Tuesday, August 05, 2014

My Own Tomatoes

Word of the Day

Caukern - A popcorn kernel that is stuck in one's teeth.

Woodtick Count - 8

I picked my first cherry and yellow plum tomatoes while my friends were here. We enjoyed them in a caprese salad. Yesterday, I had my second picking of cherry and yellow plum tomatoes and, surprise, surprise, I discovered two ripe Jet-Star tomatoes hiding in the foliage of the surrounding vines. I made up a nice caprese salad for dinner last night. And, today, I cooked up some bacon and made myself a bacon, tomato, and lettuce sandwich, using one of my first tomatoes and some freshly picked lettuce from my garden. YUM!

I'm trying to get back into a routine with my exercise programs. This morning, I enjoyed an hour of yoga. What a boost yoga gives me! I've been missing that boost.

Today is laundry day....of course. In progress. The garbage and re-cycling is out at the road. I treated the ground around both barrels with diesel fuel. HATE that child-guard container that I bought to hold the diesel fuel. I ended up dumping fuel on my feet. HATE! However, even with the bungee cords that I used to keep the bear out of the barrels, a bear REALLY tried to get into the other day (and this time the barrel was empty). The bungee cords did the trick but the whole top of the barrel was twisted and warped. Something BIG was after whatever it thought might be in that barrel. Thankfully, the bungee cords held and the barrel is strong enough not to have broken. I'm hoping that the liberal splashing of diesel fuel around the barrels (can't use bungee cords on garbage night)will keep the bear away. Keeping my fingers crossed.

While I was in town today to check the mail, I noticed that one of the local farmers had a vegetable stand set out. I wandered over and purchased three nice cucumbers (I didn't grow any this year). Yes, I could have purchased cucumbers at the grocery store but those are all waxy and have to be peeled. I love farm-fresh produce. So much better than store bought. I've already got them sliced up with onion and salted down...the start of a nice cucumber salad which I can enjoy in the coming days.

It looks like I need to re-fill the birdseed feeders. And, I have to water all my plants again. We really could use the rain. We've got heat and humidity and haze. Those hazy, crazy, lazy days of summer.

Random Quote of the Day

When I am attacked by gloomy thoughts, nothing helps me so much as running to my books. They quickly absorb me and banish the clouds from my mind.

- Michel de Montaigne (1533 - 1592)

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