Snow at The Lake - Spring 2008
Word of the Day
Haggleable - Negotiable, especially as to price.
We're Vegas!
HTP somehow managed to fit all our stuff into our car. Miracle of miracles. Even the speaker system that our son wanted us to bring to him fit. Of course, you really can't see too much from our rear view mirror but that's why we have side mirrors.
HTP drove the until we got to Kingman and I took over the rest of the trip. *sigh* Homeland Security stopped us at the Dam checkpoint and wanted to search the car. I had visions of having to unpack everything...not any easy task...but when the nice Homeland Security officer saw Gypsy, he told me that they were dog friendly and offered to let me walk my baby in their parking lot. That was about the extent of the search. Of course, Gypsy had to lick and greet both the big bad Homeland Security officers.
Driving on it occurred to me when I was crossing the Dam that HTP and I were REALLY close to Vegas. I had to stop to let a tall leggy blond cross the road in front of us (pedestrians have the right of way). She was wearing these incredibly short white shorts paired with a black and white tiger stripped shirt AND black stiletto heels? Yup. We were indeed nearing Vegas. Of course, she may have been a hooker there for the day entertaining the bikers. Sometimes it's hard to tell the difference between some Vegas residents and your every night street walker. But...this was broad daylight.
Bikers? The annual bike rally in Laughlin takes place about the same time HTP and I head off to The Lake. I think they call it The River Run. Anyway, some of the bikers were enjoying the Hoover Dam sights. There were LOTS of bikes on the road. Lots of them. Actually, they were returning home. The last day of the rally was yesterday. I don't think we'll see too many of them from now on out. HTP did say that they were all excited about the leathers to be had in Laughlin. Cheap. Conversations with bikers can be interesting.
My sister e-mailed some more pictures from The Lake. She says the ice if finally off the lake at The Lake. Whoohoo! However, they did get another two to three inches of snow. Win some lose some. Which...come to think of it describes the kind of luck I've been having here in Vegas. Right now my luck is on the "lose some" side.
HTP and I had dinner at Billy Bob's. We had planned to have dinner at Fellini's we walked past this restaurant off the park at Sam's Town...they're CLOSED. This is a REAL bummer. I'm not all that fond of Billy Bob's except for their oysters. The only other restaurant remaining here is one where we'll eat breakfast and another one that has Mexican food. Willy & Jose's. I'm picky when it comes to my salsas. I don't like the salsa at Willy & Jose's plus...their chips are too thick. You could break a tooth. Of course, that's an exaggeration but I have walked out of there with my gums cut up and bleeding. It's a good thing that margaritas act as a disinfectant. I've never had a gum infection but I hear that they can be nasty.
Internet speed here at our hotel is SLOW! It's doubtful that I'll be able to blog again until our first night on the road again. Wednesday night. However, I make no promises.
Murphyism of the Day
Osburn's Axiom
Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
How close the sexes sometimes come to one another. It is as much a matter of behaviour and the sphere in which they move that separates the masculine part of humanity from the feminine.
- Elizabeth Aston