Beware of Deer!
Word of the Day
Blarg - An online journal, like a blog (web log), that is mostly full of blah and argumentative discussion. The contents of a blarg often cease to be relevant even to the author the moment they are posted.
HTP is outside right now trying to see if he can REALLY fix his back by doing some yard work. I can understand his frustration. I'm not sure how long I could stay inside and inactive because my back was killing me. Been there, done that, back is acting up today too. Chit still needs doing promised...I'm doing laundry. The last load is in the washer right now.
I'd rather be fishing. Maybe after the laundry is done. As far as gardening grows? Seeds are starting to sprout and push their way to the surface. I've got tiny little tomatoes on my tomato plants. The dwarf lilac is blossoming and perfuming the whole backyard. I really should put some sort of seating out there so a person could sit and read.
I finished up three baby blankets and have started on another. One more to go. The UPS guy has become a regular visitor. Only three more weeks until the baby shower.
Murphyism of the Day
Working Cook's Law - Number Three
If you're wondering if you need to stop and pick up bread and eggs on the way home, you do.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock.
-- Will Rogers
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