Snow at The Lake
Word of the Day
Googlate - To enter random words into a search engine out of sheer boredom or curiosity.
20 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
The music director at church has a completely different concept of how difficult music might be than me. I've often noticed this fact. I got to church yesterday and half the music had at least five sharps. One had six. Actually, the piece of music that she selected with six sharps was easier to play than the ones with five sharps. And then to throw a wrench in my mind, she added two pieces with two and three flats. Tempo? Contemporary FAST on all pieces. Sight-reading became a mind exercise on the lines of my morning Sudoku. Thank goodness I didn't make too many errors. Yesterday was my last time playing at the church for a while. They wanted me to play a duet on April 27 but we'll be packed up and hitting the road on that day. I won't be playing at the church again until November. I'll have to practice up during the summer at The Lake so the "easy" music isn't so challenging.
Gypsy and I continue with her physical therapy sessions. She's becoming very inventive at figuring out ways of avoiding the use of her right hind leg. *sigh* I've upped the amount of cavaletti exercises because she can't swing that leg over the boards ALL the time like she often tries to do...or there's that little hop that she tries. I figure that if I increase the number of times we do the cavaletti course, she'll end up having to use that knee. Patience thy name is NOT Old Grey Frog. Oh well... On the plus side, Gypsy is doing really well on our walks around the block. She sits every time I stop now...even if a bit sloppily. With a little prodding, she reluctantly resettles herself into a prettier position. I don't even have to use the sit command...but I do. I'm going to give Gypsy another week of "heel" and "sit" training before I may start her on the "stay" command. I think that is the next step. I'm not sure where the "down" command comes in but I think it's after the "stay" command. Actually, I'm reluctant to start the "down" command at this point. I want to wait until Gypsy's right knee shows more improvement. Her left knee is doing just fine.
Murphyism of the Day
Third Law of Computerdom According to Golub
The effort required to correct course increases geometrically with time.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Life is a moderately good play with a badly written third act.
- Truman Capote (1924 - 1984)
1 comment:
I thought 'down' came next as a natural progression from 'sit' and once down the next step would be 'stay'. But then I've had more luck with the down command with larger dogs than the smaller ones.
And I suppose the order doesn't matter much in the grand scheme of things as long as the commands are learned.
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