A View of the Dock at The Lake - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Choconiverous - The tendency when eating a chocolate Easter bunny to bite off the head first.
Sis and I worked on wine again today. We added another bucket of wine to those that are aging in my basement. In a couple of days, I can finish up on the last batch of wine and add that aging bucket to the group. We won't have to do anything more with the wine after that until the middle of August.
I had raccoons on my deck last night. I suppose I should have grabbed a camera to take their picture. Maybe the flash of the camera would have scared them off. Yelling and stomping at them didn't bother them more than a bit. I forgot to bring my bird-feeders in last night so their visit was my own fault. Three (at least that's all I saw) raccoons. They matched. I wonder if they're part of the litter that visited me last year up on our deck. Learned behavior. They sure must be keeping a watch on our house. I've only left the bird-feeders one time previously this summer. Two times. Both times I ended up with raccoons. If they hadn't made so much noise (both times) by running into my large wind chime, causing a cacophony of sound that only gale force winds could cause, HTP and I wouldn't have woken up to chase them off. Actually...I didn't chase them off too far. Just far enough for me to run outside to retrieve the bird-feeders.
Murphyism of the Day
Kovac's Conundrum
When you dial a wrong number, you never get a busy signal.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
One must desire something to be alive. -- Margaret Deland
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