Word of the Day
Bazookacidal - The overwhelming desire to reach out and pop a large gum bubble billowing from someone else's mouth.
In search of the wild watercress. I got a call from my sister this morning. She wanted me to come with her to pick watercress. There's a boggy spot near a place where a cold underground stream surfaces and provides fresh constantly moving water. A spring. Anyway, every year my Mom and my sister end up having the same discussion (argument) over the best time of the year to go harvest watercress. My Mom always argues that we need to get out there early...earlier than today...in the Spring. Harvesting watercress from the spring in the Spring. Couldn't resist it. Sorry. Anyway, my sister always argues that you really can't find any watercress until the very end of May. Needless to say, my sister and I went out harvesting watercress this morning. We did get some watercress. It's still pretty sparse. Part of this might be because we haven't had much rain. Mostly, I think the cress was sparse because....I think my sister was correct. We'll go again in a couple of weeks. We did harvest enough for each of us (my sister, me, and my Mom) to make a nice salad. And...my sister and I got to go on a hike through woodtick infested woods. I'm hoping that the bug spray that I used might have discouraged them. One can only hope.
I picked another couple cups of dandelion blossoms today. I only need to pick another couple of cups before we'll have enough to make a triple batch of Dandelion wine. My sister and I agreed that we'd each pick and clean three quarts of dandelion blossoms. We only need two quarts for a single recipe. We've decided to concentrate our wine-making efforts this summer on Dandelion Wine, Rhubarb Wine, Blackberry Wine, and....maybe....Currant Wine. We'll see. The currant wine depends upon how many currants my currant bushes produce.
Our weather has cooled. I may have to cover my garden plants tonight in order to protect them. They do try to tell us that the best time to plant a garden in our neck of the woods (The Lake), is to wait until Memorial Day weekend. With temperatures reaching to the 90's, I thought I'd be safe. Oh well, I can pull the Earthboxes into the garage and cover my few little plants with sheets and up-ended pots. I must have a thing when it comes to dancing with sheets.
I planned to put out the hummingbird feeder that MC Daughter, D Buddy and #1 Son got me for Mother's Day. I've run out of steam. I did put out the garden frog that they got me. Not in the garden. Not outside. I know it's a garden frog but I hate to put him outside. I've decided to enjoy him inside. Besides, he'll make a really nice doorstop for the door that goes out to the deck. It's hard to keep the wind from blowing that door closed. I've been using an old shoe wedged under the door to keep it open but now I've got a garden frog to do door stop duty.
I've started baby shower planning. Tomorrow I'll go into the city to get the invitations and a baby book. I'm mulling over party games, party favors, cake ideas, and a menu for a luncheon right now. This all may keep my mind off the fact that I have to go to the dentist on Thursday. It's only supposed to be for a cleaning but.....
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Kitchen Confusion - Number One
1. Multiple-function gadgets will not perform any function adequately.
The more expensive the gadget, the less often you will use it.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Nothing is so good for an ignorant man as silence; and if he was sensible of this he would not be ignorant. -- Saadi (1184 - 1291)
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