Word of the Day
Barbit - A loose hair clinging to the face after a shave.
I planted eggplant in my Earthboxes this morning. I'm curious to see how well they'll do. The zucchini I planted in the Earthboxes last year did great! The peppers did....OK. I'm hoping the peppers will do better in the garden. I'm hoping the eggplant do better in the Earthboxes than they did in the garden. Time will tell.
It's hot and sticky outside right now. 87°F. They're predicting storms. Could be. It feels like it. I'm just hoping that we don't get any hail with those storms. I hate to think what would happen to my newly planted garden seedlings. Oh well...no point in worrying about what hasn't happened.
I picked another quart of dandelion blossoms. They're in the freezer waiting for our next wine-making session. I tasted a sip of the dandelion wine that my sister and I made last summer. It was very good. Lemony. We may cut back on the amount of lemon this summer. Actually, the wine was quite refreshing. Not too sweet, but not dry. It'll make a nice dessert wine or just a nice alternative to cold beer on a hot afternoon. I also tasted a sip of the lilac wine that we made. I don't think we'll repeat that experiment. It does taste like lilacs but....I'm not sure if I like that taste. It may improve with age but it was a lot of bother making it. I think we'll stick to the rhubarb wine. Maybe we'll experiment with currant wine. My currant bushes look like they may produce a bumper crop this year...however, never count your currants until they ripen. Same goes for blueberries. I'd like to make gooseberry wine but it may end up taking more time and effort than we're will to put forth.
My Big Boy seasoning salt just got here. This doesn't mean anything to some of you but Big Boy seasoning salt is vital for my oven-fried chicken recipe. HTP found a place where I could order it. FedEx just toodled down the driveway to deliver my order. I now have enough seasoning salt to last for...well...for a while anyway.
Murphyism of the Day
O'Reilly's Law of the Kitchen
Cleanliness is next to impossible.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
If time flies when you're having fun, it hits the afterburners when you don't think you're having enough. -- Jef Mallett, Frazz, 08-01-05
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