Old Grey Frog Picking the Tame Raspberries - Summer 2007
Word of the Day
Cleaverage - The advantage women have over men when wearing a low-cut top.
I think it actually might rain today! Could this be a result of my sprinkler dance? Actually, although we really need the rain, I'm hoping that it won't rain on the BlueGill Festival's parade. This is our little community's main event of the year. MC Daughter and D Buddy headed off to see what was what yesterday but returned because they couldn't find a parking space.
#1 Son got here last night just in time to set off a few fireworks from our dock. I lit a citronella candle on my deck and watched. Love it. He's going to stay tonight yet and head out on Monday. He's been trying to re-new his driver's license but what with school and work, he hasn't had too many opportunities since the DMV is only open during the week days. He tried to re-new his license by mail but they wouldn't let him because of the eye exam part of the process.
I think MC Daughter and D Buddy plan to head back home today but...maybe they'll stay and leave on Monday. Their plans may have changed to coincide with #1 Son's plans. I guess I'll have to wait and ask when they get up.
Sleepy heads. Wait until they have children of their own. There isn't any sleeping late after you have children. Even now my system is still suffering from post-dramatic child syndrome. Thankfully, my eyes don't still pop open at the tiniest sound with my heart pounding in my throat. But the sound of a phone ringing after midnight will still send me into palpitations. However, this may be because HTP and I are going through our "sandwich" years. We have children that have left the nest but may still call with the occasional surprise or emergency and we have parents that may call with the occasional emergency. We're sandwiched between two generations.
I picked and cleaned two cups of crushed wild raspberries yesterday so I started another batch of wild raspberry schnapps. I'm not sure how many more wild raspberries I'll be able to pick, especially if we get rain today. I'm not sure I'll even try to pick anymore. I noted that the wasps have been hitting the raspberries really hard. It's getting hard to find a berry out there that hasn't been nibbled and sucked dry. However, I do think I have enough wild raspberry jam to last the winter and I think the amount of wild raspberry schnapps that I've made will be enough for me to make enough wild raspberry liqueur to share. Plus, as I stated previously, the blackberries are starting to ripen. I may just hold off a week and concentrate on the blackberries. In the meantime, I'm still getting plenty of my tame raspberries. They're supposed to be everbearing but I'm not sure exactly how long they'll continue. The blueberries are almost done so I may remove the netting next time I pick.
The chipmunks have been hitting my beans pretty hard. I may have to set some traps. I've never had this problem before. They stripped all the beans from one whole patch, leaving just the nubs on the plants. Still, I was able to pick enough green beans to cook up and serve tonight for supper. I made some more Tabouli salad that I'll set out too. I love the stuff but I know it's an acquired taste.
Murphyism of the Day
Diner's Dilemma
A clean tie attracts the soup of the day.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
There are more tears shed over answered prayers than over unanswered prayers.
-- Saint Theresa of Jesus
1 comment:
hey, NNY and I only sleep "late" cuz that's our normal schedule. =P
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