Word of the Day
Glantics - Two people, who, while showing their affection to each other, open their eyes at the same time to see if the other is looking.
My first thought this morning was...."Is it safe to come out now?" Phew! I survived another April Fool's Day and I didn't fall for the "They've captured a Tyrannosaurus Rex baby." bit which they dwelled on for a full hour last night on Coast to Coast. Radio. This insomniac sleeps better if there's a bit of talk radio white noise. Rusty Humphries. Coast to Coast. Quinn and Rose. Glenn Beck. I can't sleep if the TV is on but have no problems dozing off to talk radio. Actually, I don't watch too much TV anymore. It's a lot easier to listen to the radio while I'm working around the house. One tends to end up sucked into the TV with all its visuals. It's harder to do other things while one has to listen and watch at the same time. I suppose it's like trying to pat one's head and rub one's tummy at the same time but then you want to add another action and you've run out of hands. Of course, sometimes, you end up arguing with the radio and that doesn't quite work out too well.
Gypsy will give me such a look when I argue with the radio. Of course, I think she's pretty much convinced that I'm not knitting with both needles most of the time. All this swim therapy that I make her do...and the cavalettis? Gypsy humors me when I insist that she walk on my left side when we go for our walks but she's still a bit puzzled over why I'm insisting that she sit down every time I stop. How about how I insist on picking up all her nice doggy business? That just blows her little mind. And then I insist on trying to ignore her while I'm reading...even when she drapes herself over my face. It's kind of hard to read with a puppy in your face. Tickles a bit. Maybe Gypsy is right and I've lost a cog somewhere along the way.
Murphyism of the Day
Murphy's Laws of Technology
1. Logic is a systematic method of coming to the wrong conclusion with confidence.
2. The attention span of a computer is only as long as its electrical cord.
3. The degree of technical competence is inversely proportional to the level of management.
Old Grey's Addendum to Murphy's Law of Technology
1. The attention span of a computer is only as long as the capabilities of its battery when no other electrical supply is available.
2. The distance between the computer and any available electrical outlet is always shorter than the electrical cord supplied by the manufacturer.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To find a fault is easy; to do better may be difficult.
- Plutarch (46 AD - 120 AD)
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