As Viewed From My Dock
Word of the Day
Chewsome - a. Attractively chewy. b. Of a chewy texture. c. Very pleasant, pleasing or exciting but with more texture.
Still no rain in sight. I'm hoping to hold off on doing another sprinkler dance for a few days yet but.... In the meantime, I picked my raspberries (should have picked them yesterday because the chipmunks got into them but, I still got plenty for me and HTP), and I picked my blueberries (same thing with the raspberries). Oh well, I'll pick again tomorrow morning before breakfast. I guess skipping a day isn't an option. It just encourages the beasties.
Speaking of beasties... I had two raccoons up on my deck last night. They tripped my traps. I know they did it on purpose. And not satisfied with just tripping the traps, they decided to toss the traps about the deck a bit. That part is what woke me up. I chased them off. It has become more than apparent that my poor little Havahart traps are just too small to catch what I want to catch. So, I borrowed a big Havahart trap from my folks today. HTP aked me what I'd do if I caught a raccoon. I don't want to catch the raccoons. I want to catch and transport (deport) the grey squirrels. *sigh* I'm going to have to set the trap during the day and bring it in at night. Raccoons are pretty nasty when they're cornered and mad. I don't think they'd be very understanding if I tried this catch and release system on them.
HTP and I went into the city for supplies. I got my wine-making supplies, more bird seed and some groceries. After we got home, I cleaned up my work area and then started that double batch of gooseberry wine, using the prickly gooseberries that I picked yesterday and some black currants to fill out the recipe.
Murphyism of the Day
Fourth Law of Gardening
You get the most of what you need the least.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
It is the creative potential itself in human beings that is the image of God.
-- Mary Daly
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