Word of the Day
Beepilepsy - The seizure suffered in the process of finding and turning off a cell phone, especially one that vibrates.
Baby it's cold outside. The weatherman on TV tells me that it was actually snowing this morning in Duluth, Minnesota. That's a bit north of here but I'm glad I did the sheet dance to cover my tender new plants last night. However, having said that, a check of my thermometer this morning told me that it got down to 33°F last night. Of course, my one and only outdoor sensor is located on my deck which may have influenced a warmer reading than was the actual case. Regardless, I'm glad I covered my plants. It's warmed up to 43°F. Cold but I uncovered the plants. I don't think it'll get as cold tonight but I'm keeping a (pardon the pun) weather eye on TV weather reports. I'm amazed at the rapid swings of temperatures this spring. I actually had the air-conditioner running yesterday afternoon with the temperatures in the 80's, high humidity and sunshine. And then by 6 PM, the temperature dropped to 60°F. By the time I fired up the grill for supper, I was reaching for my warmest sweatshirt. After supper, I was loaning a winter coat to D Buddy so he could go out on the deck to add another nail to his coffin. No-one gets to smoke inside my house. When I headed off to bed at 10 PM, the temperatures had dropped to 41°F. It's only supposed to warm up to the low 50's today. Tomorrow? I think we're supposed to spring back up to the 80's again.
Murphyism of the Day
Law of Kitchen Confusion - Number Six
The one ingredient you made a special trip to the store to get will be the one thing your guest is allergic to.
Noteworthy Quote of the Day
Regret for wasted time is more wasted time. -- Mason Cooley
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