Word of the Day
Cheerio-magnetization - a. The tendency of the last four or five cheerios in the bowl to cling together for survival. b. The tendency of the last few cheerios to cling to the inside of the bag in hopes that they don't get eaten.
Gathering squash blossoms for breakfast. The zucchini in my garden are starting to blossom. The first blossoms to appear are always the male blossoms. Lots of male blossoms. Waste not, want not. Besides, I happen to love fried squash blossoms. I love them a lot more than zucchini. Calories? Not too many.
Fried Squash Blossoms
Spray a non-stick frying pan with butter-flavored cooking spray. Then, sprinkle the bottom of the pan with a light dusting of Shore Lunch (yup...that stuff you used to fry up fish).
For each four large squash blossoms (cleaned...stem end removed), whip up a couple of egg whites (egg-beaters can be used. Dip your squash blossoms into the whipped egg whites. Put the dipped squash blossoms into the pan and then dust their surface with more Shore lunch. When one side is lightly browned, flip them and brown the other side. Calories? Just the calories that you get from the egg whites and maybe a tablespoon of Shore Lunch. I figure the squash blossoms don't have enough calories to count.
A squirrel visited my two Havahart traps this morning...and tripped them both. HTP thinks he was laughing at me. *sigh* I need to reset my traps and try again. Maybe some peanut butter on bread would hold the bird seed better and draw the squirrel into the trap rather than reaching through the side.
Murphyism of the Day
Third Law of Gardening
If nobody uses it, there's a reason.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Many men can make a fortune but very few can build a family. -- J. S. Bryan
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