to fill another feeder and I'll be boiling up another gallon of nectar tomorrow. Those hummingbirds suck down a heck of a lot of nectar. HTP can't have sugar so he looked askance at me when I purchased another 10-pound sack of sugar yesterday. Most of that sugar will go into my hummingbird feeders. The rest of it will go into wine-making and maybe some liqueur making. I'll probably wait until I get back to Arizona to make most of my liqueurs from the schnapps that I've got brewing in the basement.
I've got my new dishwasher. Installed. I already washed my first load of dishes and it works great. Everything fits. Even my biggest pots and pans and my finest wine glasses. No water spots. Woohoo! The plumber came to install our dishwasher just as we were heading off to the city. We waited. We'd called him to let him know that we wanted our new dishwasher installed but he never called us back to schedule the install. Thank goodness we hadn't left already or I wouldn't be using my new dishwasher right now.
Murphyism of the Day
Pope's Law
Chipped dishes never break.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If mankind minus one were of one opinion, then mankind is no more justified in silencing the one than the one - if he had the power - would be justified in silencing mankind. -- John Stuart Mill
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Too Many Chipmunks! - Summer 2007
One Chipmunk Has Been Deported to Doolittle Park (Update: Two Chipmunks)
Word of the Day
Clingypookie - The small piece of dust on the floor in the corner of the kitchen under the cabinet that refuses to be swept up or vacuumed.
Best laid plans.... I was going to get up and go berry picking before breakfast. I changed my mind after I took the seed feeders outside and felt the heat and humidity settle around my shoulders. It's hot! Actually, 80°F isn't all that hot but when you factor in the humidity? There is no way that I'm going to be able to hike our 1/2 mile driveway and back without getting sick. Not in this soup. The humidity seems to settle on your shoulders and press down on you. It takes all your energy just to walk around with all that added weight. There's an actual haze outside (not to be confused with my glasses fogging up due to the change in temperatures from outside to inside). Sis and I had planned to go out fishing today. She called me this morning and we both decided that it was just too darn hot out. Maybe another day.
I decided to set up Havahart traps in my garden yesterday. The chipmunks are taking more than their share of my green beans. I was only able to pick a handful of green beans to go with our supper last night. I already caught one chipmunk and added him to the population over at Doolittle Park. Miles from here. When I slogged (you don't actually walk in this humidity)out to the garden to check my traps this morning, I noted that two had been tripped. No chipmunks. I re-set them and I'll check again later this afternoon. I suspect that I should oil one of the traps that used to belong to my Grandparents. I'm beginning to think that a chipmunk can do a hula on the bait tray and it wouldn't trip that trap. My little trap (brand new) works great...but I only have the one. I borrowed a bigger trap from my folks but it's too big for chipmunks. Maybe I'll get a squirrel. I'll keep you posted on my running chipmunk count. I don't kill them...I deport them.
Murphyism of the Day
Esther's Law
The fussiest person will be the one to get the chipped coffee cup, the glass with lipstick, or the hair in the food.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Soar, eat ether, see what has never been seen; depart, be lost, but climb.
-- Edna St. Vincent Millay
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Old Grey Frog Picking Blueberries on Blueberry Hill - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Clicklexia - A computer-related disorder one suffers from in which they have a tendency to double-click on items which only require one click, often resulting in two items opening instead of just one. This disorder is more often found in novices and aged computer users.
I'm going to concentrate on doing laundry today. I also need to pick any green beans that the chipmunks have left for me. And, I need to pick blueberries. These are my goals for today. However...the UPS guy delivered a couple of books yesterday and they're just sitting there tempting me. It's hard to resist temptation when my energy quotient is at its current level. Of course, that may be because it's still early in the morning and I've only had the few sips of reheated coffee from yesterday's pot.
Our new dishwasher is here. The appliance store delivered it out last night just as we were sitting down for supper which, of course, fit right into my Murphy's Law expectations. Oh well...the burgers still tasted good and I was able to keep the tater puffs warm in the oven.
#1 Son packed an incredible amount of his stuff into our gas-guzzling SUV and headed back to The Big City shortly after supper with it, leaving his smaller more fuel efficient Buick for us to use for a couple of weeks. He's moving to a new apartment near his college and needed a bigger vehicle that would hold all the stuff that he's moving from here to there and from his old apartment to his new one.
Murphyism of the Day
Woodside's Grocery Principle
The bag that breaks is the one with the eggs.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It's also helpful to realize that this very body that we have, that's sitting right here right now... with its aches and it pleasures... is exactly what we need to be fully human, fully awake, fully alive. -- Pema Chodron
Monday, July 23, 2007
Old Grey Frog Cleaning Wild Raspberries - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Clingons - Little pieces of toilet paper that get stuck in one's behind, or to one's shoe.
Against my better judgement, I went out berry picking again this morning. It was wet but I was careful and didn't end up with a mass of berry mash. On the plus side, I got about a quart of blackberries that I'll serve for dessert tonight on some vanilla pudding. I also ran into a nice bunch of puff balls which I cleaned up and will cook...but not for tonight. Maybe tomorrow night. There's some fairy ring mushrooms that I can combine them with to serve with some steak. Tomorrow night. Since it was so wet out, I limited my wild raspberry picking to just those choice berries that hadn't been nibbled by wasps. I was able to freeze about one cup of crushed wild raspberries. Maybe I'll go out picking again tomorrow when the woods will have had more of a chance to dry off. We didn't get much rain but the high humidity is keeping things damp.
#1 Son is heading back to The Big City after supper tonight. I promised him hamburgers on the grill for supper. Dessert, I already mentioned.
The UPS guy came and brought the Earthboxes Sis and I ordered off the internet. He also brought me the books I ordered online that I haven't been able to find in the city at Walmart. Our Walmart doesn't keep a large selection of books so sometimes I have to order my books online.
Our new dishwasher is supposed to be delivered in an hour or so. I haven't been thrilled with the store that we bought it from but....whatever. It's a dishwasher. We're going to have someone else install it.
Murphyism of the Day
Thiessen's Law of Gastronomy
The hardness of the butter is in direct proportion to the softness of the roll.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one.
--James A. Froude
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Old Grey Frog Picking the Tame Raspberries - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Cleaverage - The advantage women have over men when wearing a low-cut top.
I think it actually might rain today! Could this be a result of my sprinkler dance? Actually, although we really need the rain, I'm hoping that it won't rain on the BlueGill Festival's parade. This is our little community's main event of the year. MC Daughter and D Buddy headed off to see what was what yesterday but returned because they couldn't find a parking space.
#1 Son got here last night just in time to set off a few fireworks from our dock. I lit a citronella candle on my deck and watched. Love it. He's going to stay tonight yet and head out on Monday. He's been trying to re-new his driver's license but what with school and work, he hasn't had too many opportunities since the DMV is only open during the week days. He tried to re-new his license by mail but they wouldn't let him because of the eye exam part of the process.
I think MC Daughter and D Buddy plan to head back home today but...maybe they'll stay and leave on Monday. Their plans may have changed to coincide with #1 Son's plans. I guess I'll have to wait and ask when they get up.
Sleepy heads. Wait until they have children of their own. There isn't any sleeping late after you have children. Even now my system is still suffering from post-dramatic child syndrome. Thankfully, my eyes don't still pop open at the tiniest sound with my heart pounding in my throat. But the sound of a phone ringing after midnight will still send me into palpitations. However, this may be because HTP and I are going through our "sandwich" years. We have children that have left the nest but may still call with the occasional surprise or emergency and we have parents that may call with the occasional emergency. We're sandwiched between two generations.
I picked and cleaned two cups of crushed wild raspberries yesterday so I started another batch of wild raspberry schnapps. I'm not sure how many more wild raspberries I'll be able to pick, especially if we get rain today. I'm not sure I'll even try to pick anymore. I noted that the wasps have been hitting the raspberries really hard. It's getting hard to find a berry out there that hasn't been nibbled and sucked dry. However, I do think I have enough wild raspberry jam to last the winter and I think the amount of wild raspberry schnapps that I've made will be enough for me to make enough wild raspberry liqueur to share. Plus, as I stated previously, the blackberries are starting to ripen. I may just hold off a week and concentrate on the blackberries. In the meantime, I'm still getting plenty of my tame raspberries. They're supposed to be everbearing but I'm not sure exactly how long they'll continue. The blueberries are almost done so I may remove the netting next time I pick.
The chipmunks have been hitting my beans pretty hard. I may have to set some traps. I've never had this problem before. They stripped all the beans from one whole patch, leaving just the nubs on the plants. Still, I was able to pick enough green beans to cook up and serve tonight for supper. I made some more Tabouli salad that I'll set out too. I love the stuff but I know it's an acquired taste.
Murphyism of the Day
Diner's Dilemma
A clean tie attracts the soup of the day.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There are more tears shed over answered prayers than over unanswered prayers.
-- Saint Theresa of Jesus
Saturday, July 21, 2007
My Tomatoes Are Getting Ripe - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Cleanaholic - Someone who, in seeing a crumb on the floor, cleans the whole house again.
We went out fishing in the boat last night only returning to shore when it looked like we'd need to start thinking about putting up our running lights. We caught a mess of fish which means that I had to clean a mess of fish before we could sit down to eat supper. I suppose we could have had supper before we went out fishing but then we might not have caught so many fish. Anyway, we didn't sit down to supper until around 9:30 last night. Pizza. I froze the fish.
I'm still dancing with sprinklers this morning. Only a couple more moves before I can stow them away for a few days and then start again.
The hummingbirds and orioles have managed to empty their feeders so I'm cooking up another batch of nectar for them. A watched pot never boils, don'tcha know. It's amazing how much those little buggers can put away. MC Daughter and I sat out on the deck yesterday to watch the aerial battles and high-jinks.
I need to go out and pick wild raspberries again today. I picked the ripe tomatoes and the squash blossoms from the garden this morning but I need to pick the green beans. The stupid chipmunks (although very cute) have been raiding my garden. I'm finding half eaten beans strewn about. I didn't plant so many green beans this year so every green bean that the chipmunks mutilate is a bean that I don't get to eat.
I thought I'd better blog before everyone gets up this morning. It looks like it'll be a busy weekend.
Murphyism of the Day
O'Toole's Axiom
One child is not enough, but two children is far too many.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I say luck is when an opportunity comes along, and you're prepared for it.
-- Denzel Washington
Friday, July 20, 2007
A Summer View of My Front Garden
Word of the Day
Claustropedic - A syndrome where the sufferer can't wear closed-toed footwear, even when it's unpractical. Mostly seen in the evenings during the winter.
We now have fifteen jars of jam all cooked up, sealed, and labeled. Five each of Red Raspberry Jam (from my tame bushes), Wild Raspberry Jam (from our hunting and picking efforts), and Sugarfree Wild Raspberry Jam ( hiking and picking). I'll go out again tomorrow to pick again.
MC Daughter made a batch of Blueberry Cream Scones today. I haven't had a chance to try them yet but they smell yummy.
I've been doing the sprinkler dance all day. There's no rain in the forecast for at least a week or longer so I may be repeating this dance again in a few days. I ran outside to water my Earthboxes when I saw my eggplants drooping. It looks like they're going to need a lot more water than I'd thought. I'll have to keep a closer eye on them.
We've decided to head out fishing before supper. A late night pizza supper is planned since MC Daughter won't eat fish. However...she does like to go fishing so I'll probably be cleaning fish later tonight.
Murphyism of the Day
The Pineapple Principle
The best parts of anything are always impossible to separate from the worst parts.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called forth by the memory of hours when we loved not enough. -- Maurice Maeterlinck
Thursday, July 19, 2007
My Tame Raspberries are Lot Easier to Pick - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Clapperphobia - An abnormal fear of clapping one's hands at concerts, events, or other gatherings when around a large number of people. Often attributed to the fear of drawing attention by a potentially loud clap.
Family get-togethers. Gotta love 'em. The logistics alone can be staggering. It was agreed upon that everyone would gather at HTP's folks' place yesterday in The Big City before proceeding to a restaurant where HTP's brother had made reservations in a secluded spot. Lots of room. Very little noise. A room perfect for everyone to get together, eat, and chat without bothering everyone else in the restaurant. This is what was supposed to happen. I tell you this because...this isn't what happened.
HTP and I left The Lake right on schedule, dropping our dogs off at my folks' place where we knew that they'd be well taken care of...and they were. We headed to The Big City with only one stop to "water the horses". Enroute, we got a phone call from #1 Son and MC Daughter. They were supposed to meet us at either the restaurant or HTP's folks' place depending on how their busy schedules meshed with reality. From what HTP and I were hearing from #1 Son and MC Daughter, it seemed logical that they would have plenty of time to meet us and everyone else at HTP's folks' place. This is what should have happened and it would have happened if #1 Son hadn't made a wrong turn. Logically, from our conversation, it seemed that #1 Son and MC Daughter should have arrived at HTP's folks' place a good fifteen minutes before HTP and I would get there. They didn't.
After arriving at HTP's folks' place, and after not seeing our son and daughter, we placed a call. "Where are you?" This call was made amidst all kinds of total confusion and chatter from everyone. It was a madhouse. Everyone was on the verge of leaving HTP's folks' place and heading off to the restaurant...and #1 Son and MC Daughter hadn't even arrived as yet. We told #1 Son and MC Daughter to meet us at the restaurant.
At this point everyone headed to their cars to head to the restaurant which sounds easy but... It really isn't all that easy for HTP's Mother to get into a minivan but...it was finally accomplished without her falling and hurting herself and without drawing too much unwanted and unnecessary attention.
At this point, not trusting our luck or rather trusting in Murphy's Law, HTP and I called #1 Son yet again to find out how traffic was progressing. They were at the restaurant. They beat us there. This is a good thing.
This was a good thing because MC Daughter and #1 Son had arrived before us only to find that the secluded room where we were supposed to be dining was a very smoky and very noisy bar. If this weren't bad enough, they were prepared to seat us at "high tops" When MC Daughter explained to them that this wasn't going to work (she didn't bother to point out the overflowing ashtrays on the high tops or the dirty glasses), when she explained our situation and that elderly people and high tops don't often mesh...let alone how an elderly woman in a wheel chair would handle getting onto such seating and off....there was much grumbling and rolling of eyes. However, she did manage to whip them into some semblance of activity. By the time HTP and I had arrived along with the rest of the family crowd, she had managed to at least get us seated on tables that had been pushed together. However, we were still dealing with an awfully noisy crowd in a bar with lots of smoke which none of us were happy about.
At this point, I'm not sure what HTP's brother told the management (I'm pretty sure HTP's brother has a lot more authority and pull than MC Daughter) but tables were hastily pushed together and set up for us in the much quieter restaurant area. It was a lot quieter...not the ideal that we were hoping for but...it wasn't too bad. The food? Well...mine was pretty awful but that's what I get for ordering the Sausalito Chicken Salad.
The rest of the evening went well. We returned to HTP's folks' place and viewed family slides that HTP had put together. It wasn't until after 10 PM, that HTP and I and MC Daughter got back on the road again heading back to The Lake. After a detour to do some grocery shopping in the city, we arrived back home this morning at 2 AM.
I picked the dogs up from my folks' place at 9 AM....and then my day started.
MC Daughter and I went berry picking after breakfast. We managed to pick 3 1/2 cups of raspberries (cleaned and crushed). They are waiting to be made into jam...tomorrow. After picking the wild raspberries, we picked the tame raspberries and the blueberries. MC Daughter is going to make us Chimichangas for supper. Me? I think I'll let her make Chimichangas for supper while I watch. I'm pretty worn out.
I'll wait and pick the green beans tomorrow. Oh...and I started a batch of wild raspberry schnapps. There's enough wild raspberries this year with the hope that maybe...just maybe...I'll be able to make another batch of jam and another batch of schnapps before the wild raspberry season ends. In the meantime, it looks like the blackberries are just starting to ripen. MC Daughter and I picked all that had ripened...a mere handful but they're starting. Early.
Murphyism of the Day
Ringwald's Law of Household Geometry
Any horizontal surface is soon piled up.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
He hasn't an enemy in the world - but all his friends hate him. -- Eddie Cantor
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Another Hazy July Day at The Lake - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Circumvaculate - To remain stationary while vacuuming in a circle around oneself.
Today is one of those days when I realize that I'll need to blog early or not at all. HTP and I are going to drive to The Big City today for a family (HTP's side of the family) dinner. With the three hour drive to The Big City and the three hour drive home from The Big City and maybe a couple of hours visiting...maybe three...I figure that by the time we get home, it'll be tomorrow.
MC Daughter is going to come home with us. She wants to spend some time up here. D Buddy will join her here this weekend. I wonder if they know that 44th Annual BlueGill Festival is this weekend? The BlueGill Festival is a four day event...not counting the medallion hunt. There will be the softball tournament, water wars, a kids' carnival, a beer garden, two street dances with live bands, pony rides, the horseshoe tournament, a parade, and a fish fry. Our little town is The BlueGill Capital of Wisconsin and this weekend EVERYONE is going to be crowding the town.
I picked, cleaned and crushed what ended up as 3 1/2 cups of wild raspberries yesterday. MC Daughter promises that she'll join me in the hunt tomorrow. She wants me to show her how to make jam. For some reason or other, she's never been around when I've made jam....or for that matter, she's never been around when I've done any canning. Whether or not this was done by design at the time I have no idea. It didn't bother me because I'm a kitchen hog. Too many people in one kitchen can drive me a bit crazy, especially if they don't know what they're doing. Making jam isn't all that hard but if I had to chase after young kids while hot jam is bubbling on the stove, the task would be a lot more challenging. I think HTP would whisk the kids off to safety whenever I made jam. Good plan. MC Daughter is a lot older now and I'm sure she won't tip a pot of hot jam over onto herself. She is a professional. It should be interesting to see how her professional training bumps up against my own "passed down through the generations" training.
I think I'd better clean the berries all by myself. *sigh* But, I suppose I should at least show her the ropes and what to look for when cleaning raspberries. MC Daughter might not understand that you can't wash wild raspberries. (Heck! I don't even wash my tame raspberries since I never use any kind of insecticides on them.) However, the thought of all that protein crawling on her berries may cause her skin to crawl. One has to treat wild raspberries in much the same way as mushrooms. You carefully clean off any bits of protein (bugs and worms) and stems and such beforehand. Not all wild raspberries are buggy or wormy but some are so you have to check each tiny berry carefully. I can just see her tossing out any berry that has a worm or bug crawling on it with me exclaiming, "Honey, that berry is just fine...once you get rid of that teeny worm, that berry will taste just fine in jam." Looks aren't important when it comes to the berries one uses in jam. I wonder how many bugs and worms end up in Smucker's Jams? I don't know the percentage but I do know that there must be some because otherwise the Feds wouldn't give you a percentage that was allowable. *shudder* At least I know what does and does not go into my jam. I'll have to pick up some more sugar and some 1/2 pint jars on our way home from The Big City. We should have enough wild raspberries to make a couple of batches of jam.
Murphyism of the Day
Ryan's Application to Parkinson's Law
Possessions increase to fill the space available for their storage.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
In an industrial society which confuses work and productivity, the necessity of producing has always been an enemy of the desire to create. -- Raoul Vaneigem
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
A Hazy and Humid look at One of My Terrace Gardens at The Lake - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Cinemuck - The sticky substance on the floor of movie theaters.
It's going to be a hot and sticky day. If I'd been smarter, I'd have already been and done my berry picking of the day. As it is, I'll probably end up slogging down the road, picking berries, dripping and sweating surrounded by deerfly. Oh well...I turned on the AC and started the first batch of laundry. I'll spray myself with OFF, tuck my hair under my hat and hit the berry picking road after breakfast. It'll be hot but one does what one can. I think I'll bring a bottle of water along. Berry picking in high humidity is hot and sticky work.
Murphyism of the Day
Bell's Theorem
When a body is immersed in water, the telephone rings.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I don’t think anyone can DO anything that would make him worthy of love. Love is a gift and cannot be earned. It can only be given. -- Real Live Preacher
Monday, July 16, 2007
A View of the Dock at The Lake - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Choconiverous - The tendency when eating a chocolate Easter bunny to bite off the head first.
Sis and I worked on wine again today. We added another bucket of wine to those that are aging in my basement. In a couple of days, I can finish up on the last batch of wine and add that aging bucket to the group. We won't have to do anything more with the wine after that until the middle of August.
I had raccoons on my deck last night. I suppose I should have grabbed a camera to take their picture. Maybe the flash of the camera would have scared them off. Yelling and stomping at them didn't bother them more than a bit. I forgot to bring my bird-feeders in last night so their visit was my own fault. Three (at least that's all I saw) raccoons. They matched. I wonder if they're part of the litter that visited me last year up on our deck. Learned behavior. They sure must be keeping a watch on our house. I've only left the bird-feeders one time previously this summer. Two times. Both times I ended up with raccoons. If they hadn't made so much noise (both times) by running into my large wind chime, causing a cacophony of sound that only gale force winds could cause, HTP and I wouldn't have woken up to chase them off. Actually...I didn't chase them off too far. Just far enough for me to run outside to retrieve the bird-feeders.
Murphyism of the Day
Kovac's Conundrum
When you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
One must desire something to be alive. -- Margaret Deland
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Bird-Proofed Blueberry Hill-Too Bad it isn't Squirrel-Proof (Summer 2007)
Word of the Day
Chlorospud - The substance that gives some potato chips their inexplicably green color. Many snackers have been tricked into thinking these green chips are a toy surprise.
I picked enough wild raspberries, when combined with those that I've previously picked, to make a batch of wild raspberry jam. This doesn't mean that I'll cease my hunt. I will continue to pick until the wild raspberries have ceased producing. I noted today that one of the blackberries on one of the many blackberry bushes that line my driveway, had started to ripen.
After washing off the mosquito repellent that I had to spray on myself in order to avoid the dreaded mosquito, I made lunch. And then...I spent two hours cleaning the wild raspberries. It only took a moment to crush them in preparation for freezing. 2 cups. It took two hours to clean one quart of berries that when crushed ended up as 2 cups. Oh well...the jam will be worth it.
After that...I went outside to pick my tame raspberries and my blueberries. And then...I picked the first picking of green beans from my garden. So...you see...I've been keeping busy. HTP and I will have fresh green beans with our steak tonight.
Tomorrow, Sis and I will work some more on our wine-making projects.
Murphyism of the Day
Bess's Universal Principles
1. The telephone will ring when you are outside the door, fumbling for your keys.
2. You will reach it just in time to hear the click of the caller hanging up.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new discoveries, is not 'Eureka!' (I found it!) but 'That's funny ...' -- Isaac Asimov
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Blog! I'll try to do better tomorrow...if I don't get sucked back into a book.
I knew it! I knew it! I knew that once I picked up a book to read that I'd suck it down in one sitting and do absolutely nothing else for the rest of the day! I'm a book addict! I wasn't even satisfied with reading just one book. I had to start on another. I'm a bookaholic! No restraint!
I did make breakfast, I fed the dogs, washed my hair, "Weeded and Fed" the lawn, put in a presence at the lake association meeting, I made lunch and then....I picked up a book to read. That's all she wrote folks. I'm going to make supper now and I promise to try and blog better tomorrow. I may be sending longing looks toward that new Nora Roberts book that I just purchased on Thursday but I think I can dredge up enough will power to hold off until after supper.
I knew it! I knew it! I knew that once I picked up a book to read that I'd suck it down in one sitting and do absolutely nothing else for the rest of the day! I'm a book addict! I wasn't even satisfied with reading just one book. I had to start on another. I'm a bookaholic! No restraint!
I did make breakfast, I fed the dogs, washed my hair, "Weeded and Fed" the lawn, put in a presence at the lake association meeting, I made lunch and then....I picked up a book to read. That's all she wrote folks. I'm going to make supper now and I promise to try and blog better tomorrow. I may be sending longing looks toward that new Nora Roberts book that I just purchased on Thursday but I think I can dredge up enough will power to hold off until after supper.
Friday, July 13, 2007
My Container Gardening Projects - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Chipple - Residue left on one's hands and clothes after eating a bag full of chips.
I was able to pick more wild raspberries today than I picked the other day. One quart yielded 2 cups of crushed berries. Knock on wood, I'll be able to pick even more in a couple of days. The rain that we got, though very little, seems to have been just enough for the berries. It looks, knock on wood once again, like I'm going to have a bumper crop of blackberries this year. Sis and I plan to pick enough to freeze so we can make blackberry wine next spring. I also want to pick some for blackberry/grape jam. I don't think we'll have any problems reaching our goals since the bushes that I encountered today were loaded with green berries. The blackberries shouldn't come ripe until mid-August. About the same time as our first grandchild will be born.
We have had dribs and drabs of rain for the last couple of days. Not too much. Mostly sun showers. Unfortunately, with the rain comes mosquitoes. Next time I go out berry picking I'll have to arm myself with mosquito spray. It wasn't too bad out today but why mosquitoes head straight for my face, I have no idea.
My blueberries are slowing down some. It won't be long before I can remove the netting and fold it away for another year. My tame raspberries are still producing but I'm battling the chipmunks and birds for what I can get. Still...I'm getting enough for HTP and me to eat with enough leftover so that I should soon be able to make one batch of tame raspberry jam.
I'm going to have to see if I can grow a pot of herbs in Arizona this winter. I've been having success with my basil and parsley pot that I keep on the deck as well as my mint pot. I noticed that my cilantro is coming up nicely as well. I made pesto the other day and it wasn't too bad. Next time I make it I won't use so much cheese. I made Tabouli salad yesterday and have been enjoying it. BTW....Thank you Sis for having a well stocked pantry because my own pantry was sadly lacking. Next time I'm in town, I'm going to see if I stockpile some things like...bulgar wheat and lemons. The rest I had. Tabouli salad is made with cracked bulgar wheat, LOTS of chopped parsley, some diced tomato, chopped green onion, freshly chopped mint, a little garlic, and some fresh lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. It's a really GREEN salad with red bits of tomato for a contrast of color. Lots of REALLY good green stuff but HTP isn't too fond of the stuff. I think the color turns him off. But...I love it and was craving it. One of these days I'll have to make cream-style corn for HTP. He loves it. I can live without it. I think I can count the number of times I've made it in the past 30 years on one hand. Poor HTP. That's OK because I can count the number of times that I've made Tabouli salad on one hand too.
HTP has gone off to the city to get the locks changed on our house. *sigh* We fired our bug man but since he has the key to our house here....'nough said. He never shows up when he's supposed to show up and when he does show up he doesn't do all that much. HTP and I think we can do a lot better on our own. AND....we'll be saving $51/month. Neither HTP nor I could figure out what this guy has been doing that is worth even close to that amount. Anyway, I'm going to have to get new keys to everyone who is supposed to have a key to our house. That's not too many people so it's off to the city to visit our "local" locksmith with all our door locks for HTP today. Me? I ate Tabouli salad for lunch and didn't feel a bit guilty about it.
My plans for tonight? Monk. The new season of Monk starts tonight.
Murphyism of the Day
Jones's Third Law of TV Programming
The show you've been looking forward to all week will be preempted.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Three failures denote uncommon strength. A weakling has not enough grit to fail thrice. -- Minna Thomas Antrim
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Word of the Day
Chipfault - The stress point on a potato chip where it breaks off and stays behind in the dip.
Yesterday I sallied forth in search of the illusive wild raspberry. While out picking the few and far between wild raspberries, I stumbled across a rare wild gooseberry bush with smooth berries (as opposed to prickly). I picked all that I could pick. Pie. I'm going to make a wild gooseberry pie. Yummy. It took two hours to clean the wild raspberries and prep them for freezing. I only managed to find 2 cups of the wild raspberries which smashed down to 1 cup...I froze this one cup and will have to hunt another day. It looks like we'll be getting more...in a few days. I'm going to have to pick a lot more berries to have enough (5 cups crushed) for wild raspberry jam. On the plus side, I cleaned up and measured out 3 cups of smooth gooseberries. That's enough for a nice pie at some future day. I froze the gooseberries for future use.
Today? Sis and I worked on our wine-making project. We transferred our aging tubs to the basement and will check on them again in late August or early September. We started another batch of rhubarb wine which we'll re-visit next week at the same time we need to drain the must out of the gooseberry wine before getting it ready to age along with the rest of the wines in my basement.
We also did a bit of gardening. Sis gave me a gaillardia to plant in my garden from some that my Grandmother had growing by her cabin up here at The Lake. I hope it'll survive my transplant efforts. In turn, Sis took a couple of plants from my flower garden. A balloon flower that had volunteered in a spot where I didn't want it and a couple of red violas. Ditto, I hope they survive their transplant.
We've had a few showers today already. We may get more this afternoon. Since we need the rain, I'm not complaining.
Murphyism of the Day
Jone's Third Law of TV Programming
The show you've been looking forward to all week will be preempted.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A single day is enough to make us a little larger. -- Paul Klee
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
More Frogs in My Viola Garden - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Chillax - To chill and relax.
No real time to chill or relax today. However, the temperatures outside are nicer. It's only 59°F right now. Gotta love it. I'll have to run out and pick raspberries and blueberries as soon as the morning dew has dried. I also hope to go out in search of wild raspberries. I'm keeping my fingers crossed there might be a few despite our lack of any significant rain.
This morning I noted that there was enough coffee left in the coffee pot from yesterday to nuke a cup before prepping a fresh pot of coffee for breakfast. It's little things like this that make the whole morning click into the right place. I know. It's a little thing and many of you are thinking, "Ewwww! Left-over coffee that's been sitting in a coffee pot on the counter all night?! Ewwww!" But I don't mind drinking that first cup of coffee (or last cup from the previous day). It just seems to take so long to brew up that fresh pot. The time goes a lot quicker when I can sip on a nice hot cup of coffee while I'm waiting for the fresh stuff to brew.
I'm finishing up the laundry that I didn't get to yesterday. I need to run outside to check the garden. My dog Mancha (getting old and infirm) ate her special diet food this morning. She hates it and has been refusing to touch it so I'd been giving her a regular stuff. So...today will be a good day for her.
Murphyism of the Day
Jone's Second Law of TV Programming
The only new show worth watching will be canceled.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room.
-- Sir Winston Churchill
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
A Frog in My Viola Garden at The Lake - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Chillaxing - Actively chilling and relaxing; Taking things easy; Staying cool.
Crap! I've been busy today. No time to really blog. I was supposed to do laundry. HTP and I went into the city to retrieve the SideKick. Sis and I went to get her hair cut and my hair cut and colored and streaked. Sis has really short hair so her cut took about ten minutes...total... My hair? Two hours later...
After this we visited our wine shop to get wine-making supplies. HTP was long gone with the SideKick. Sis and I were shopping on our own. Sis had picked another eight pounds of rhubarb so...of course...we needed more champagne yeast and stuff to make more rhubarb wine. Thursday. After we got back to her place we made short work of chopping up rhubarb to freeze for our project. We also made short work of some nice venison appetisers, chips and dip, and a couple of homemade Bloody Mary's. Yummy.
Then...onto my folks' place where Sis and I fought over some stuff that my Mom planned to donate to charity...but she wanted us to look at it first. Of course, all of it was too good to donate so... I think I've got some really neat stuff to give to DD Daughter, MC Daughter, #1 Son, D Buddy or GI Joe. They need to come to visit so they can see if they want some of this stuff.
Oh well...enough for my day. I'm worn out and I bet HTP wants me to make some supper.
Murphyism of the Day
Jone's First Law of TV Programming
If there are only two shows worth watching, they will be on at the same time.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Ours is the age that is proud of machines that think and suspicious of men who try to. -- H. Mumford Jones
Monday, July 09, 2007
Tree Frog Sitting on My Bluebird House - Night picture taken July 7, 2007 at The Lake
Word of the Day
Chiclexodus - Any attempt by a gum ball to sneak out of the chute and roll past the buyer.
OK. I'm a total wimpy weenie. I even feel bad for the fish when I clean them. Now, I'm starting to feel sorry for the chipmunk that I trapped and who is awaiting deportation out in the garage. *sigh* HTP knows me too well. He's been pushing my sympathy button. It's not hard to do. My sympathy button is HUGE! "Oh, the poor little thing. They're so cute." Argh! They are cute. And what if this one has babies somewhere. One of the squirrels was harmlessly climbing my crabapple tree and munching on little crabapples this morning. I don't mind that. Yesterday, they were racing around my deck...playing tag. I don't really mind that either. Maybe I should rethink my strategy. I did plant all kinds of blueberry bushes so I'd be able to harvest enough for just me with some to spare for the birds and wild life. I'm getting plenty of blueberries and raspberries right now. And it wasn't the grey squirrels that dug into my Earthboxes...it was the raccoons. Bird seed isn't too expensive.
We got 1/2 inch of rain yesterday. Woohoo! That means that I don't need to continue my sprinkler/rain dance today. We may get more rain on Tuesday. It's bit cooler today. Waking up to 61°F is a lot better than waking up to 72°F with 76% humidity. It's still humid but somehow I'm not feeling the 100% humidity that they're reporting on the online weather report. I suspect that I'll feel that humidity a lot more later this afternoon.
Plans for the day include getting out there to pick the raspberries and blueberries before the critters get to them. And...maybe release the chipmunk. *sigh* I'm such a weenie!
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Reruns
If you have watched a TV series only once, and you watch it again, it will be a rerun of the same episode.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
History never looks like history when you are living through it.
-- John W. Gardner
Sunday, July 08, 2007
My Raspberry Patch
Word of the Day
Chicken-thirty - Refers to a ridiculously early time in the morning when the roosters start to crow.
I started my sprinkler dance right after breakfast. By 2 PM, the clouds moved in and it started to thunder and rain. So? I turned off the water and will continue my sprinkler dance again tomorrow...or the next day. So far we've had only 1/3 inch of rain.
I picked the raspberries but decided to hold off on picking the blueberries until afternoon. Of course, now I'll have to wait until tomorrow because it's raining. Figures.
I set my Havahart traps this morning. Caught one! A chipmunk. He/She is waiting for transport. I'll drop him/her off at the park in town when I go out to get the mail tomorrow. My other two traps keep tripping and there's nothing in them. I've already re-set them twice. I'll have to bring them back in soon. I don't want to catch a raccoon by mistake.
Murphyism of the Day
My whole day has been one Murphyism after another. I figure blogging is enough at this point.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
We would worry less about what others think of us if we realized how seldom they do.
-- Ethel Barrett
Saturday, July 07, 2007
As Viewed From My Dock
Word of the Day
Chewsome - a. Attractively chewy. b. Of a chewy texture. c. Very pleasant, pleasing or exciting but with more texture.
Still no rain in sight. I'm hoping to hold off on doing another sprinkler dance for a few days yet but.... In the meantime, I picked my raspberries (should have picked them yesterday because the chipmunks got into them but, I still got plenty for me and HTP), and I picked my blueberries (same thing with the raspberries). Oh well, I'll pick again tomorrow morning before breakfast. I guess skipping a day isn't an option. It just encourages the beasties.
Speaking of beasties... I had two raccoons up on my deck last night. They tripped my traps. I know they did it on purpose. And not satisfied with just tripping the traps, they decided to toss the traps about the deck a bit. That part is what woke me up. I chased them off. It has become more than apparent that my poor little Havahart traps are just too small to catch what I want to catch. So, I borrowed a big Havahart trap from my folks today. HTP aked me what I'd do if I caught a raccoon. I don't want to catch the raccoons. I want to catch and transport (deport) the grey squirrels. *sigh* I'm going to have to set the trap during the day and bring it in at night. Raccoons are pretty nasty when they're cornered and mad. I don't think they'd be very understanding if I tried this catch and release system on them.
HTP and I went into the city for supplies. I got my wine-making supplies, more bird seed and some groceries. After we got home, I cleaned up my work area and then started that double batch of gooseberry wine, using the prickly gooseberries that I picked yesterday and some black currants to fill out the recipe.
Murphyism of the Day
Fourth Law of Gardening
You get the most of what you need the least.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is the creative potential itself in human beings that is the image of God.
-- Mary Daly
Friday, July 06, 2007
Word of the Day
Cheerio-magnetization - a. The tendency of the last four or five cheerios in the bowl to cling together for survival. b. The tendency of the last few cheerios to cling to the inside of the bag in hopes that they don't get eaten.
Gathering squash blossoms for breakfast. The zucchini in my garden are starting to blossom. The first blossoms to appear are always the male blossoms. Lots of male blossoms. Waste not, want not. Besides, I happen to love fried squash blossoms. I love them a lot more than zucchini. Calories? Not too many.
Fried Squash Blossoms
Spray a non-stick frying pan with butter-flavored cooking spray. Then, sprinkle the bottom of the pan with a light dusting of Shore Lunch (yup...that stuff you used to fry up fish).
For each four large squash blossoms (cleaned...stem end removed), whip up a couple of egg whites (egg-beaters can be used. Dip your squash blossoms into the whipped egg whites. Put the dipped squash blossoms into the pan and then dust their surface with more Shore lunch. When one side is lightly browned, flip them and brown the other side. Calories? Just the calories that you get from the egg whites and maybe a tablespoon of Shore Lunch. I figure the squash blossoms don't have enough calories to count.
A squirrel visited my two Havahart traps this morning...and tripped them both. HTP thinks he was laughing at me. *sigh* I need to reset my traps and try again. Maybe some peanut butter on bread would hold the bird seed better and draw the squirrel into the trap rather than reaching through the side.
Murphyism of the Day
Third Law of Gardening
If nobody uses it, there's a reason.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Many men can make a fortune but very few can build a family. -- J. S. Bryan
Thursday, July 05, 2007
East Shore of The Lake
Word of the Day
Cappus lockus - A dreaded affliction that causes one's capital lock to come on without their knowledge and stay on, causing people in a chat to think they are yelling at them for some time before the person realizes that their capital lock is on.
My traps are set. I've had it with those fat grey squirrels. I'm not too fond of the chipmunks either at this point. They may look cute but I've only got another 20-pound bag of bird seed left. I can't afford to feed fat grey squirrels. Besides, they chase away all the birds and.... I don't have proof but it was either a grey squirrel or a raccoon that half dug out one of the eggplants in my Earthbox on the deck. And...they're pooping all over the deck. Yucko! I rescued the eggplant before it croaked but I don't think my plants will survive a future attack. The chipmunks? "Someone" attacked on of my blueberry bushes and randomly picked and discarded bunches of the green berries. I've got the bushes covered in netting but there isn't much that will stop a chipmunk...or a squirrel. The netting is for the birds. Literally.
I'm going to have to go out and pick raspberries and blueberries again today and then I'm going to start the sprinkler dance. We haven't had any rain. Maybe we might get a bit of rain today but there's only a 30% chance. Since we didn't get any from the 60% chance, I have my doubts that we'll see any rain for at least a couple more weeks. My garden can't wait on it.
Murphyism of the Day
Second Law of Gardening
Fancy gizmos don't work.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them. -- Isaac Asimov
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Word of the Day
Cell-Hell - The place where a cell phone turns one's calls off due to bad reception.
Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! A pair of cute little baby boy twins were born today. Grandchildren to one of the Ooorah Moms. For the rest of their lives they get to celebrate their birthday along with the birth of a nation.
It's hot and humid outside today. I should have gone out to pick blueberries but they're not going anywhere unless those wicked grey squirrels attack again. I've got one driving me a bit crazy because it keeps coming up on my deck and stealing the bird seed from my feeders. I know. I know. I should get out my traps and transport the evil thing but...maybe tomorrow. I went outside to chase it away and I forgot to put on my shoes. Walking on my deck, barefoot, is not a smart thing to do during the heat of the summer. It wasn't so bad walking out to scare the thing away...it was the walking back. Ouch! Like walking on hot coals (or...at least I imagine that's what walking on hot coals kind of feels like because I've never attempted it...and don't plan on it). Anyway, I suppose it wasn't like walking on hot coals because the bottom of my feet didn't blister or anything. But it was HOT! I looked at the temperature reading for my back deck and it was 100°F. HOT! The actual outdoor temperature isn't really that hot. It's actually only 86°F in the shade. The deck isn't in the shade. It gets the full attention of the sun along with the radiant heat of the windows facing the south. I really should move that temperature sensor to a different spot but it's kind of interesting to see how hot it is out there on our deck. By the way, that sensor is in the shade. There are shady spots on the deck. They just don't do much. Imagine how hot it really is out on that deck...in the sun.
HTP and I are going to celebrate our 4th of July holiday quietly this year. Brats, beer, potato salad, cole slaw, and baked beans. All the fixings of a BBQ but just HTP and me. And maybe we'll have strawberry shortcake again for dessert. Yummy.
Murphyism of the Day
First Law of Gardening
Other people's tools work only in other people's gardens.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The world is full of women blindsided by the unceasing demands of motherhood, still flabbergasted by how a job can be terrific and torturous. -- Anna Quindlen
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Word of the Day
Calbliterate - To toy with something until it no longer works or is much worse than it originally was.
Laundry Day. Imagine that! Doing laundry on a regularly scheduled laundry day! Wow!
It's hot and humid outside. We're supposed to get some rain but so far...nothing. I went out and picked the blueberries and raspberries...just in case. The humidity made picking the berries a bit sweaty but my hat kept the deerfly at bay. HTP made blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Maybe we'll have them again tomorrow.
Murphyism of the Day
Minton's Law of Painting
Any paint, no matter what the quality of composition, will adhere permanently to any surface if applied accidentally.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so. -- John Stuart Mill
Monday, July 02, 2007
Happy, Happy
DD Daughter
GI Joe!
Today is DD Daughter and GI Joe's 2nd Anniversary and the 1st Anniversary that they get to celebrate together together. Yup. I meant to double the word together. GI Joe was in The Sandbox when they celebrated their 1st Anniversary together but just not in the same continents.
Word of the Day
Cadudo - A general use term that comes to mean anything that one wants it to mean.
THEY PROMISED ME SOME RAIN!!!! Well...we're getting some but only an Nth of what we need. *Sigh* Back to Sprinkler Dancing. Or maybe, just maybe we'll get more rain tomorrow. We'll see.
Because I was promised rain, I went out this morning, pre-rain, to pick whatever tame raspberries that needed picking. I didn't expect that there would be any at all since I picked yesterday but I was wrong. I picked just as many raspberries this morning as I picked yesterday. From the looks of things, I may be a bit busy picking tame raspberries this summer. I'm not getting any raspberries from the plants that planted last spring...OMG!...if those plants start taking off next by next summer I'll have to make Sugarfree Raspberry Jam from tame raspberries. That's OK. I happen to love raspberries.
After I picked the raspberries, I figured that I should go and pick whatever blueberries may be starting to ripen. I also picked the rest of the red currants. I won't have to pick any more of those this year. However, I still need to pick more of the black currants. I'd never grown black currants before. Actually, they look a lot like gooseberries. Interesting.
Then....I picked enough rhubarb to make two batches of Sugarfree Rhubarb/Strawberry Jam. And I made two batches of Sugarfree Rhubarb/Strawberry Jam. One jar stubbornly refused to seal so I put it in the fridge to enjoy as soon as HTP finished up the jar of Sugarfree Strawberry Jam that he's working on.
You'd think that by this time I'd figure that I'd done enough for one day. Nope. I prepped a batch of chicken drumsticks for Teriyaki Chicken Drummies and another batch of chicken drumsticks for Buffalo Chicken Drummies. I think I'll bake up a few of the Buffalo Chicken Drummies for supper tonight. Yummy.
Now....I'm done. Or...at least I'm done until I have to put the drumsticks in the oven tonight for supper.
Murphyism of the Day
Malone's Law of the Household
If you wait all day for the repairman, you'll wait all day. If you go out for five minutes, he'll arrive and leave while you're gone.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You will find that the State is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly, too. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
Sunday, July 01, 2007
MC Daughter-Shoveling Snow at The Lake (Spring Break 2004?)
Word of the Day
Cheedle - The residue left on one's fingertips after consuming a bag of Cheetos.
HTP, MC Daughter, D Buddy and #1 Son went to visit HTP's sister and family today. HTP's folks are supposed to be there too. I didn't feel up to it so I stayed home. They just got back. Since I started feeling a bit better (drugs do work) about an hour after they left, I worked on propping up my faux indigo plant that had decided to sprawl all over various other plants in my front garden. I also went onto Step 2 in my Currant Wine project. I drained off the must and added sugar and champagne yeast. I also picked my tame raspberries again. As expected, each time I pick I get more than the previous time that I picked.
Left-overs for supper tonight. Unless, MC Daughter, D Buddy and #1 Son decide to stay until after supper. Up to them.
Murphyism of the Day
Marquette's Third Law of Home Repair
A lost tool will be found immediately upon purchasing a new one.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There is no joy in a life that is all information. There is no 'juice' to that kind of life. No sweetness, no color. Like trading a beautiful golden-ripe orange for a stalk of whithered broccoli. -- Tish Grier