Margarita Snow on My Deck - 2006
Word of the Day
Globberstack - A stack of useless things.
Is there snow still on the ground at The Lake? Old crusty snow? New snow? Margarita snow? Can you see the violas blooming in patches where the snow has melted in my flower gardens? Are the spring bulbs starting to think about sprouting and working their way to the surface? It's warm here in Arizona right now...but not as warm as yesterday. HTP demanded that we close the windows and turn on the AC yesterday. I hadn't planned on doing so since it wasn't quite as hot outside as it was the day before yesterday when I didn't turn on the AC. However, HTP felt hot.
It's actually so cool (73°F) this morning, that I'm waiting until things warm up a bit more before Gypsy's swim therapy session. I refuse to sit outside (even with my chair positioned in a warmer bit of sunshine) after our session, not in my wet swimsuit while drying off a wet and shivering dog. Gypsy won't mind waiting a bit. Gypsy wouldn't mind if I decided to skip the whole thing. I've come to the conclusion that Gypsy doesn't like getting her ears wet. Either that, or she just happens to like shaking her head violently while she's swimming and thus splashing water from the tub all over me and the surrounds of the bathroom. I must admit that I'm not too fond of these swim therapy sessions either. Wet dog, wet bathroom, wet towels, wet Old Grey Frog..... What's not to like?
Murphyism of the Day
McAuley's Axiom
If a system is of sufficient complexity, it will be built before it is designed, implemented before it is tested, and outdated before it is debugged.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
When a true genius appears in this world, you may know him by this sign, that the dunces are all in confederacy against him.
- Jonathan Swift (1667 - 1745)
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