I Have Even More Hummingbirds Now - Summer 2002
Word of the Day
Clumfert - The invisible extra step at the top and bottom of a staircase. Usually materializes when one is carrying a large bag of groceries or some other large item that prevents one from seeing what is directly in front of them.
#1 Son has a bed. HTP got back from The Big City in time for us to have supper together.
I just checked my traps and the count remains the same as yesterday. No new chipmunks or bunnies in my traps. I did pick some nice ripe tomatoes.
I gathered about 1/2 cup of Sweet William seeds yesterday and then today I gathered more seed heads to throw farther up on the hill where I have bare spots. If I do end end up with Sweet Williams starting to grow up there, I won't see any color until Summer 2009. But...one must plan ahead, don'tcha know. Anyway, I still have enough seed to share with Sis and Mom.
I'm going to make oven-fried chicken which is something I normally wouldn't make on a hot day like today but...we have air-conditioning so I'll risk it. I'd planned to have the green beans last night but since HTP returned early enough for me to make the left-over brats, I'll serve the green beans and a salad with supper tonight.
Coffee isn't sitting well in my stomach these days. I decided to switch to hot (caffeinated) tea made along with some of the mint leaves from my garden. Tastes great. I'll have to transplant some of the mint into my flower garden. Sis tells me that it's a perennial. The thing is that it's doing really well where it is so I hate to mess with a good thing.
I need to start the sprinkler dance. Maybe tomorrow.
Murphyism of the Day
Boren's Law of Cats
When in doubt, wash.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Weather forecast for tonight: dark. Continued dark overnight, with widely scattered light by morning. -- George Carlin
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