I Haven't Been Able to Catch This Squirrel - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Clicklinger - Anyone who holds the mouse button down, instead of just clicking it regularly, in hopes that it will give the computer time to realize something has been selected.
Two Chipmunk Has Been Deported to Doolittle Park and One Bunny Has Been Deported to the Next County
I checked my traps this morning. All three had been tripped but they were empty. The rain that we got this morning may be the culprit. I re-set them and will check again later in the day. HTP and I went into the city yesterday to go shopping and we released the bunny in an undeveloped rural area in the next county. My Mom tells me that I should mark my captives with some brilliant neon paint so I can tell if my captives are making it back to my garden just to be captured and transported yet again. Interesting idea but....I wonder what a person seeing a neon chipmunk running around in the wild would think?
We got a drizzle of rain last night...or early this morning. HTP and I stored away my sprinklers so that the hoses wouldn't burn the grass. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we'll get enough rain this time so I won't have to do the sprinkler dance again right away. We only got .08 inches of rain so far. Only enough to make it feel even more humid outside than it felt yesterday. No berry picking for me today. I think I'll find indoor (air-conditioned) activities to do today.
I boiled up another gallon of hummingbird nectar yesterday. I used three quarts of it this morning to refill a couple of my feeders that had been sucked dry. I figure that I'll be using that remaining quart tomorrow to fill another feeder and I'll be boiling up another gallon of nectar tomorrow. Those hummingbirds suck down a heck of a lot of nectar. HTP can't have sugar so he looked askance at me when I purchased another 10-pound sack of sugar yesterday. Most of that sugar will go into my hummingbird feeders. The rest of it will go into wine-making and maybe some liqueur making. I'll probably wait until I get back to Arizona to make most of my liqueurs from the schnapps that I've got brewing in the basement.
I've got my new dishwasher. Installed. I already washed my first load of dishes and it works great. Everything fits. Even my biggest pots and pans and my finest wine glasses. No water spots. Woohoo! The plumber came to install our dishwasher just as we were heading off to the city. We waited. We'd called him to let him know that we wanted our new dishwasher installed but he never called us back to schedule the install. Thank goodness we hadn't left already or I wouldn't be using my new dishwasher right now.
Murphyism of the Day
Pope's Law
Chipped dishes never break.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If mankind minus one were of one opinion, then mankind is no more justified in silencing the one than the one - if he had the power - would be justified in silencing mankind. -- John Stuart Mill
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