My Tame Raspberries are Lot Easier to Pick - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Clapperphobia - An abnormal fear of clapping one's hands at concerts, events, or other gatherings when around a large number of people. Often attributed to the fear of drawing attention by a potentially loud clap.
Family get-togethers. Gotta love 'em. The logistics alone can be staggering. It was agreed upon that everyone would gather at HTP's folks' place yesterday in The Big City before proceeding to a restaurant where HTP's brother had made reservations in a secluded spot. Lots of room. Very little noise. A room perfect for everyone to get together, eat, and chat without bothering everyone else in the restaurant. This is what was supposed to happen. I tell you this because...this isn't what happened.
HTP and I left The Lake right on schedule, dropping our dogs off at my folks' place where we knew that they'd be well taken care of...and they were. We headed to The Big City with only one stop to "water the horses". Enroute, we got a phone call from #1 Son and MC Daughter. They were supposed to meet us at either the restaurant or HTP's folks' place depending on how their busy schedules meshed with reality. From what HTP and I were hearing from #1 Son and MC Daughter, it seemed logical that they would have plenty of time to meet us and everyone else at HTP's folks' place. This is what should have happened and it would have happened if #1 Son hadn't made a wrong turn. Logically, from our conversation, it seemed that #1 Son and MC Daughter should have arrived at HTP's folks' place a good fifteen minutes before HTP and I would get there. They didn't.
After arriving at HTP's folks' place, and after not seeing our son and daughter, we placed a call. "Where are you?" This call was made amidst all kinds of total confusion and chatter from everyone. It was a madhouse. Everyone was on the verge of leaving HTP's folks' place and heading off to the restaurant...and #1 Son and MC Daughter hadn't even arrived as yet. We told #1 Son and MC Daughter to meet us at the restaurant.
At this point everyone headed to their cars to head to the restaurant which sounds easy but... It really isn't all that easy for HTP's Mother to get into a minivan was finally accomplished without her falling and hurting herself and without drawing too much unwanted and unnecessary attention.
At this point, not trusting our luck or rather trusting in Murphy's Law, HTP and I called #1 Son yet again to find out how traffic was progressing. They were at the restaurant. They beat us there. This is a good thing.
This was a good thing because MC Daughter and #1 Son had arrived before us only to find that the secluded room where we were supposed to be dining was a very smoky and very noisy bar. If this weren't bad enough, they were prepared to seat us at "high tops" When MC Daughter explained to them that this wasn't going to work (she didn't bother to point out the overflowing ashtrays on the high tops or the dirty glasses), when she explained our situation and that elderly people and high tops don't often mesh...let alone how an elderly woman in a wheel chair would handle getting onto such seating and off....there was much grumbling and rolling of eyes. However, she did manage to whip them into some semblance of activity. By the time HTP and I had arrived along with the rest of the family crowd, she had managed to at least get us seated on tables that had been pushed together. However, we were still dealing with an awfully noisy crowd in a bar with lots of smoke which none of us were happy about.
At this point, I'm not sure what HTP's brother told the management (I'm pretty sure HTP's brother has a lot more authority and pull than MC Daughter) but tables were hastily pushed together and set up for us in the much quieter restaurant area. It was a lot quieter...not the ideal that we were hoping for wasn't too bad. The food? Well...mine was pretty awful but that's what I get for ordering the Sausalito Chicken Salad.
The rest of the evening went well. We returned to HTP's folks' place and viewed family slides that HTP had put together. It wasn't until after 10 PM, that HTP and I and MC Daughter got back on the road again heading back to The Lake. After a detour to do some grocery shopping in the city, we arrived back home this morning at 2 AM.
I picked the dogs up from my folks' place at 9 AM....and then my day started.
MC Daughter and I went berry picking after breakfast. We managed to pick 3 1/2 cups of raspberries (cleaned and crushed). They are waiting to be made into jam...tomorrow. After picking the wild raspberries, we picked the tame raspberries and the blueberries. MC Daughter is going to make us Chimichangas for supper. Me? I think I'll let her make Chimichangas for supper while I watch. I'm pretty worn out.
I'll wait and pick the green beans tomorrow. Oh...and I started a batch of wild raspberry schnapps. There's enough wild raspberries this year with the hope that maybe...just maybe...I'll be able to make another batch of jam and another batch of schnapps before the wild raspberry season ends. In the meantime, it looks like the blackberries are just starting to ripen. MC Daughter and I picked all that had ripened...a mere handful but they're starting. Early.
Murphyism of the Day
Ringwald's Law of Household Geometry
Any horizontal surface is soon piled up.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
He hasn't an enemy in the world - but all his friends hate him. -- Eddie Cantor
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