Thursday, August 14, 2014

Boiling Up my First Potatoes of the Season

Word of the Day

Flavorite - Referring to a flavor that is preferred above all others.

Woodtick Count - 8

I dug a hill of each of the types of potato that I planted this spring. With the plants dying back and's time to dig and enjoy. I plan to steam some of them up today and then add them to a bacon, sweet sour own version of German potato salad.

Willie emailed a couple of days ago to let BW Babe and I that he'd be coming to visit us the last week of August. We're hoping that we can all go out fishing again. I'm glad he's going to be here for more than a couple of days this time. BW Babe and I are already planning for his visit. We'll have to have one family meal for when he's here.

In the meantime, I promised one of HTP's cousins that I'd get him some of the wine that I've bottled. I'm going to try to connect with his son during the Rutabaga Festival in Cumberland next Thursday. I'll have to call the guy. I "think" I met this kid (no longer a kid) while HTP and I and our kids were visiting Disneyland...I think.

I got my hair dyed and cut yesterday. ACK!!!! She REALLY dyed my hair dark this time. I KNOW that it'll fade out but I manage to startle myself every time I look in the mirror. I also stopped by to see my folks to give them some of my tomatoes. Yes, they were startled too at how dark my hair ended up. ACK!!!


BW Babe and JC stopped by to pick up some of my ripe tomatoes and some of my eggplant. I also gave them some of my newly dug potatoes. Before they left, they also tried a bite of my German potato salad. It turned out so yummy! I steamed the potatoes before throwing them into a sauce (recipe in my Betty Crocker cookbook). I was going to wait until dinner to enjoy the potato salad but I just couldn't wait. I had an early dinner 3:30 PM of German potato salad and then popped up some popcorn to enjoy with a glass of red wine for a snack at around 5:30 PM. Since I never got much exercise today...I cut back on calories.

Random Quote of the Day

Nothing contributes so much to tranquilizing the mind as a steady purpose - a point on which the soul may fix its intellectual eye.

-Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley (1797 - 1851)

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