My Beautiful Fountain - 2008 (Draining and cleaning the fountain is on my To Do List)
Word of the Day
Gwallop - To swallow and gulp at the same time; to swallow a very large amount.
6 Days Until We Leave for The Lake (I'll start panicking tomorrow)
Actually...I may not start panicking until Thursday or Friday. I know that I've got a huge list of things to do on my To Do List and I haven't done any of them as yet but I really can't do any of those things until Thursday at the earliest. My friend asked me last night at supper whether I was all packed. I explained to her that some stuff can't be packed until the very last minute. So, as you can see, there's no reason to start panicking at this point. I'm pulling a Scarlett O'Hara for the time being.
Of course, some things don't help keep my stress levels at their required low levels. Some things.....like getting an e-mail from American Airlines telling me that the flights that I'm supposed to be taking to and from New York this summer to rendezvous with my fellow Marine Mom friends no longer exist but they've put me on alternate flights. However, said alternate flight to New York had an arrival time of 10 PM. A full twelve hours later than my original flight's scheduled arrival. This was supposed to be an acceptable substitute? Apparently, American Airlines doesn't have any more non-stop flights from where I'll be flying from. *sigh* HTP managed to find a more reasonable substitute for both my flights and I must say that American Airline's reservationists were very nice and willing to work with us. No fees for the change. (I should hope not!) I'll still be arriving in New York later than originally planned but I'll arrive before noon....barring any unforeseen flight problems on the day of travel. I should get to see some of New York on the day that I arrive. Re-scheduling my flight for this summer took the entire time between breakfast and the time that HTP and I had to leave to go meet our friends for our night out at 3:30 PM. However, one more fire has been put out and my stress levels are back into a more normal range. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that American Airlines doesn't decide to alter my altered flights (and this could happen) again...at least until I'm all unpacked and my garden is planted at The Lake.
Now...as for HTP's stress levels? I prefer not to go there. He's been VERY busy burning DVD's and organizing everything that isn't on my To Do List. He has his own To Do List which didn't include rescheduling my New York airline flight or any number of other small fires that seem to be popping up on a daily basis.
Murphyism of the Day
Computer System Definition of the Day
Processor - The part of a computer system that is obsolete.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If mankind minus one were of one opinion, then mankind is no more justified in silencing the one than the one - if he had the power - would be justified in silencing mankind.
- John Stuart Mill (1806 - 1873)
What did you think of the movie?
I loved it. Well worth the cost of the tickets so I could see it on "The Big Screen". I still want to see that Ben Stein film, "Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed" but that's one that might be better watched in the comfort of our living room.
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