Latest Gypsy Pics - April 19, 2008
Word of the Day
Gunna - Gonna; Going to.
7 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (I'll start panicking tomorrow)
It's Sunday. In a mere 7 days, HTP and I will be climbing into our heavily loaded car and on our way to Vegas. In six days, we'll be trying to puzzle out how we'll get all this stuff into one car...a large car...but one single car. The child's rocker is the mystery. Neither HTP or I can quite visualize how or where it's going to fit. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
Please note that I'm still not in panic mode. HTP and I are going to spend a relaxing evening with friends at a movie. Jet Li and Jackie Chan in "The Forbidden Kingdom". And then after the movie we plan to enjoy a nice steak dinner at Logan's Roadhouse. I've never been to Logan's Roadhouse. I hear that it's one of those casual places where you throw your peanut shells on the floor. Sounds like my kind of place.
Gypsy and I have already had our morning workout and walk. We met one man walking a huge dog. Knowing that breed of dog, Akita, I decided that Gypsy didn't need to meet and greet. We crossed over to the other side of the street and I said my "Good morning"s in passing. Gypsy really wanted to greet the Akita but she stayed, with a slight reminder, at my side in a "sit".
I took some quick pictures of Gypsy yesterday out in our backyard. I wanted some before pictures that were after the surgery and after her cast were removed. I haven't taken the time with all our physical therapy and all. She's going to have most of her hair shaved off on Friday. A "Summer at The Lake" cut. Plus, this will give all her hair a chance to grow in front and back at the same length. She looks a bit unbalanced right now because the hair on her rear hasn't grown back yet and the rest of her hair in the front makes her look like she's constantly cringing a bit. It's hard to take pictures of my puppy. She's constantly in motion.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
File - The part of the computer system that cannot be found.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
You don't stop laughing because you grow old. You grow old because you stop laughing.
- Michael Pritchard
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