Word of the Day
Cell-Hell - The place where a cell phone turns one's calls off due to bad reception.
Happy Birthday! Happy Birthday! A pair of cute little baby boy twins were born today. Grandchildren to one of the Ooorah Moms. For the rest of their lives they get to celebrate their birthday along with the birth of a nation.
It's hot and humid outside today. I should have gone out to pick blueberries but they're not going anywhere unless those wicked grey squirrels attack again. I've got one driving me a bit crazy because it keeps coming up on my deck and stealing the bird seed from my feeders. I know. I know. I should get out my traps and transport the evil thing but...maybe tomorrow. I went outside to chase it away and I forgot to put on my shoes. Walking on my deck, barefoot, is not a smart thing to do during the heat of the summer. It wasn't so bad walking out to scare the thing away...it was the walking back. Ouch! Like walking on hot coals (or...at least I imagine that's what walking on hot coals kind of feels like because I've never attempted it...and don't plan on it). Anyway, I suppose it wasn't like walking on hot coals because the bottom of my feet didn't blister or anything. But it was HOT! I looked at the temperature reading for my back deck and it was 100°F. HOT! The actual outdoor temperature isn't really that hot. It's actually only 86°F in the shade. The deck isn't in the shade. It gets the full attention of the sun along with the radiant heat of the windows facing the south. I really should move that temperature sensor to a different spot but it's kind of interesting to see how hot it is out there on our deck. By the way, that sensor is in the shade. There are shady spots on the deck. They just don't do much. Imagine how hot it really is out on that deck...in the sun.
HTP and I are going to celebrate our 4th of July holiday quietly this year. Brats, beer, potato salad, cole slaw, and baked beans. All the fixings of a BBQ but just HTP and me. And maybe we'll have strawberry shortcake again for dessert. Yummy.
Murphyism of the Day
First Law of Gardening
Other people's tools work only in other people's gardens.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The world is full of women blindsided by the unceasing demands of motherhood, still flabbergasted by how a job can be terrific and torturous. -- Anna Quindlen
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