GI Joe, HTP, DD Daughter and Old Grey Frog
Word of the Day
Bifocalitis - A condition that afflicts wearers of bifocals that causes them to think they are reading a line of text or row of data straight across, when in actuality they are seeing a different line or row or a combination of different lines or rows. This often results in a mismatch between intent, information, and/or action.
We had Sunday brunch with HTP's sister and family. GI Joe, DD Daughter and HTP and me...all at the BlueHills Supper Club. They always have a wonderful brunch.
HTP has taken GI Joe and DD Daughter for a boat ride. The weather has cleared. Unfortunately, the weather report is predicting frost tonight. I'm going to have to cover the plants. Sheet dance. I'd hoped that I wouldn't have to do the sheet dance again until winter. *sigh*
Murphyism of the Day
Working Cook's Law - Number One
If you're wondering if you took the meat out to thaw, you didn't.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
In two decades I've lost a total of 789 pounds. I should be hanging from a charm bracelet. -- Erma Bombeck
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