Happy, Happy
DD Daughter
GI Joe!
Today is DD Daughter and GI Joe's 2nd Anniversary and the 1st Anniversary that they get to celebrate together together. Yup. I meant to double the word together. GI Joe was in The Sandbox when they celebrated their 1st Anniversary together but just not in the same continents.
Word of the Day
Cadudo - A general use term that comes to mean anything that one wants it to mean.
THEY PROMISED ME SOME RAIN!!!! Well...we're getting some but only an Nth of what we need. *Sigh* Back to Sprinkler Dancing. Or maybe, just maybe we'll get more rain tomorrow. We'll see.
Because I was promised rain, I went out this morning, pre-rain, to pick whatever tame raspberries that needed picking. I didn't expect that there would be any at all since I picked yesterday but I was wrong. I picked just as many raspberries this morning as I picked yesterday. From the looks of things, I may be a bit busy picking tame raspberries this summer. I'm not getting any raspberries from the plants that planted last spring...OMG!...if those plants start taking off next by next summer I'll have to make Sugarfree Raspberry Jam from tame raspberries. That's OK. I happen to love raspberries.
After I picked the raspberries, I figured that I should go and pick whatever blueberries may be starting to ripen. I also picked the rest of the red currants. I won't have to pick any more of those this year. However, I still need to pick more of the black currants. I'd never grown black currants before. Actually, they look a lot like gooseberries. Interesting.
Then....I picked enough rhubarb to make two batches of Sugarfree Rhubarb/Strawberry Jam. And I made two batches of Sugarfree Rhubarb/Strawberry Jam. One jar stubbornly refused to seal so I put it in the fridge to enjoy as soon as HTP finished up the jar of Sugarfree Strawberry Jam that he's working on.
You'd think that by this time I'd figure that I'd done enough for one day. Nope. I prepped a batch of chicken drumsticks for Teriyaki Chicken Drummies and another batch of chicken drumsticks for Buffalo Chicken Drummies. I think I'll bake up a few of the Buffalo Chicken Drummies for supper tonight. Yummy.
Now....I'm done. Or...at least I'm done until I have to put the drumsticks in the oven tonight for supper.
Murphyism of the Day
Malone's Law of the Household
If you wait all day for the repairman, you'll wait all day. If you go out for five minutes, he'll arrive and leave while you're gone.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You will find that the State is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly, too. -- John Kenneth Galbraith
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