Word of the Day
Baldage - The accumulation of hair in the drain after showering.
How can it be 8 PM already? The weather has turned nice. Almost too warm. I left the house at 9:45 AM to go pick my sister up for a minor shopping trip in the city. Our minor shopping trip became a major shopping safari. It all started with a minor side trip to a nearby nursery. My sister had never been there and I knew that this was the only place that I could buy the Italian pepper plants I want to put in my garden this summer. We bought so many plants and a couple of trees, that we had to return to my home to drop off the stuff in my overly packed SUV. My SUV had been empty before we visited the nursery. I now have a plum tree that I need to plant (along with the five white pine that are waiting for me to find a place for them), some tomato plants that I couldn't resist, a couple of perennial that looked so interesting, they practically leaped into my cart, and some Italian pepper plants. I didn't buy any herbs. I didn't buy any of the beautiful annuals they had.
After dropping off our new plants, my sister and I finally headed to the city. My plan was to make a quick trip to Walmart to get Mother's Day cards and pick up some pictures that HTP had ordered via the internet along with a couple of small photo albums. I also needed some composted manure for my vegetable gardens. And...I needed those vegetable seeds and onion sets. I don't suppose I needed those new dishes...but they were on sale.
My sister and I decided that we needed to go get some lunch while we plotted the rest of our shopping safari. I had a coupon. After lunch, we proceeded to The County Market where they were having a dollar sale. I didn't buy all that much. My sister bought the stuff that my Mom had requested. Next stop? Aldi's. Another food market. Discount. My sister ran in to fill my Mom's order. At this point I decided to stay in the car to wait and check my shopping list for our next stop. Last stop? Last stop in the city? Marketplace. I didn't have all that much on my list and at this point, I felt a bit shop shocky. I stuck to the items on my shopping list. No heading off the reservation.
After a quick stop to drop off groceries at my sister's place and my folk's place, my sister and I returned to my house so I could stow away my own groceries. By this time it was after 5 PM. We did a quick taste test of the Rhubarb Wine and the Rhubarb/Gooseberry Wine that my sister and I bottled at the end of last summer. We both decided that the Rhubarb Wine was perfect. Both wines were terrific but the rhubarb wine was exceptional.
End of day? I took my sister back to her place. She gave me a homemade pizza to make for supper for HTP and me. And me? My feet hurt. I'm tired. And the pizza was wonderful.
Murphyism of the Day
Milstead's Driving Principle
Whenever you need to stop at a light to put on makeup, every light will be green.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Oh, I don't blame Congress. If I had $600 billion at my disposal, I'd be irresponsible, too. -- Lichty and Wagner
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