Tree Frog Sitting on My Bluebird House - Night picture taken July 7, 2007 at The Lake
Word of the Day
Chiclexodus - Any attempt by a gum ball to sneak out of the chute and roll past the buyer.
OK. I'm a total wimpy weenie. I even feel bad for the fish when I clean them. Now, I'm starting to feel sorry for the chipmunk that I trapped and who is awaiting deportation out in the garage. *sigh* HTP knows me too well. He's been pushing my sympathy button. It's not hard to do. My sympathy button is HUGE! "Oh, the poor little thing. They're so cute." Argh! They are cute. And what if this one has babies somewhere. One of the squirrels was harmlessly climbing my crabapple tree and munching on little crabapples this morning. I don't mind that. Yesterday, they were racing around my deck...playing tag. I don't really mind that either. Maybe I should rethink my strategy. I did plant all kinds of blueberry bushes so I'd be able to harvest enough for just me with some to spare for the birds and wild life. I'm getting plenty of blueberries and raspberries right now. And it wasn't the grey squirrels that dug into my was the raccoons. Bird seed isn't too expensive.
We got 1/2 inch of rain yesterday. Woohoo! That means that I don't need to continue my sprinkler/rain dance today. We may get more rain on Tuesday. It's bit cooler today. Waking up to 61°F is a lot better than waking up to 72°F with 76% humidity. It's still humid but somehow I'm not feeling the 100% humidity that they're reporting on the online weather report. I suspect that I'll feel that humidity a lot more later this afternoon.
Plans for the day include getting out there to pick the raspberries and blueberries before the critters get to them. And...maybe release the chipmunk. *sigh* I'm such a weenie!
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Reruns
If you have watched a TV series only once, and you watch it again, it will be a rerun of the same episode.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
History never looks like history when you are living through it.
-- John W. Gardner
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