See the Pretty Pink Bows? Now TAKE THEM OUT!
Word of the Day
Hadabada - A phrase used to strike fear into others, much like its counterpart, "Boo!" Usually most effective in a high, screechy voice.
1 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (Crunch Time! It's OK and perfectly acceptable to PANIC...or...at least get a bit FRANTIC!)
Pretty in pink? I took Gypsy to the groomer's yesterday. She got shaved. I'm not used to seeing her with short hair. They left her tail and just trimmed her ears but she came out of the groomer's looking more like a Shitzu or Llasa Apso than a Cavalier. Pink bows? They put pink bows on my Gypsy's ears? Apparently, Gypsy didn't seem to mind too much but it didn't take too long before she plucked them out and proceeded to chew them up. I did take some pictures before the pluck and destroy mission. At least right now all her hair is the same length. I'm not sure if I'll ever have her groomed quite like this again but it should help keeping burrs and flotsam from clinging. We'll see. Mainly...she's looked a bit like she's wearing a fur jacket ever since the surgery on her hind legs which had to be shaved. I figured this will give all Gypsy's hair a chance to grow back in at the same rate.
Brrrrr!!!! According to #1 Son and the weather maps, it's snowing at our final destination. Snow?!? I listened to Rusty Humphries last night and he predicts a Global Cooling...another Ice Age...instead of the Global Warming that seems to be politically correct right now. I guess it's time to start stockpiling firewood. I don't ever remember there being snow this late in the season. The pictures my sister sent of an iced over lake looked bizarre. She and her husband had planned to put in their dock and pontoon boat this weekend so that it would be ready for the opening of fishing season. That's the weekend that HTP and I will arrive at The Lake. Fishing Opener. Oh well...I think I may have a packet of frozen fish in the freezer at The Lake. Maybe. Or...I may have given it to MC Daughter or #1 Son to use up. I guess HTP and I may just have to live with store bought fish until winter goes away.
HTP and I are using up the last of our perishable food supplies here in Arizona. I can't believe how accurate I've been this year. Normally I end up with a whole box of stuff that I end up gifting to my neighbor...whether she needs the stuff or not. This year I'm down to three eggs, which we'll have for breakfast, half a carton of milk, which I'll have on my cereal for breakfast and dump the rest, a half of a steak which I couldn't finish for supper last night so I'll sliver it for sandwiches for HTP and my lunch, and there's enough hamburger for HTP and me to put on my two remaining hamburger buns for tonight...along with two nice slices of tomato and some onion. There's even enough hamburger for a bit of a treat for Gypsy.
I'm going to be finishing up the last of the To Do List today. It's a LONG To Do List...though I did get the dusting done. All my bags are packed except for the last minute stuff that I'll toss in tomorrow before we hit the road. HTP is going to break down my computer this afternoon. I won't have time to spend doing computer stuff any more today anyway. HTP and I will load up the car tonight except for the suitcases that we'll need while we're "On the Road". The next time I blog will either be in Vegas from our laptop (don't count on it) or on the road from our laptop (I'll try). A lot depends upon our Internet connections in Vegas and on the road. We'll see.
Murphyism of the Day
Picasso's Postulate
Computers are useless. All they give you are answers.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
No one means all he says, and yet very few say all they mean, for words are slippery and thought is viscous.
- Henry Adams (1838 - 1918)
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