The Tulips Can't Be Up Yet at The Lake
Word of the Day
Greencollar - Anyone who manages and works on a farm or agricultural concern.
14 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (TWO WEEKS?!)
Yesterday morning my friend and I discussed the fact that both her daughter and #1 Son will be graduating next month. I wasn't really thinking too hard on the event because there's a lot that will be going on between now and then. May is next month. My mind is still grappling with April...this month. I'm afraid my mind did a Scarlett O'Hara "I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow." thing. However, tomorrow arrived this morning and this morning when I talked to MC Daughter on the phone, she asked me if she'd be getting a graduation announcement for #1 Son. Announcements? Announcements?! I went over the discussion of yesterday and added that along with my assurance to MC Daughter that of course she'd be getting a graduation announcement and....Oh CRAP! WE DON'T HAVE ANY GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS. WHY DON'T WE HAVE ANY GRADUATION ANNOUNCEMENTS? WE NEED TO ORDER ANNOUNCEMENTS! NOW! The announcements should have been ordered two...maybe three weeks ago. I called #1 Son and asked him if he'd heard anything about graduation "stuff" like announcements etc. He did. Last month. Of course, him being there and me being here and everything else going on in the world... *sigh* #1 Son is now ordering graduation announcements AND a cap and gown. TODAY!!!!!! The announcements should arrive at #1 Son's apartment in 10 business days. Graduation is on May 9th. With a little bit of hustling, #1 Son should be able to get the announcements in the mail so that they should arrive before May 9th. I hope.
In the meantime, HTP reminded me that it would be nice to put together a small photo album with Ms En. pictures that we can whip out when someone asks to see pictures of Ms. En. HTP wanted to make sure that he's got the pictures all printable before sending the order off to Walmart. Plus, I've got this neat six-picture silver locket that needs teeny-tiny photos in it. I printed some teeny-tiny photos on regular printer paper but I'm scared to death that if my locket gets wet, the photos will bleed out and disappear. I need real photos on real photo paper with ink that won't bleed. Plus, HTP can make the crop and re-size and work his magic on the photos for my locket.
It's 91°F outside right now. I don't have any excuses for why I'm not giving Gypsy her swim therapy today....other than...I really don't feel like giving Gypsy her swim therapy session today. I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow. For some reason, it feels a LOT later than the clock on the wall is claiming. With only two weeks to go before leaving for The Lake, I was feeling in total control until that ANNOUNCEMENT thing. *sigh* All of a sudden I'm feeling like I've just gone through a session with one of those machines at the amusement arcade where you have to thwack the gophers that keep popping up with a rubber mallet. Things are back under control but that announcement thing wasn't on my To Do List...it didn't even show up on my radar. What else has flown stealth-like under my radar screen? Good thing my friend has a daughter who is graduating this year (TWO WEEKS AFTER #1 SON!). I'm betting that my friend's daughter already has her graduation announcements ordered. Cap and gown too. *headdesk*
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Peripherals - The parts that are incompatible with your computer system.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
We Americans live in a nation where the medical-care system is second to none in the world, unless you count maybe 25 or 30 little scuzzball countries like Scotland that we could vaporize in seconds if we felt like it.
- Dave Barry
Nat and I may drive up there for the graduation. Rob has to stay home because he's got to work, but that doesn't mean I can't come.
Is that all right?
You're always welcome.
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