Word of the Day
Gumashification - An act of putting a piece of used chewing gum in a dirty ashtray.
8 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (I'm still not in full panic mode)
Every time I think I've packed everything that can be packed 8 days before we leave for The Lake, I think of something else that needs packing. The Wii. It was on my list but I've been avoiding the effort required to pack it back up in its box. I took care of it yesterday. I noticed that Nintendo has come out with a fitness/exercise "game" for the least...that's what I read on the Internet. I really like the Wii...but...I'm afraid that I haven't used it much this winter. I should have used it. There really isn't that much room in our living room to play the Wii. #1 Son and I had to drag the coffee table (huge coffee table) out of the way so we could play when he was here over Christmas break. There's no way that I can move that coffee table out of the way all by myself so... Oh well, at least I got to play it when #1 Son was home. Hopefully, I'll get to play it a few times this summer.
I also decided to look in some "mystery" boxes out in the garage to see if I could find some missing books. I did find some missing books but not the ones that I was looking for...even though I opened and sorted four "mystery" boxes. I call them "mystery" boxes because the description for what is actually in each "mystery" box out in the garage is somewhat vague. I unpacked some of the stuff but with limited space here at our Arizona home, most of the things in those boxes will have to remain in their boxes for another little while. Ms. En doesn't need any puzzles right now and I'm thinking that I may save some things here and at The Lake for when Grandchildren may come for visits.
In the meantime, I can't find my dog training book. Could it be up at The Lake? I'm not having much luck teaching Gypsy the "stay" command. I need to check the book and find out what I might be doing wrong.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Error Message - A request to okay the destruction of your own data.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Do I contradict myself?
Very well then I contradict myself,
(I am large, I contain multitudes.)
- Walt Whitman (1819 - 1892)
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