My Garden at The Lake - I'm hoping to expand this summer.
Word of the Day
Gymnatical - 1. Inverted, twisted, or generally disorienting movement or posture. 2. Of or relating to gymnastics.
4 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (Packing Continues)
The fountain is drained and clean. Another item scratched off my To Do List but I'm missing the sound of the water falling in the fountain. The birds are missing their morning shower this morning too. They'll have to find another source of water for the summer. I noticed that some of my neighbors who live here year round have fountains so I'm not too worried about the birds.
The Bug Man is coming for the last time this morning sometime. There's no real reason to continue having him come during the months that we're not here. I've got a hair appointment this afternoon. Unless I can find someone at The Lake who can cut and color my hair, I'll either have a huge skunk streak or totally weird looking hair by the time I return here in the fall.
The task of spreading pre-emergent is still demanding my attention but...I think I'll hold off on that until tomorrow. There's a few live weeds in the backyard that need to be pulled or killed before I can put out the pre-emergent. HTP promises that he'll take care of activating the stuff. He's going to have to take a hose and water the entire yard after I'm done sprinkling the stuff all over the gravel areas. Tomorrow.
HTP and I went out for our sushi fix last night. All the sushi you can eat for one set price. HTP and I can eat a heck of a lot of sushi. Though there is a sushi restaurant in The Big City, we don't get to The Big City all that often. The only sushi at The Lake is that which I roll myself. We went out for our Mexican food fix last week. There is a really good Mexican food restaurant in the city near The Lake but they don't have Senior night. Buy one entree and get the other one for free. And if you get there during happy hour? Yummy Margaritas. That's all the eating out that we'll be doing here until next fall. We're going to be using up perishable stuff in the fridge. Eggs for breakfast again?
Murphyism of the Day
The Stages of Systems Development
1. Wild enthusiasm
2. Disillusionment
3. Total confusion
4. Search for the guilty
5. Punishment of the innocent
6. Promotion of the nonparticipants
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.
- Bible, New Testament, I Thessalonians
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