My Raspberry Patch
Word of the Day
Chicken-thirty - Refers to a ridiculously early time in the morning when the roosters start to crow.
I started my sprinkler dance right after breakfast. By 2 PM, the clouds moved in and it started to thunder and rain. So? I turned off the water and will continue my sprinkler dance again tomorrow...or the next day. So far we've had only 1/3 inch of rain.
I picked the raspberries but decided to hold off on picking the blueberries until afternoon. Of course, now I'll have to wait until tomorrow because it's raining. Figures.
I set my Havahart traps this morning. Caught one! A chipmunk. He/She is waiting for transport. I'll drop him/her off at the park in town when I go out to get the mail tomorrow. My other two traps keep tripping and there's nothing in them. I've already re-set them twice. I'll have to bring them back in soon. I don't want to catch a raccoon by mistake.
Murphyism of the Day
My whole day has been one Murphyism after another. I figure blogging is enough at this point.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
We would worry less about what others think of us if we realized how seldom they do.
-- Ethel Barrett
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