Monday, April 28, 2008
Snow at The Lake - Spring 2008
Word of the Day
Haggleable - Negotiable, especially as to price.
We're Vegas!
HTP somehow managed to fit all our stuff into our car. Miracle of miracles. Even the speaker system that our son wanted us to bring to him fit. Of course, you really can't see too much from our rear view mirror but that's why we have side mirrors.
HTP drove the until we got to Kingman and I took over the rest of the trip. *sigh* Homeland Security stopped us at the Dam checkpoint and wanted to search the car. I had visions of having to unpack everything...not any easy task...but when the nice Homeland Security officer saw Gypsy, he told me that they were dog friendly and offered to let me walk my baby in their parking lot. That was about the extent of the search. Of course, Gypsy had to lick and greet both the big bad Homeland Security officers.
Driving on it occurred to me when I was crossing the Dam that HTP and I were REALLY close to Vegas. I had to stop to let a tall leggy blond cross the road in front of us (pedestrians have the right of way). She was wearing these incredibly short white shorts paired with a black and white tiger stripped shirt AND black stiletto heels? Yup. We were indeed nearing Vegas. Of course, she may have been a hooker there for the day entertaining the bikers. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between some Vegas residents and your every night street walker. But...this was broad daylight.
Bikers? The annual bike rally in Laughlin takes place about the same time HTP and I head off to The Lake. I think they call it The River Run. Anyway, some of the bikers were enjoying the Hoover Dam sights. There were LOTS of bikes on the road. Lots of them. Actually, they were returning home. The last day of the rally was yesterday. I don't think we'll see too many of them from now on out. HTP did say that they were all excited about the leathers to be had in Laughlin. Cheap. Conversations with bikers can be interesting.
My sister e-mailed some more pictures from The Lake. She says the ice if finally off the lake at The Lake. Whoohoo! However, they did get another two to three inches of snow. Win some lose some. Which...come to think of it describes the kind of luck I've been having here in Vegas. Right now my luck is on the "lose some" side.
HTP and I had dinner at Billy Bob's. We had planned to have dinner at Fellini's we walked past this restaurant off the park at Sam's Town...they're CLOSED. This is a REAL bummer. I'm not all that fond of Billy Bob's except for their oysters. The only other restaurant remaining here is one where we'll eat breakfast and another one that has Mexican food. Willy & Jose's. I'm picky when it comes to my salsas. I don't like the salsa at Willy & Jose's plus...their chips are too thick. You could break a tooth. Of course, that's an exaggeration but I have walked out of there with my gums cut up and bleeding. It's a good thing that margaritas act as a disinfectant. I've never had a gum infection but I hear that they can be nasty.
Internet speed here at our hotel is SLOW! It's doubtful that I'll be able to blog again until our first night on the road again. Wednesday night. However, I make no promises.
Murphyism of the Day
Osburn's Axiom
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
How close the sexes sometimes come to one another. It is as much a matter of behaviour and the sphere in which they move that separates the masculine part of humanity from the feminine.
- Elizabeth Aston
Saturday, April 26, 2008
See the Pretty Pink Bows? Now TAKE THEM OUT!
Word of the Day
Hadabada - A phrase used to strike fear into others, much like its counterpart, "Boo!" Usually most effective in a high, screechy voice.
1 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (Crunch Time! It's OK and perfectly acceptable to least get a bit FRANTIC!)
Pretty in pink? I took Gypsy to the groomer's yesterday. She got shaved. I'm not used to seeing her with short hair. They left her tail and just trimmed her ears but she came out of the groomer's looking more like a Shitzu or Llasa Apso than a Cavalier. Pink bows? They put pink bows on my Gypsy's ears? Apparently, Gypsy didn't seem to mind too much but it didn't take too long before she plucked them out and proceeded to chew them up. I did take some pictures before the pluck and destroy mission. At least right now all her hair is the same length. I'm not sure if I'll ever have her groomed quite like this again but it should help keeping burrs and flotsam from clinging. We'll see. Mainly...she's looked a bit like she's wearing a fur jacket ever since the surgery on her hind legs which had to be shaved. I figured this will give all Gypsy's hair a chance to grow back in at the same rate.
Brrrrr!!!! According to #1 Son and the weather maps, it's snowing at our final destination. Snow?!? I listened to Rusty Humphries last night and he predicts a Global Cooling...another Ice Age...instead of the Global Warming that seems to be politically correct right now. I guess it's time to start stockpiling firewood. I don't ever remember there being snow this late in the season. The pictures my sister sent of an iced over lake looked bizarre. She and her husband had planned to put in their dock and pontoon boat this weekend so that it would be ready for the opening of fishing season. That's the weekend that HTP and I will arrive at The Lake. Fishing Opener. Oh well...I think I may have a packet of frozen fish in the freezer at The Lake. Maybe. Or...I may have given it to MC Daughter or #1 Son to use up. I guess HTP and I may just have to live with store bought fish until winter goes away.
HTP and I are using up the last of our perishable food supplies here in Arizona. I can't believe how accurate I've been this year. Normally I end up with a whole box of stuff that I end up gifting to my neighbor...whether she needs the stuff or not. This year I'm down to three eggs, which we'll have for breakfast, half a carton of milk, which I'll have on my cereal for breakfast and dump the rest, a half of a steak which I couldn't finish for supper last night so I'll sliver it for sandwiches for HTP and my lunch, and there's enough hamburger for HTP and me to put on my two remaining hamburger buns for tonight...along with two nice slices of tomato and some onion. There's even enough hamburger for a bit of a treat for Gypsy.
I'm going to be finishing up the last of the To Do List today. It's a LONG To Do List...though I did get the dusting done. All my bags are packed except for the last minute stuff that I'll toss in tomorrow before we hit the road. HTP is going to break down my computer this afternoon. I won't have time to spend doing computer stuff any more today anyway. HTP and I will load up the car tonight except for the suitcases that we'll need while we're "On the Road". The next time I blog will either be in Vegas from our laptop (don't count on it) or on the road from our laptop (I'll try). A lot depends upon our Internet connections in Vegas and on the road. We'll see.
Murphyism of the Day
Picasso's Postulate
Computers are useless. All they give you are answers.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous.
- Henry Adams (1838 - 1918)
Friday, April 25, 2008
Ice on the lake at The Lake - April 24, 2008
Word of the Day
Habitosis - A disease affecting those who continually form habits out of every aspect of their life; the condition of making every action into a habit.
2 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (Packing Continues. Working on the To Do List.)
I'm starting to get "excited". I've got the flight/fright feeling in the pit of my stomach. It's pretty hard to sleep when you've got that squirmy feeling in the pit of your stomach. I'm not panicked....yet. Everything is under control. I have no idea how we're going to get all this stuff into one car but we'll worry about that tomorrow.
Gypsy goes to the groomers this morning. I'll post a picture tomorrow. I can't imagine her with short hair but one must be practical when it comes to having a long-haired dog at The Lake. It doesn't work too well. Besides, what if she decides that she likes to swim? There's nothing worse than a wet dog than a wet dog with wet long hair.
My sister just wrote me that there's still ice on the lake at The Lake. She even sent pictures. Wow! I guess it's a good thing that I'm packing my winter jacket. There's no way that a boat or dock can be put in with all that ice. The opening of fishing season won't be too much fun unless we decide to go ice fishing. I guess global warming isn't warming much at The Lake this spring. They're predicting snow for later in the week. Should be interesting. I hope we don't encounter too many problems with ice and snow on our trip.
I'm not sure when HTP will decide to pack up my computer. Tomorrow for sure. Chances are I will have time to blog tomorrow morning but I'm not sure how much blogging I'll be able to do after that until we get to The Lake. I'll try.
Murphyism of the Day
Jaruk's Law
If it would be cheaper to buy a new unit, the company will insist on repairing the old one.
If it will be cheaper to repair the old one, the company will insist on buying the latest model.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If we can connect in some tiny way with a human that doesn't agree with us, then maybe we won't blow up the planet.
- Nancy White
Thursday, April 24, 2008
#1 Son and D Buddy Chilling After Putting in the Dock - 2007
Sis tells me that the lake at The Lake is still iced least it was last weekend.
Word of the Day
Haargle - The act of gargling with a hair in one's throat, resulting in a most unusual gagging sound.
3 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (Packing Continues. Working on the To Do List.)
Do I really need to dust? It's not like I won't have to dust again when we get back here in the fall. *sigh* I'll dust, but not's on The List. Today is pre-emergent day. I'm going to have to get out there and take care of this task before the temperatures outside get too high. We're supposed to have temperatures in the 90's today. I'm going to have to spread the pre-emergent weedkiller before breakfast or it'll have to wait until tomorrow morning.
My skunk streak is gone! Two hours at the beauty parlor (salon...they call it a salon and day spa), and my hair has been rejuvenated. Plus...I bought this neat hair powder spray so that I can cover up my skunk streak when it starts growing in. Seriously. She showed me this "new" stuff that you spray on your part line and, presto chango, skunk streak. It's not a permanent fix. Washes out with you shampoo. I bought the blond stuff. Comes in lots of colors but my hair stylist recommended blond for me. Make-up for the hair. Who'd a thunk it? Now I may not have to worry so much about trying to find someone to color my hair at The Lake. Actually, the stuff kind of reminds me of a commercial for this spray stuff balding guys use to cover their bald spot. Huh...I wonder....? I packed it in the suitcase that I won't need to get into until we get to The Lake. I won't need it for a while. Just thinking...I bet this stuff would be kind of cool to temporarily add those neat calico color streaks that my daughters seem to enjoy so much.
Murphyism of the Day
Arnold's Laws of Documentation
1. If it should exist, it doesn't.
2. If it does exist, it's out-of-date.
3. Only useless documentation transcends the first two laws.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
-The Dalai Lama (1935 - )
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
My Garden at The Lake - I'm hoping to expand this summer.
Word of the Day
Gymnatical - 1. Inverted, twisted, or generally disorienting movement or posture. 2. Of or relating to gymnastics.
4 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (Packing Continues)
The fountain is drained and clean. Another item scratched off my To Do List but I'm missing the sound of the water falling in the fountain. The birds are missing their morning shower this morning too. They'll have to find another source of water for the summer. I noticed that some of my neighbors who live here year round have fountains so I'm not too worried about the birds.
The Bug Man is coming for the last time this morning sometime. There's no real reason to continue having him come during the months that we're not here. I've got a hair appointment this afternoon. Unless I can find someone at The Lake who can cut and color my hair, I'll either have a huge skunk streak or totally weird looking hair by the time I return here in the fall.
The task of spreading pre-emergent is still demanding my attention but...I think I'll hold off on that until tomorrow. There's a few live weeds in the backyard that need to be pulled or killed before I can put out the pre-emergent. HTP promises that he'll take care of activating the stuff. He's going to have to take a hose and water the entire yard after I'm done sprinkling the stuff all over the gravel areas. Tomorrow.
HTP and I went out for our sushi fix last night. All the sushi you can eat for one set price. HTP and I can eat a heck of a lot of sushi. Though there is a sushi restaurant in The Big City, we don't get to The Big City all that often. The only sushi at The Lake is that which I roll myself. We went out for our Mexican food fix last week. There is a really good Mexican food restaurant in the city near The Lake but they don't have Senior night. Buy one entree and get the other one for free. And if you get there during happy hour? Yummy Margaritas. That's all the eating out that we'll be doing here until next fall. We're going to be using up perishable stuff in the fridge. Eggs for breakfast again?
Murphyism of the Day
The Stages of Systems Development
1. Wild enthusiasm
2. Disillusionment
3. Total confusion
4. Search for the guilty
5. Punishment of the innocent
6. Promotion of the nonparticipants
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
- Bible, New Testament, I Thessalonians
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My Beautiful Fountain (Looks like I need to add sweeping the patio to my list...)
Word of the Day
Gwee - To take toe-curling pleasure in something non-sexual and express it with bodily contortions. Similarly, when cats curl their paws and close their eyes while being stroked.
5 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
OK. I admit it. I'm not exactly panicking but I didn't sleep too well last night. Admittedly, I never sleep all that well at night but last night was worse than my average sleepless nights. Despite all my lists, thoughts of all the stuff on my To Do List kept running through my head, demanding to be heard.
HTP wants me to treat the yard (front and back)with the pre-emergent but I can't do that until I drain and clean out the fountain. I can't drain and clean out the fountain until HTP reprograms the irrigation system so that my frog spitter doesn't keep trying to fill the fountain up again after I've spent all that time trying to drain it. There is a natural order for the way things need to be done on my To Do List. I don't mind taking care of sprinkling the pre-emergent weedkiller in the gravel areas of our yard but...first things first.
It's Laundry Day. I'll have to do laundry again on Friday but after that I can shut off the water to the laundry room. That's on my To Do List but will have to wait until Friday. However, all these tasks keep running through my mind demanding attention like a two year old screaming, "Me, Mommy, ME! Pick ME up Mommy! Feed me Mommy!" And no amount of trying to ignore the screaming will make the fact that the furniture needs dusting and that I really should vacuum...and clean the bathrooms...and the kitchen, go away. *sigh* First things first. I'll take care of cleaning the house on Saturday. I can't vacuum until HTP loads all this stuff in my dining room into the car. Vacuuming comes last. Are you listening little voice in my mind? It'll get done but not right now and not in the middle of the night while I'm trying to sleep. *sigh* It'll get done....I put it all on the To Do List.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Manual - The element of your computer system that is incomprehensible.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Age is not a particularly interesting subject. Anyone can get old. All you have to do is live long enough.
- Groucho Marx (1890 - 1977)
Monday, April 21, 2008
My Beautiful Fountain - 2008 (Draining and cleaning the fountain is on my To Do List)
Word of the Day
Gwallop - To swallow and gulp at the same time; to swallow a very large amount.
6 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (I'll start panicking tomorrow)
Actually...I may not start panicking until Thursday or Friday. I know that I've got a huge list of things to do on my To Do List and I haven't done any of them as yet but I really can't do any of those things until Thursday at the earliest. My friend asked me last night at supper whether I was all packed. I explained to her that some stuff can't be packed until the very last minute. So, as you can see, there's no reason to start panicking at this point. I'm pulling a Scarlett O'Hara for the time being.
Of course, some things don't help keep my stress levels at their required low levels. Some getting an e-mail from American Airlines telling me that the flights that I'm supposed to be taking to and from New York this summer to rendezvous with my fellow Marine Mom friends no longer exist but they've put me on alternate flights. However, said alternate flight to New York had an arrival time of 10 PM. A full twelve hours later than my original flight's scheduled arrival. This was supposed to be an acceptable substitute? Apparently, American Airlines doesn't have any more non-stop flights from where I'll be flying from. *sigh* HTP managed to find a more reasonable substitute for both my flights and I must say that American Airline's reservationists were very nice and willing to work with us. No fees for the change. (I should hope not!) I'll still be arriving in New York later than originally planned but I'll arrive before noon....barring any unforeseen flight problems on the day of travel. I should get to see some of New York on the day that I arrive. Re-scheduling my flight for this summer took the entire time between breakfast and the time that HTP and I had to leave to go meet our friends for our night out at 3:30 PM. However, one more fire has been put out and my stress levels are back into a more normal range. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that American Airlines doesn't decide to alter my altered flights (and this could happen) least until I'm all unpacked and my garden is planted at The Lake. for HTP's stress levels? I prefer not to go there. He's been VERY busy burning DVD's and organizing everything that isn't on my To Do List. He has his own To Do List which didn't include rescheduling my New York airline flight or any number of other small fires that seem to be popping up on a daily basis.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Processor - The part of a computer system that is obsolete.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If mankind minus one were of one opinion, then mankind is no more justified in silencing the one than the one - if he had the power - would be justified in silencing mankind.
- John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873)
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Latest Gypsy Pics - April 19, 2008
Word of the Day
Gunna - Gonna; Going to.
7 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (I'll start panicking tomorrow)
It's Sunday. In a mere 7 days, HTP and I will be climbing into our heavily loaded car and on our way to Vegas. In six days, we'll be trying to puzzle out how we'll get all this stuff into one car...a large car...but one single car. The child's rocker is the mystery. Neither HTP or I can quite visualize how or where it's going to fit. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Please note that I'm still not in panic mode. HTP and I are going to spend a relaxing evening with friends at a movie. Jet Li and Jackie Chan in "The Forbidden Kingdom". And then after the movie we plan to enjoy a nice steak dinner at Logan's Roadhouse. I've never been to Logan's Roadhouse. I hear that it's one of those casual places where you throw your peanut shells on the floor. Sounds like my kind of place.
Gypsy and I have already had our morning workout and walk. We met one man walking a huge dog. Knowing that breed of dog, Akita, I decided that Gypsy didn't need to meet and greet. We crossed over to the other side of the street and I said my "Good morning"s in passing. Gypsy really wanted to greet the Akita but she stayed, with a slight reminder, at my side in a "sit".
I took some quick pictures of Gypsy yesterday out in our backyard. I wanted some before pictures that were after the surgery and after her cast were removed. I haven't taken the time with all our physical therapy and all. She's going to have most of her hair shaved off on Friday. A "Summer at The Lake" cut. Plus, this will give all her hair a chance to grow in front and back at the same length. She looks a bit unbalanced right now because the hair on her rear hasn't grown back yet and the rest of her hair in the front makes her look like she's constantly cringing a bit. It's hard to take pictures of my puppy. She's constantly in motion.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
File - The part of the computer system that cannot be found.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.
- Michael Pritchard
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Word of the Day
Gumashification - An act of putting a piece of used chewing gum in a dirty ashtray.
8 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (I'm still not in full panic mode)
Every time I think I've packed everything that can be packed 8 days before we leave for The Lake, I think of something else that needs packing. The Wii. It was on my list but I've been avoiding the effort required to pack it back up in its box. I took care of it yesterday. I noticed that Nintendo has come out with a fitness/exercise "game" for the least...that's what I read on the Internet. I really like the Wii...but...I'm afraid that I haven't used it much this winter. I should have used it. There really isn't that much room in our living room to play the Wii. #1 Son and I had to drag the coffee table (huge coffee table) out of the way so we could play when he was here over Christmas break. There's no way that I can move that coffee table out of the way all by myself so... Oh well, at least I got to play it when #1 Son was home. Hopefully, I'll get to play it a few times this summer.
I also decided to look in some "mystery" boxes out in the garage to see if I could find some missing books. I did find some missing books but not the ones that I was looking for...even though I opened and sorted four "mystery" boxes. I call them "mystery" boxes because the description for what is actually in each "mystery" box out in the garage is somewhat vague. I unpacked some of the stuff but with limited space here at our Arizona home, most of the things in those boxes will have to remain in their boxes for another little while. Ms. En doesn't need any puzzles right now and I'm thinking that I may save some things here and at The Lake for when Grandchildren may come for visits.
In the meantime, I can't find my dog training book. Could it be up at The Lake? I'm not having much luck teaching Gypsy the "stay" command. I need to check the book and find out what I might be doing wrong.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Error Message - A request to okay the destruction of your own data.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
- Walt Whitman (1819 - 1892)
Friday, April 18, 2008
Lucky Mrs. Ticklefeather - A Family Favorite
Word of the Day
Guesstimate - 1. A very basic guess on the solution to something. 2. To estimate by guessing.
9 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
I refuse to start panicking just because we're down to single digits before our departure for The Lake. Actually, you all might be wondering about the discrepancy between the tickers. Does it really take 7 days to drive from Arizona to The Lake? Nope. It really doesn't take all that many days to drive from Arizona to The Lake. The thing is that HTP and I are going to stop in Vegas first to celebrate our 30th Anniversary. We're going to stay and play in Vegas (Sam's Town) for four days (three nights) before we continue our annual Eastern migration with my folks...who are going to puppy sit for us while we're there. Gypsy can't wait to see them again. As for panicking? So far, knock on wood, everything is under control. I'll wait and panic next week about the same time when HTP tells me that there's no way that all this stuff will fit into one car.
One of my tasks yesterday was to drag all the children's books in from the garage. The plan was to sort through the books and pack up some to bring to Ms. En. I forgot how many children's books we had. Four huge plastic tubs of children's books! I carefully divided them three ways so that each of my own three children will get their fair share of the books for their own children some day. I boxed up DD Daughter's fair share to bring to her when we stop to see DD Daughter, GI Joe and Ms. En on our way to The Lake. One huge box of children's books. Ms. En is going to need someone who can build her a bookshelf for all these books. Some of those books are REALLY old. Antiques. DD Daughter is going to have to supervise the handling on some of those children's books.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Restore - A procedure that works perfectly until it is needed.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Home computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog.
- Doug Larson
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Old Grey Frog Hiking the Logging Road
Word of the Day
Gruntled - Contented; not postal; a person who is extremely satisfied with their working conditions.
10 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
It's chilly this morning here in Arizona. Sweater weather...this morning. I'm not sure that I'll need to turn on the AC today or not. 67°F. The weather at The Lake? It's supposed to warm up to 57°F. Winter jacket weather. I've added another ticker on top of my blog to count down the days until we actually drive down our 1/2 mile long driveway at The Lake. I've been posting Spring pictures to get myself in the mood...or maybe I'm just posting the pictures because I'm "in the mood".
I've packed four boxes of stuff to go to The Lake. Somehow, I managed to...have you ever had a paper cut? I managed to give myself a couple of cardboard cuts yesterday when I was wrestling with the cardboard boxes and the tape dispenser. Blood everywhere. Cardboard cuts bleed a lot. I haven't sealed up the boxes as yet. I might want something in the boxes or I may want to tuck something into one of them at the last minute. I've learned not to zip up a suitcase or tape up a box until we're ready to load stuff into the car. No matter how good my lists are....there's always something that needs to be tucked in at the last minute.
I'm at the point where I can't really pack much more until next week. I still may be tucking this and that into the boxes but it feels good to have made a start. At least I know how many boxes are needed.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Backup - An operation that is never performed on time.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Victory belongs to the most persevering.
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769 - 1821)
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Me Mum Enjoying Spring at The Lake - Soon
Word of the Day
Grossling - Any person or thing that is gross or does gross things.
11 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
Although Gypsy doesn't really like doing cavalettis, she knows that after we're done she gets to do one of her favorite things. Our daily walk. If she's lucky, and she lives for this, we'll encounter PEOPLE. Ecstasy! She loves people! We did meet people this morning but no-one would pay attention to her. And so...Gypsy encountered a training distraction today. She did very well. It was a heck of a distraction. Three people and she had to sit at my side while they ignored her. Poor baby. I think they (the three people) got a kick out of being called a training distraction. On a side note, Gypsy has accomplished all her training so far without a training collar (choke chain collar). I would have gone out and bought a choke chain collar if there had been a need but she's learning faster than any other dog I've owned...and...without a training collar. I have nothing against training collars but so far I can't see any possible purpose for using one on Gypsy.
Packing is coming along just fine. My packing. HTP won't even think about packing until maybe sometime next week. I'm afraid that I'm going to need more than two boxes for all the stuff that I need to bring to The Lake this year...on top of the two large suitcases. I may even need four boxes. *sigh* I know that HTP will have at least two boxes too...besides his two suitcases. Every year I try to pack lighter and every year I end up with more stuff that needs to go back and forth. This time, I want to pack some empty jelly jars. I hate the thought of having to buy brand new jelly jars every year so I can make jam each summer at The Lake...and I have a whole garage full of jelly jars here in Arizona...because that's where they all end up. I lose some jelly jars to gifting but I think I have at least a box worth of jelly jars from the past few years that are accumulating in my garage. A box full of jelly jars will leave me an equal amount of jelly jars remaining in the garage. I've run out of space to store them all but refuse to throw them away. Taking a box full to The Lake will save me from buy jelly jars at The Lake and it will free up garage space here in Arizona. Too bad empty jelly jars take up just the same amount of space as the filled ones that I'll be bringing back with me next fall.
I broke down and started taking some allergy medications. I couldn't take the feeling that my face was going to explode anymore. My nose is clear. The pressure is down. Unfortunately, I can now smell someone's flowers. I don't know who has flowers that smell like bad perfume from church or those sample strips that you find in magazines but....ewwww! It's only 72°F this morning but I'm closing up the house early! Could it be the Palo Verde trees? I'm beginning to think that my allergies are acting up because of the pollen from all those yellow flowers on my neighbor's Palo Verde tree. It's pretty but.....
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Mouse - See cursing.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent - that is to triumph over old age.
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Tulips at The Lake?
Word of the Day
Gription - Having the quality of grippage; an amount of grip.
12 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
HTP didn't give me the "look" yesterday when I asked him to take the suitcases down from the closet. I was totally surprised. Shocked. He just commented that he wasn't going to start his own packing...but he'd work on his packing list. He asked me if I had a packing list?! *blink* He hasn't started a packing list yet? I've had my list prepped for over a month! I started my list when we arrived here six months ago....but I've only really been checking it on a daily basis since the beginning of this month. The suitcases are out of the closet and I've starting packing. My two suitcases are sitting in our guest and unzipped, out of the way but on my mind.
It's laundry day today. I'll probably do laundry twice more before I zip up the suitcases for that final time. I plan to pack enough in one of my suitcases for me to last the seven days before we'll actually arrive at The Lake...six days but it's always a good idea to add another day's worth of stuff...just in case. I'm going to put together a couple of small moving boxes for some of the other things on my packing list. I think I might only need two boxes. And then there's the cooler.... I still haven't quite figured out the best way to transport the child rocker from here to DD Daughter's place. Maybe after I get the boxes prepped I'll be able to see things a bit clearer.
The temperature outside yesterday got up to 98°F. Gypsy and I enjoyed our morning walk but walking in the afternoon is out of the question. I wouldn't want Gypsy to trip on her tongue...or mine. High temperature at The Lake today? 63°'s supposed to be cloudy and windy.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Cable - The part of the computer system that is too short.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend; And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.
- William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616)
Monday, April 14, 2008
Can't Wait to Greet the Iris Spring
Word of the Day
Grippage - The measure of an object's grip.
13 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
HTP is going to give me that "look" if I ask him to take the suitcases down from the top shelf of the closet. However, that need to pack NOW urge is riding me hard this morning. I really could start packing the stuff that I won't be needing between now and the time we hit the road. It's not like I'd be packing everything! I'm not any fonder of living out of a suitcase than the next guy. But...I could start packing stuff that I won't need until I get to The Lake. HTP's just afraid that I'll pack something and then unpack and repack it a dozen times before we leave. Could happen. So? If I pack and unpack a dozen times then I pack and unpack a dozen times. It's not like I'm packing his stuff. I just want to start packing MY stuff. I need to know what will fit where and make sure everything fits just right so that it doesn't take up too much space. It's like a puzzle and sometimes puzzles take a while to go together correctly. The more I pack now, the less I have to worry about packing next week. Maybe I'll sneak the suitcases down out of the closet while he's running errands today....and maybe put together a box or two. I really hate the "look" he gives me when he thinks I'm starting to pack too soon.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Printer - The part of the computer system that jams when you're not looking.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
An idealist is one who, on noticing that a rose smells better than a cabbage, concludes that it will also make better soup.
- H. L. Mencken (1880 - 1956)
Sunday, April 13, 2008
The Tulips Can't Be Up Yet at The Lake
Word of the Day
Greencollar - Anyone who manages and works on a farm or agricultural concern.
14 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (TWO WEEKS?!)
Yesterday morning my friend and I discussed the fact that both her daughter and #1 Son will be graduating next month. I wasn't really thinking too hard on the event because there's a lot that will be going on between now and then. May is next month. My mind is still grappling with April...this month. I'm afraid my mind did a Scarlett O'Hara "I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow." thing. However, tomorrow arrived this morning and this morning when I talked to MC Daughter on the phone, she asked me if she'd be getting a graduation announcement for #1 Son. Announcements? Announcements?! I went over the discussion of yesterday and added that along with my assurance to MC Daughter that of course she'd be getting a graduation announcement and....Oh CRAP! WE DON'T HAVE ANY GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS. WHY DON'T WE HAVE ANY GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS? WE NEED TO ORDER ANNOUNCEMENTS! NOW! The announcements should have been ordered two...maybe three weeks ago. I called #1 Son and asked him if he'd heard anything about graduation "stuff" like announcements etc. He did. Last month. Of course, him being there and me being here and everything else going on in the world... *sigh* #1 Son is now ordering graduation announcements AND a cap and gown. TODAY!!!!!! The announcements should arrive at #1 Son's apartment in 10 business days. Graduation is on May 9th. With a little bit of hustling, #1 Son should be able to get the announcements in the mail so that they should arrive before May 9th. I hope.
In the meantime, HTP reminded me that it would be nice to put together a small photo album with Ms En. pictures that we can whip out when someone asks to see pictures of Ms. En. HTP wanted to make sure that he's got the pictures all printable before sending the order off to Walmart. Plus, I've got this neat six-picture silver locket that needs teeny-tiny photos in it. I printed some teeny-tiny photos on regular printer paper but I'm scared to death that if my locket gets wet, the photos will bleed out and disappear. I need real photos on real photo paper with ink that won't bleed. Plus, HTP can make the crop and re-size and work his magic on the photos for my locket.
It's 91°F outside right now. I don't have any excuses for why I'm not giving Gypsy her swim therapy today....other than...I really don't feel like giving Gypsy her swim therapy session today. I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow. For some reason, it feels a LOT later than the clock on the wall is claiming. With only two weeks to go before leaving for The Lake, I was feeling in total control until that ANNOUNCEMENT thing. *sigh* All of a sudden I'm feeling like I've just gone through a session with one of those machines at the amusement arcade where you have to thwack the gophers that keep popping up with a rubber mallet. Things are back under control but that announcement thing wasn't on my To Do didn't even show up on my radar. What else has flown stealth-like under my radar screen? Good thing my friend has a daughter who is graduating this year (TWO WEEKS AFTER #1 SON!). I'm betting that my friend's daughter already has her graduation announcements ordered. Cap and gown too. *headdesk*
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Peripherals - The parts that are incompatible with your computer system.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
We Americans live in a nation where the medical-care system is second to none in the world, unless you count maybe 25 or 30 little scuzzball countries like Scotland that we could vaporize in seconds if we felt like it.
- Dave Barry
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Fiddling Ferns at The Lake
Word of the Day
Gratiwhining - To whine about someone else's progress by expressing one's gratitude for the job they have done thus far.
15 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
My poor aching feet! With the price of gas these days, I decided to run ALL my errands (at least those that were runnable), after I made my Savers run. My friend and I stopped for a quick bite of lunch before hitting the Savers store. After Savers, I took her home and continued on my way to Target. Then to Mervyn's. Then to the grocery store. Then to the blue mail box. And then home but...first I had to stop and pick up the mail from our mailbox. I found a couple pair of "new" capris and some "new" shirts at Savers. I needed some allergy medicine at Target. Mervyn's was having a sale on HTP's favorite shirts and I found him a new wallet. Groceries? I have plenty of stuff that we need to use up in the freezer but one still needs to buy other stuff, veggies, milk, bread, etc. The blue mailbox wasn't in front of the grocery store where I bought my groceries so I had to make another stop to drop off the letters that needed mailing. I stopped to pick up our mail at the mailbox because by this time my feet hurt and I didn't want to put away groceries and Savers stuff and THEN walk to the mailbox to get the mail. Gypsy is busy giving me her own version of a pedicure as I write this blog. She's a good little toe-licker.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Hard Disk - The part of the computer system that freezes up a the worst possible time.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
A strong positive mental attitude will create more miracles than any wonder drug.
- Patricia Neal
Friday, April 11, 2008
Iris Spring at The Lake
Word of the Day
Gratisfaction - 1. The state of being simultaneously gratified and satisfied. 2. To be saturated with gratuity such that the point of further utility is exceeded. 3. The satisfaction of getting something gratis -- without payment.
16 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
I made the executive decision that it's been too cool outside for Gypsy to have her swim therapy sessions this week. If I can't take a wet Gypsy outside to dry off after one of our sessions, the session isn't going to happen. I've doubled up on the cavaletti exercises. We still only take one round the block walk each morning and one walk to and from the mailbox because there's no point in overdoing things. Patience, thy name is NOT Old Grey Frog but I'm trying. I just have to accept the fact that Gypsy's hind legs are going to take time to gain muscle mass and strength.
Gypsy really looks forward to our walks each morning. This morning she was greeted and loved by two "young at heart" women who were out for a morning walk. Gypsy even got picked up and cuddled. Gypsy loves being loved. She couldn't have cared less about the wandering roadrunner that crossed our path. People? She goes into wagging tail ecstasies gifting everyone within tongue range with puppy kisses.
Though it sounds like there still may be snow falling at The Lake, HTP and I continue whittling down our To Do List. I'm making a final Saver's run with my friend tomorrow. There isn't a Saver's store at The Lake. There are other thrift stores but they don't compare to Saver's. HTP and I are also planning on one more get together with friends to take in a movie at a real movie theatre. I want to see Jackie Chan's newest movie that will be coming out next Friday. The To Do List and the Packing List will see much more attention from now on. However, I still may not print the lists out for another few days.
I talked to Sis last night. She assured me that it's OK to have Gypsy "shaved". She used to have her Springer Spaniel's hair cut twice a the Spring and in the Fall before hunting season. So....I've decided to have Gypsy's hair cut when I bring her to the groomer's before we hit the road. My thought is that it'll be a lot easier to keep Gypsy clean and tick free if she doesn't have quite so much hair to grab hold of dead leaves and branches and burrs and whatever flotsam may decide to take up residence in her fur. I don't intend for them to shave her bald. I'm thinking that they can shave off the excess stuff, like the hair on that extends off her ears and gets into her food and the feathers on her legs...but not her tail. Besides that, she looks a bit funny with her butt end with short hair and the rest of her is long haired. The vet shaved Gypsy before surgery. A one time shave to even things out a bit won't hurt. It'll grow back. However, they'd better leave her tail alone. I like the flag hair on Gypsy's tail. It looks a lot better than that rat tail look that she used have as a puppy.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Software- The parts of a computer system that don't work.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Tears may be dried up, but the heart - never.
- Marguerite de Valois
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Home, Home at The Lake
Word of the Day
Gorgeousful - Describing something that is gorgeous and beautiful.
17 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
Lately it doesn't seem to matter what time Gypsy goes to bed (kennel) at night, she wants to get up around 6 AM (Arizona time). The Pollyanna in me is thinking that getting up so early to take Gypsy outside is good preparation for the time zone differences between here in Arizona and there at The Lake. The insomniac in me figures that I wasn't sleeping anyway, I might as well get up and make some coffee, take the dog out and feed her. Then come cavalettis and our training walk around the block. On a side note: I think the cavalettis might be doing me some good too. Yes, I go over the course with her at heel. You really have to pick up your feet or you'll trip on the raised boards. Anyway, I'm awake.
But am I really awake? I normally heat up some leftover coffee from yesterday's pot in the microwave for my first cup of coffee in the morning. Because the powdered creamer will not dissolve in cold coffee, I nuke the coffee before I sprinkle creamer into the coffee. Now...if the coffee is hot in the coffee pot, I'll sprinkle creamer in the bottom of my empty coffee mug before pouring myself some I don't have to use a spoon to stir my coffee. Some gal at church taught me that little trick. Anyway, this morning I started the process out wrong. I sprinkled creamer in my coffee mug and then topped it with cold coffee. Apparently, I wasn't quite awake yet. Of course, the creamer didn't dissolve. It floated in a congealed mess to the surface of the coffee. I realized my error right away but by then it was too late. *sigh* I should have dumped out the whole thing and started again but that would be wasteful. Powdered creamer isn't cheap and I'd have had to wait until the fresh pot of coffee finished brewing. I nuked the mess and stirred, and stirred, and no amount of stirring could get rid of the creamer dumplings that stubbornly refused to dissolve. *sigh* Straining creamer dumplings out of my morning coffee through my teeth. Not a good way to start the morning.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Hardware - The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Every person takes the limits of their own field of vision for the limits of the world.
- Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 - 1860)
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
The Lake
Word of the Day
Gordonk - Also Gordonk; A creature with combined gorilla body and donkey head. Legend suggests the gordonk frequents a forest filled with used tires called Tire Forest, in Utah.
18 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
I got up early this morning because it looks like it might rain today. Gypsy does not like rain and I'm not all that fond of dealing with wet paws or standing outside getting wet while Gypsy doesn't do her business in the rain. I'm pretty sure she'd KNOW that I'd lost my last marble if I clipped a leash on her and took her for our morning walk around the block in the rain. I wanted to get outside with Gypsy before it rains. We met a nice black lab on our walk. Didn't stay to talk. The owner of the black lab had her dog well in control but I could tell it was a close battle. The black lab wanted to check Gypsy out and neither the black lab's owner nor I thought this would be a good idea. Gypsy would have been fine with it but this black lab looked BIG and I'm not at all sure how friendly it was too small dogs like Gypsy. Gypsy loves EVERYONE and is just positive that EVERYONE will love her back. I guess I'm not so trusting. Just because my sister's black lab is gentle doesn't mean all black labs can be trusted. Now that our morning therapeutic walk is completed....let it rain.
Murphyism of the Day
Smith's Law of Computer Repair
Access holes will be half an inch too small.
Holes that are the right size will be in the wrong place.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
The strongest man in the world is he who stands alone.
- Henrik Ibsen (1828 - 1906)
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
"Rain and snow this evening, transitioning to light snow overnight." ?
Word of the Day
Goose bumples - The little bumps that appear on one's skin when one is cold.
19 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
We're in the teens when it comes to the number of days left before HTP and I hit the road. I'm just thinking about starting my Laundry Day. Tuesday. But then, I started thinking about how many more times I'll have to do laundry here in Arizona before we'll be all packed up. After today? There will be only two more laundry days and one of those last minute laundry events that I do before we head out on a trip. Two and a half. I don't like leaving dirty clothes in the hamper (not for six months), and I don't like packing dirty clothes in my suitcases because I can't live without some particular shirt or pair of jeans for six months.
It's 67°F this morning. I had to wear put on a sweater when I took Gypsy outside on our morning walk/therapy/training session. Intellicast tells me that it's 34°F at The Lake right now...however it may warm up to 44°F. Rain? "Rain and snow this evening, transitioning to light snow overnight." Is 2008 going to another of those years at The Lake where summer never arrives? I'm beginning to wonder.
Murphyism of the Day
Fourth Law of Computerdom According to Golub
Project teams detest weekly progress reporting because it so vividly manifests their lack of progress.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Anyone who works is a fool. I don't work - I merely inflict myself upon the public.
- Robert Morley
Monday, April 07, 2008
Snow at The Lake
Word of the Day
Googlate - To enter random words into a search engine out of sheer boredom or curiosity.
20 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
The music director at church has a completely different concept of how difficult music might be than me. I've often noticed this fact. I got to church yesterday and half the music had at least five sharps. One had six. Actually, the piece of music that she selected with six sharps was easier to play than the ones with five sharps. And then to throw a wrench in my mind, she added two pieces with two and three flats. Tempo? Contemporary FAST on all pieces. Sight-reading became a mind exercise on the lines of my morning Sudoku. Thank goodness I didn't make too many errors. Yesterday was my last time playing at the church for a while. They wanted me to play a duet on April 27 but we'll be packed up and hitting the road on that day. I won't be playing at the church again until November. I'll have to practice up during the summer at The Lake so the "easy" music isn't so challenging.
Gypsy and I continue with her physical therapy sessions. She's becoming very inventive at figuring out ways of avoiding the use of her right hind leg. *sigh* I've upped the amount of cavaletti exercises because she can't swing that leg over the boards ALL the time like she often tries to do...or there's that little hop that she tries. I figure that if I increase the number of times we do the cavaletti course, she'll end up having to use that knee. Patience thy name is NOT Old Grey Frog. Oh well... On the plus side, Gypsy is doing really well on our walks around the block. She sits every time I stop now...even if a bit sloppily. With a little prodding, she reluctantly resettles herself into a prettier position. I don't even have to use the sit command...but I do. I'm going to give Gypsy another week of "heel" and "sit" training before I may start her on the "stay" command. I think that is the next step. I'm not sure where the "down" command comes in but I think it's after the "stay" command. Actually, I'm reluctant to start the "down" command at this point. I want to wait until Gypsy's right knee shows more improvement. Her left knee is doing just fine.
Murphyism of the Day
Third Law of Computerdom According to Golub
The effort required to correct course increases geometrically with time.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act.
- Truman Capote (1924 - 1984)
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Snow at The Lake?
Word of the Day
Gongshow - A state of affairs or event that is unravelling or has unraveled into a uncontrolled dynamic free-for-all that in some aspect is thought of as ludicrous in situation or circumstance.
21 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
I found out that I am indeed supposed to be playing my clarinet at the church this morning. The musical director sent me an e-mail yesterday. She was going to bring me my music but...senior moment. Oh well...sight-reading is becoming old hat for me. She assured me that I won't find any of the music to be too challenging. I don't have to leave for church for another hour or so. Plenty of time to blog.
Gypsy has already done her cavaletti exercises as well as our walk around the block. We met one of the neighboring dogs, Daisy, this morning. Daisy, a two year old bichon mix, takes her owners for walks in the morning. The owners were admiring Gypsy's discipline and training. I've seen them before but they normally cross the road to avoid confrontations. Daisy seems friendly but she's got an attitude. After a few moments of greeting, Gypsy decided it would be safest to sit at my side...well away from the inquiring nose of Daisy. Gypsy sat prettily as I chatted with Daisy's owners about Wisconsin and growing up in Minnesota. Many of our neighbors have moved here from the Midwest. I'm not sure living in our neighborhood qualifies as living in Arizona. Technically, we live in Arizona, but culturally, our neighbors are still living in the Minnesota/Wisconsin/Illinois...but without the snow. Our neighborhood is a sort of southwest outpost or suburb from the Midwest...with the occasional New Yorker or Californian to add a bit of spice.
One of the things that you can count on is that Minnesota/Wisconsin people talk a lot. We like to talk to our neighbors. Gypsy sat prettily and patiently at my side as I chatted with Daisy's owners. Daisy was straining against her collar and doing that huffing cough because her owners weren't letting her get near Gypsy. Apparently the neighbor's son is moving here from the Chetek area. We chatted, we said our goodbyes (three times because that's a Minnesota thing) and I found out that she went to high school in Bloomington. It's rude in Minnesota to actually walk away and leave until you've said Goodbye at least three times. The neighbor's daughter has a dog which had to have surgery done on it's legs. And then we said our final goodbyes before Gypsy and I continued on with our walk and Daisy walked her owners back to their home.
Murphyism of the Day
Second Law of Computerdom According to Golub
A carelessly planned project takes three times longer to complete than expected; a carefully planned project takes only twice as long.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You pile up enough tomorrows and you'll be left with nothing but a bunch of empty yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering.
- Meredith Willson, The Music Man
Saturday, April 05, 2008
The Lake
Word of the Day
Gongflap - The specific action or nodal point of a situation that provides the tipping point that spirals a situation into an utter and complete gongshow.
22 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
With the blossoming of spring comes the allergies of spring. My sinuses have been giving me this total puffy face feeling. My face doesn't look just feels puffy. I dread having to go to the store and buy sinus medication these days. Since the advent of meth labs, laws have been passed so I can't just pick up such OTC medications anymore without putting my name and history on a list somewhere. There's little chance that my name on a list will cause a furor or cause problems (I hope) but I get this hinky feeling every time I have to stand in line at the pharmacy to buy some sinus medication. I guess I'll just have to live with the puffy face feeling a bit longer. I think I've got some sinus meds up at The Lake. Besides, my sinuses should clear up by the time we get to Nebraska.
My neighbor's petunias seeded themselves. She's been blessed with volunteer petunias coming up and blossoming in odd spots in her yard. Kind of like when my Mom's lettuce decided to seed itself in her yard in Nevada. The other day I noted that even I have one of my neighbor's stray petunias flowering by the sidewalk in my front yard. I wonder if the petunias that I planted in the backyard by the fountain will seed themselves? They sure are beautiful right now. I'm not sure if they'll survive the desert heat but maybe I'll get some volunteers that will sprout and flower in the fall.
It looks like it'll be a nice day at The Lake today. I checked the weather map and the temperature at The Lake is 45°F. If my sister is up there, she'll be getting ready to dig out her shorts and sandals. 45°F feels wonderfully warm at The Lake, especially after the below zero temperatures of a long cold and snowy winter. I hope she gets outside and enjoys it while it lasts. From the forecast maps, it looks like the rest of the week will be a bit wet and rainy. Not and ideal time to put in the dock. Which makes me the ice off the lake yet?
Murphyism of the Day
First Law of Computerdom According to Golub
Fuzzy project objectives are used to avoid embarrassment of estimating the corresponding costs.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To invent, you need a good imagination and a pile of junk.
- Thomas A. Edison (1847 - 1931)
Friday, April 04, 2008
Snow at The Lake Still?
Word of the Day
Gluke - To vigorously shake a sugar packet to settle the sugar so you can rip it open with out spilling it.
23 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
I called my folks last night to clarify details and promise them that HTP will send them an itinerary attached to an e-mail. Time to order the Triptik and maps from AAA. If I keep on top of things, there will be no need to go into panic mode. Maybe if I keep saying that I'll actually start to believe it. HTP and I are using up things that we've got stored in the freezer. I've got my lists...on the computer...and I'm checking them on a daily basis. Panic mode? I'm not sure if I would actually call the frantic flurry of activity that will hit on the final week and days and night before we try to fit everything into the car and hit the road "panic mode" but I'm thinking that's the best description of the process. Two people scurrying around like a bunch of ants who find that their nest has been disturbed. Our nest is going to be disturbed.
I spent the morning removing suckers from my pruned trees. Again. I'm hoping that if I keep up with the sucker removal, I won't come home a bunch of overgrown malformed trees when I get back here in the fall. An ounce of prevention.... I wish there were an easier way of making sure that the sucker sprouts would stop sprouting, without killing the tree. So far I've had to remove suckers twice since my drastic pruning chore this spring. I'll check one more time before we hit the road. Once the heat of summer hits, my oleanders and pepper trees will do their best to become bushes yet again and I won't be here to put paid to their efforts.
I'm whittling down what I can on my To Do List. Gypsy has an appointment at the groomer's. I have an appointment at the beauty parlor. I've got Gypsy's vet paperwork "packed". I ordered some Frontline and will hand the first dosage to the groomer...or I'll take care of administering it myself. We'll see. It's in the mail. Some of my To Do List things need doing NOW. Some can't be done until the very day we hit the road. Thank goodness for lists. Lists keep panic at bay.
Murphyism of the Day
Brook's Law
Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
- Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001)
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Margarita Snow on My Deck - 2006
Word of the Day
Globberstack - A stack of useless things.
Is there snow still on the ground at The Lake? Old crusty snow? New snow? Margarita snow? Can you see the violas blooming in patches where the snow has melted in my flower gardens? Are the spring bulbs starting to think about sprouting and working their way to the surface? It's warm here in Arizona right now...but not as warm as yesterday. HTP demanded that we close the windows and turn on the AC yesterday. I hadn't planned on doing so since it wasn't quite as hot outside as it was the day before yesterday when I didn't turn on the AC. However, HTP felt hot.
It's actually so cool (73°F) this morning, that I'm waiting until things warm up a bit more before Gypsy's swim therapy session. I refuse to sit outside (even with my chair positioned in a warmer bit of sunshine) after our session, not in my wet swimsuit while drying off a wet and shivering dog. Gypsy won't mind waiting a bit. Gypsy wouldn't mind if I decided to skip the whole thing. I've come to the conclusion that Gypsy doesn't like getting her ears wet. Either that, or she just happens to like shaking her head violently while she's swimming and thus splashing water from the tub all over me and the surrounds of the bathroom. I must admit that I'm not too fond of these swim therapy sessions either. Wet dog, wet bathroom, wet towels, wet Old Grey Frog..... What's not to like?
Murphyism of the Day
McAuley's Axiom
If a system is of sufficient complexity, it will be built before it is designed, implemented before it is tested, and outdated before it is debugged.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.
- Jonathan Swift (1667 - 1745)
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
Word of the Day
Glantics - Two people, who, while showing their affection to each other, open their eyes at the same time to see if the other is looking.
My first thought this morning was...."Is it safe to come out now?" Phew! I survived another April Fool's Day and I didn't fall for the "They've captured a Tyrannosaurus Rex baby." bit which they dwelled on for a full hour last night on Coast to Coast. Radio. This insomniac sleeps better if there's a bit of talk radio white noise. Rusty Humphries. Coast to Coast. Quinn and Rose. Glenn Beck. I can't sleep if the TV is on but have no problems dozing off to talk radio. Actually, I don't watch too much TV anymore. It's a lot easier to listen to the radio while I'm working around the house. One tends to end up sucked into the TV with all its visuals. It's harder to do other things while one has to listen and watch at the same time. I suppose it's like trying to pat one's head and rub one's tummy at the same time but then you want to add another action and you've run out of hands. Of course, sometimes, you end up arguing with the radio and that doesn't quite work out too well.
Gypsy will give me such a look when I argue with the radio. Of course, I think she's pretty much convinced that I'm not knitting with both needles most of the time. All this swim therapy that I make her do...and the cavalettis? Gypsy humors me when I insist that she walk on my left side when we go for our walks but she's still a bit puzzled over why I'm insisting that she sit down every time I stop. How about how I insist on picking up all her nice doggy business? That just blows her little mind. And then I insist on trying to ignore her while I'm reading...even when she drapes herself over my face. It's kind of hard to read with a puppy in your face. Tickles a bit. Maybe Gypsy is right and I've lost a cog somewhere along the way.
Murphyism of the Day
Murphy's Laws of Technology
1. Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.
2. The attention span of a computer is only as long as its electrical cord.
3. The degree of technical competence is inversely proportional to the level of management.
Old Grey's Addendum to Murphy's Law of Technology
1. The attention span of a computer is only as long as the capabilities of its battery when no other electrical supply is available.
2. The distance between the computer and any available electrical outlet is always shorter than the electrical cord supplied by the manufacturer.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.
- Plutarch (46 AD - 120 AD)
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
Ms. En - PT?
DD Daughter and GI Joe
Word of the Day
Glacket - The noisy ball inside a spray-paint can.
Be Afraid!
Be Very Afraid!
April Fool's Day.
Be Very Aware!
I don't do April Fool's jokes. I'm not fond of them. I'm not in the mood. So...please don't tell me that you're pregnant if you're not. Please don't put salt in my sugar bowl. Don't tell me that you quit your job. Don't tell me that the world is ending. I know. I'm gullible. You don't have to tell me that the word is written on the ceiling. By the way, that did actually happen (the word gullible written on the ceiling but it wasn't incident)...not to me, but to my sister. She looked up saying, "It better not be because you can just get up there and wash it off." I guess I just don't have a great sense of humor when it comes to April Fool's jokes. I feel like holing up in the house. No phone calls. No TV. No radio. Every news story needs to be weighed for it's validity today. What an ideal day for terrorists to attack! No-one would believe a report of such an attack on April 1st. See? No sense of humor. The safest place for someone like me today is home. I'll wait until April Fool's Day has passed before coming out again.
Happy Anniversary DD Daughter! Today is the anniversary of when DD Daughter became a Marine. Once a Marine, Always a Marine! Once a Marine Mom, Always a Marine Mom. No-one warned me about that part of the equation. It will be interesting to me to see how DD Daughter's Marine training is and will impact her family life. Ms. En is pretty young yet for morning PT....or the dreaded "pit".
Happy Blog Anniversary to Me! I wrote my first blog entry on April 1, 2003. Occasionally I go back and read some of those blogs. A trip down Memory Lane. I do a lot better blogging then I ever did when I tried to keep a handwritten journal. Why do I keep a blog? Family and friends know that if they ever want to know what's going on in my life, all they need to do is check my blog. "What's Mom doing today? Oh...that's right, she's doing laundry." I never claimed to be the most scintillating of blog writers. I leave that sort of talent to DD Daughter, GI Joe, and Willie. I really do miss Willie's blog entries. He hasn't written anything new on his blog for over a year. I know because I keep checking. I keep hoping he'll write something new. I know he's incredibly busy. What an understatement! I apologize to my brother and his entire family for that understatement. When life gives you lemons...That's such a understatement because there's just so much lemon juice one can make use of. And how much Limoncello can one person drink? Here's praying for a life full of silver linings and endless rainbows that even the color blind can see and appreciate. But...why do I blog? I not only blog so everyone will know what's going on in my life at any given moment (boring as my life may seem...boring is a good thing, in my humble opinion), but I also blog for just me. Keeps me sane? Kept me sane? They're coming to take me away....
Murphyism of the Day
Gilb's Fourth Law of Unreliability
Investment in reliability will increase until it exceeds the probably cost of errors, or until someone insists on getting some useful work done.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
I'm tired of all this nonsense about beauty being only skin-deep. That's deep enough. What do you want, an adorable pancreas?
- Jean Kerr