Snow at The Lake Still?
Word of the Day
Gluke - To vigorously shake a sugar packet to settle the sugar so you can rip it open with out spilling it.
23 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
I called my folks last night to clarify details and promise them that HTP will send them an itinerary attached to an e-mail. Time to order the Triptik and maps from AAA. If I keep on top of things, there will be no need to go into panic mode. Maybe if I keep saying that I'll actually start to believe it. HTP and I are using up things that we've got stored in the freezer. I've got my lists...on the computer...and I'm checking them on a daily basis. Panic mode? I'm not sure if I would actually call the frantic flurry of activity that will hit on the final week and days and night before we try to fit everything into the car and hit the road "panic mode" but I'm thinking that's the best description of the process. Two people scurrying around like a bunch of ants who find that their nest has been disturbed. Our nest is going to be disturbed.
I spent the morning removing suckers from my pruned trees. Again. I'm hoping that if I keep up with the sucker removal, I won't come home a bunch of overgrown malformed trees when I get back here in the fall. An ounce of prevention.... I wish there were an easier way of making sure that the sucker sprouts would stop sprouting, without killing the tree. So far I've had to remove suckers twice since my drastic pruning chore this spring. I'll check one more time before we hit the road. Once the heat of summer hits, my oleanders and pepper trees will do their best to become bushes yet again and I won't be here to put paid to their efforts.
I'm whittling down what I can on my To Do List. Gypsy has an appointment at the groomer's. I have an appointment at the beauty parlor. I've got Gypsy's vet paperwork "packed". I ordered some Frontline and will hand the first dosage to the groomer...or I'll take care of administering it myself. We'll see. It's in the mail. Some of my To Do List things need doing NOW. Some can't be done until the very day we hit the road. Thank goodness for lists. Lists keep panic at bay.
Murphyism of the Day
Brook's Law
Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
- Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001)
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