Word of the Day
Calbliterate - To toy with something until it no longer works or is much worse than it originally was.
Laundry Day. Imagine that! Doing laundry on a regularly scheduled laundry day! Wow!
It's hot and humid outside. We're supposed to get some rain but so far...nothing. I went out and picked the blueberries and raspberries...just in case. The humidity made picking the berries a bit sweaty but my hat kept the deerfly at bay. HTP made blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Maybe we'll have them again tomorrow.
Murphyism of the Day
Minton's Law of Painting
Any paint, no matter what the quality of composition, will adhere permanently to any surface if applied accidentally.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Ask yourself whether you are happy and you cease to be so. -- John Stuart Mill
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