Snow at The Lake?
Word of the Day
Gongshow - A state of affairs or event that is unravelling or has unraveled into a uncontrolled dynamic free-for-all that in some aspect is thought of as ludicrous in situation or circumstance.
21 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
I found out that I am indeed supposed to be playing my clarinet at the church this morning. The musical director sent me an e-mail yesterday. She was going to bring me my music but...senior moment. Oh well...sight-reading is becoming old hat for me. She assured me that I won't find any of the music to be too challenging. I don't have to leave for church for another hour or so. Plenty of time to blog.
Gypsy has already done her cavaletti exercises as well as our walk around the block. We met one of the neighboring dogs, Daisy, this morning. Daisy, a two year old bichon mix, takes her owners for walks in the morning. The owners were admiring Gypsy's discipline and training. I've seen them before but they normally cross the road to avoid confrontations. Daisy seems friendly but she's got an attitude. After a few moments of greeting, Gypsy decided it would be safest to sit at my side...well away from the inquiring nose of Daisy. Gypsy sat prettily as I chatted with Daisy's owners about Wisconsin and growing up in Minnesota. Many of our neighbors have moved here from the Midwest. I'm not sure living in our neighborhood qualifies as living in Arizona. Technically, we live in Arizona, but culturally, our neighbors are still living in the Minnesota/Wisconsin/Illinois...but without the snow. Our neighborhood is a sort of southwest outpost or suburb from the Midwest...with the occasional New Yorker or Californian to add a bit of spice.
One of the things that you can count on is that Minnesota/Wisconsin people talk a lot. We like to talk to our neighbors. Gypsy sat prettily and patiently at my side as I chatted with Daisy's owners. Daisy was straining against her collar and doing that huffing cough because her owners weren't letting her get near Gypsy. Apparently the neighbor's son is moving here from the Chetek area. We chatted, we said our goodbyes (three times because that's a Minnesota thing) and I found out that she went to high school in Bloomington. It's rude in Minnesota to actually walk away and leave until you've said Goodbye at least three times. The neighbor's daughter has a dog which had to have surgery done on it's legs. And then we said our final goodbyes before Gypsy and I continued on with our walk and Daisy walked her owners back to their home.
Murphyism of the Day
Second Law of Computerdom According to Golub
A carelessly planned project takes three times longer to complete than expected; a carefully planned project takes only twice as long.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You pile up enough tomorrows and you'll be left with nothing but a bunch of empty yesterdays. I don't know about you, but I'd like to make today worth remembering.
- Meredith Willson, The Music Man
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