Lucky Mrs. Ticklefeather - A Family Favorite
Word of the Day
Guesstimate - 1. A very basic guess on the solution to something. 2. To estimate by guessing.
9 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
I refuse to start panicking just because we're down to single digits before our departure for The Lake. Actually, you all might be wondering about the discrepancy between the tickers. Does it really take 7 days to drive from Arizona to The Lake? Nope. It really doesn't take all that many days to drive from Arizona to The Lake. The thing is that HTP and I are going to stop in Vegas first to celebrate our 30th Anniversary. We're going to stay and play in Vegas (Sam's Town) for four days (three nights) before we continue our annual Eastern migration with my folks...who are going to puppy sit for us while we're there. Gypsy can't wait to see them again. As for panicking? So far, knock on wood, everything is under control. I'll wait and panic next week about the same time when HTP tells me that there's no way that all this stuff will fit into one car.
One of my tasks yesterday was to drag all the children's books in from the garage. The plan was to sort through the books and pack up some to bring to Ms. En. I forgot how many children's books we had. Four huge plastic tubs of children's books! I carefully divided them three ways so that each of my own three children will get their fair share of the books for their own children some day. I boxed up DD Daughter's fair share to bring to her when we stop to see DD Daughter, GI Joe and Ms. En on our way to The Lake. One huge box of children's books. Ms. En is going to need someone who can build her a bookshelf for all these books. Some of those books are REALLY old. Antiques. DD Daughter is going to have to supervise the handling on some of those children's books.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Restore - A procedure that works perfectly until it is needed.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Home computers are being called upon to perform many new functions, including the consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog.
- Doug Larson
You wicked man, you may need to be arrested!
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