Me Mum Enjoying Spring at The Lake - Soon
Word of the Day
Grossling - Any person or thing that is gross or does gross things.
11 Days Until We Leave for The Lake
Although Gypsy doesn't really like doing cavalettis, she knows that after we're done she gets to do one of her favorite things. Our daily walk. If she's lucky, and she lives for this, we'll encounter PEOPLE. Ecstasy! She loves people! We did meet people this morning but no-one would pay attention to her. And so...Gypsy encountered a training distraction today. She did very well. It was a heck of a distraction. Three people and she had to sit at my side while they ignored her. Poor baby. I think they (the three people) got a kick out of being called a training distraction. On a side note, Gypsy has accomplished all her training so far without a training collar (choke chain collar). I would have gone out and bought a choke chain collar if there had been a need but she's learning faster than any other dog I've owned...and...without a training collar. I have nothing against training collars but so far I can't see any possible purpose for using one on Gypsy.
Packing is coming along just fine. My packing. HTP won't even think about packing until maybe sometime next week. I'm afraid that I'm going to need more than two boxes for all the stuff that I need to bring to The Lake this year...on top of the two large suitcases. I may even need four boxes. *sigh* I know that HTP will have at least two boxes too...besides his two suitcases. Every year I try to pack lighter and every year I end up with more stuff that needs to go back and forth. This time, I want to pack some empty jelly jars. I hate the thought of having to buy brand new jelly jars every year so I can make jam each summer at The Lake...and I have a whole garage full of jelly jars here in Arizona...because that's where they all end up. I lose some jelly jars to gifting but I think I have at least a box worth of jelly jars from the past few years that are accumulating in my garage. A box full of jelly jars will leave me an equal amount of jelly jars remaining in the garage. I've run out of space to store them all but refuse to throw them away. Taking a box full to The Lake will save me from buy jelly jars at The Lake and it will free up garage space here in Arizona. Too bad empty jelly jars take up just the same amount of space as the filled ones that I'll be bringing back with me next fall.
I broke down and started taking some allergy medications. I couldn't take the feeling that my face was going to explode anymore. My nose is clear. The pressure is down. Unfortunately, I can now smell someone's flowers. I don't know who has flowers that smell like bad perfume from church or those sample strips that you find in magazines but....ewwww! It's only 72°F this morning but I'm closing up the house early! Could it be the Palo Verde trees? I'm beginning to think that my allergies are acting up because of the pollen from all those yellow flowers on my neighbor's Palo Verde tree. It's pretty but.....
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Mouse - See cursing.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
To keep the heart unwrinkled, to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent - that is to triumph over old age.
- Thomas Bailey Aldrich
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