A Frog in My Viola Garden at The Lake - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Chillaxing - Actively chilling and relaxing; Taking things easy; Staying cool.
Crap! I've been busy today. No time to really blog. I was supposed to do laundry. HTP and I went into the city to retrieve the SideKick. Sis and I went to get her hair cut and my hair cut and colored and streaked. Sis has really short hair so her cut took about ten minutes...total... My hair? Two hours later...
After this we visited our wine shop to get wine-making supplies. HTP was long gone with the SideKick. Sis and I were shopping on our own. Sis had picked another eight pounds of rhubarb so...of course...we needed more champagne yeast and stuff to make more rhubarb wine. Thursday. After we got back to her place we made short work of chopping up rhubarb to freeze for our project. We also made short work of some nice venison appetisers, chips and dip, and a couple of homemade Bloody Mary's. Yummy.
Then...onto my folks' place where Sis and I fought over some stuff that my Mom planned to donate to charity...but she wanted us to look at it first. Of course, all of it was too good to donate so... I think I've got some really neat stuff to give to DD Daughter, MC Daughter, #1 Son, D Buddy or GI Joe. They need to come to visit so they can see if they want some of this stuff.
Oh well...enough for my day. I'm worn out and I bet HTP wants me to make some supper.
Murphyism of the Day
Jone's First Law of TV Programming
If there are only two shows worth watching, they will be on at the same time.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Ours is the age that is proud of machines that think and suspicious of men who try to. -- H. Mumford Jones
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